May Coffee Talk

Happy Friday!

I am so happy that it’s Friday! I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I recently made a return to outdoor dining! I caught up with a friend recently for lunch and we tested out igloo dining. It was an interesting hybrid between outdoor and indoor dining. It was so fun to be dining out – I felt pretty comfortable because the igloo was well ventilated and the friend I had lunch with was fully vaccinated.


Over coffee, I would tell you that May 1 was College Decision Day, and my son’s chosen to become a Golden Knight at Clarkson University! He had some great choices and I’m so proud of him.

Which of course means that over coffee, I would tell you it’s graduation month! In just a couple of weeks, my oldest will be graduating high school and I’m left to wonder how the years went by so quickly. I am so grateful that his school has figured out how to hold an in-person graduation. I can’t wait to see him walk across that stage!

Over coffee, I would tell how much I am looking forward to a week-long staycation at the month. Work continues to be a grind and I am really feeling fried (just too few bodies for all that needs to get done and I have way too much on my plate!). Taking the last week off of the month will time out perfectly with my son coming home from school, getting my second vaccine, and the Memorial Day long weekend.

And, while the staycation will be a nice break, over coffee I would tell you that we’re on the hunt for a real summer vacation. I need a change of scenery! We’re hoping to find something within a reasonable driving distance (not ready to jump on a plane just yet!) – so the question remains beach vs mountains? My criteria are simple – someplace fairly low-keyed, remote, and relaxing.

Now I’d tell you that my cup is empty and I need a refill. So your turn, what would you tell me over coffee?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

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Fit Five Friday Over April Coffee

Welcome back to the Fit Five Friday linkup!

Today I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

Five Things Over April Coffee

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m feeling a little sad because my son heads back to school today. I swear his spring break blew by in a blink! It was fun having him home and I cannot believe that his high school graduation is now in sight!

And, speaking of high school, over coffee I would tell you that we just got word that my youngest son’s school is planning to move from our current hybrid plan to full in-person learning. Interestingly, they will be starting with the Seniors and Freshmen first, and if all goes well, then expanding to the Juniors and Sophomores. So, come Monday, he’ll start his first full week of in-person classes since March 2020.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I was really excited to get out into my gardens last week to start cleaning up and planning some re-design. I am now itching to get back to my favorite local nursery to start to bring my sketches to life!

Last month I shared that I was looking forward to putting my subscription to Master Class to use. Well, over coffee, I would tell you that I really enjoyed the Gordon Ramsey class, and now I’m working on improving my knife skills and making pasta dough 🙂

Over coffee, I would tell you that I was finally able to register for the vaccine. My group will not be able to schedule appointments until the week of April 19, and given that the group is ages 16+, there’s no telling how long it will take to get an appointment…but I am encouraged to be moving one step closer.

Now I’d tell you that my cup is empty and I need a refill. So your turn, what would you tell me over coffee?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Five Things over March Coffee

It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and me! We look forward to linking up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!

This Friday, I’m kicking off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat a little!

Five Things Over March Coffee

Over coffee, I would tell you that spring cannot get here fast enough. I cannot wait for more time outdoors – to break out the deck furniture, get back in my garden, set up the fire pit on the patio…and of course, run without all of the layers!

Last month over coffee, I shared how crazy things were at work. I wish I could say that since then things have improved but the days have still been long and stressful. At least I have re-gained my weekend time back.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I just received an email announcing that the 1st race New England 10 Miler Series (the Portland 10M) has been postponed from April to September. I registered to run this 3-race series last year before COVID and was grateful that the organizers deferred the series instead of going virtual. The first race will now be the Newport 10M in June. With the RDs offering a deferral credit, the question is to wait and see if RI lifts restrictions in time for the June race or consider deferring the whole series to 2022.

Over coffee, I would tell you how much I’m looking forward to having my oldest son home for spring break in a couple of weeks! Given the quarantine restrictions of both my boys’ schools, I’m sure our spring break plans will be pretty low-key – but no matter, I’m always happiest when we’re all together under one roof.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m looking forward to diving into my MasterClass subscription and trying out some new things this month. I’ve had the subscription since Christmas but haven’t made the time to explore any of the classes yet. I think I’m going to start with Gordon Ramsey’s cooking classes.

What would you tell me over coffee? Would you wait to try to run

Welcome to FitFive Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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February Coffee

Oh hello, Friday!

For the first time since this year began, I feel like this week has clicked by pretty quickly – a nice change! I’m ready for the weekend so let’s get things started by joining Deborah and Coco for a little catch up over coffee. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and join us!

Over coffee, I would tell you that it’s been a week since my son returned to campus and I have to admit that I miss him already. I’m still trying to get used to how quiet the house is without the noise that only two teenage boys can make together 🙂

Over coffee, I would tell you that my new show obsession is The Morning Show on Apple TV+. I have wanted to see this show since I saw the first promo but was not interested in adding another streaming service. Recently, my family all got new iPhones and among the bonuses we received was a free 1-year subscription to Apple TV+ – Win!

Over coffee, I would tell you, the past few weeks of work have been absolutely insane. On top of some long days, even the past two weekends have been hijacked by one fire or another. To say I need a break would be an understatement!

In the short-term, I’ll settle for a quiet weekend!

What would you tell me over coffee?

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by Darlene, RenéeJenn, Zenaida, and yours truly!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do!
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


New Year’s Coffee Date

Happy New Year!

I can’t think of a nicer way to kick off 2021 than with a little catch-up over coffee. I’m linking up with Deborah and Coco for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of the New Year, so grab a mug of your favorite beverage and join us!

Over coffee, I would tell you how much I’ve been enjoying my week off. While we couldn’t do many of the traditional outings and events we usually do, we’ve had a good time just being together. There have been movies, puzzles, board games, and most importantly, lots of laughter. We needed this time together before classes and work resume.

Over coffee, I would tell you how excited I am for my oldest – he’s already received two college acceptances! He’s still got a few more applications to submit, but having those yeses under his belt sure allows him (and me!) to breathe a little easier.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I have the house all to myself today. J and the boys went skiing this morning so for the first time in a long time I have a day to myself! I’m going to take advantage of the quiet time to write out my goals for the year and to dive into my new book.

Your turn…What would you tell me over coffee?


Time for December Coffee

Happy Friday Friends!

We’ve made it through another week on this wild ride that is 2020. While there have been moments earlier this year where it seemed like time was standing still, I feel like Fall is flying by in a blink. And, now here we are on the first weekend of December and it’s time to join Coco and Deborah once again for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how relieved I am that my dad is home from the hospital and on the mend, and I would thank everyone who reached out with kind words and positive thoughts.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I’m working hard to get into the holiday mood. While I fully recognize that missing some of our usual holiday festivities this year are all #firstworldproblems, it is a bit of a buzzkill nonetheless. But, there is so much to be grateful for, and I will undoubtedly embrace all of it. Plus, it’s an opportunity to create some new traditions, right? #glasshalffull We’re planning to start decorating this weekend so that should help.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I finished the first of the three virtual races that make up the B.A.A.’s Finish Strong Challenge. I double-dipped and ran the 5K as this year’s turkey trot and received a nice DM from the B.A.A. that they were including me in their social media and newsletter! Next up is 10K which I had hoped to run tomorrow but the weather is looking oh so dicey. At least the beauty of a virtual race is the flexibility in getting it done.

What would you tell me over coffee? Have you started decorating?


Coffee Catch Up

What a rollercoaster week it’s been!

I’m happy to take a moment to take a step back, catch my breath, and join Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

Given the week this has been I would have to ask over coffee how you are holding up? Suffice it to say, even though I had fully expected this to be a difficult week, I am truly disheartened by the way things are playing out and I am anxious about the road that lies ahead.

As a needed distraction, over coffee, I would tell you that I have dived headfirst into decluttering and home organizing projects. I have Kim to thank for introducing me to The Home Edit on Netflix and after a couple of episodes, I was inspired to take on our pantry and kitchen cabinets. I’m now deep in the rabbit hole and perhaps am spending a bit too much time on the Container Store website.

Over coffee, I would tell you that my oldest will be home from school in just two weeks! After relying on FaceTime and Zoom for the past 11 weeks, I cannot wait to hug him! I’m really looking forward to having everyone back under one roof for a bit.

Over coffee, I would tell you about the swan that has taken up residence in the pond down the street from my house. While I’m used to seeing ducks and Canadian Geese, the swan is a rarity. I stop to look at him on many of my runs and always marvel at how he seems to stare back. A simple reminder in the midst of everything that there is beauty all around.

What would you tell me over coffee? Any unique sightings lately?


Time for October Coffee

Fall is in the air and it feels great to settle in a mug of hot coffee and catch up with friends. I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’ve got my usual Starbucks Pikes Place with GLG Collagen and a splash of cream – what are you drinking?

Over coffee, I would first ask you how you’re holding up. To say times are tough right now would be a serious understatement. Personally, I’m beyond tired of 2020 and all of the madness, chaos, and sadness that has come with it. I’ve had to put myself on a news detox – while I like to be informed, some days are just too much to bear.

On a much lighter note, over coffee, I would tell you that school continues to go well for both of my boys. My oldest has been on campus for 6 weeks and his school just keeps rolling along in their little bubble. For my younger son, we’ve settled into a hybrid schedule and knock-on-wood so far so good. I’m holding my breath and hoping we can make it to Thanksgiving break.

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are in the thick of the college process now. I am utterly amazed at what marketing machines some of these universities are. We receive so much mail and the emails are nonstop. I keep thinking that if they all cut back on their fancy brochures perhaps they could drop their tuition costs!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I looking forward to the new season of SNL, cause really couldn’t we all use a good laugh? Now let’s hope I can stay awake to actually watch it 🙂

Now I’d tell you that my cup is empty and I need a refill. So your turn, what would you tell me over coffee?


Labor Day Weekend Coffee

Happy Friday!

I’m joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat a little…

Over coffee, I would tell you that I am in the middle of a glorious 6-day staycation. It’s been so nice to unplug from work and have the extra time to get some odds and ends done. Now if I can just figure out a way to become independently wealthy before Tuesday 😉

Over coffee, I would tell you that I cannot believe my oldest son has already been back on campus for two weeks! After having him home for 6 months, the house feels oddly quiet. While I really miss him, I’m so glad he’s back with his friends and in a classroom again. I give his school such high marks for having a great plan to bring students back safely. I’m keeping my fingers crossed they can make it through the next 11 weeks and complete the semester.

Over coffee, I would tell you about my latest obsession – watching the World’s Toughest Race – Eco-Challenge Fiji on Prime Video. 66 teams on an 11-day trek across some incredibly challenging terrain. J and I rarely binge watch, but this show hooked us right away!

What would you tell me over coffee? 


August’s Ultimate Coffee Date

Deborah and Coco have once again invited everyone to join them for the Ultimate Coffee Date. My’s run’s done and I’m chillin’ on the deck with my mug in hand, so let’s chat a little…

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are in the midst of a string of family birthdays in my house that each year we jokingly call “Christmas in the Summer”. My youngest son turned 15 last week, I celebrated another trip around the sun earlier this week, and my oldest turned 18 yesterday! And, my husband J’s birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. All of this celebrating is starting to do a number on my waistline.

Over coffee, I would tell you that my oldest son is due to move back to school on the 20th. If all goes well, once he hits campus he’ll be there for 13 weeks straight in the hopes that they can get the fall semester in and done before Thanksgiving. We’re now in a mad scramble to get his COVID test done – it’s a different kind of back-to-school shopping.

Over coffee, I would tell you that this may be the first summer in a long time that doesn’t include some time at the beach. While it’s one of our family’s happy places, we just didn’t think it was worth the risk (especially given some of the scenes we’ve seen on the local news!). Yes, I know #firstworldproblems, but just more evidence of what a strange summer it has been.

I will miss seeing this spot!

In last week’s runfessions, I mentioned that I had convinced my husband to go with me to the local Peloton showroom to take a closer look at the bikes. Well, over coffee, I would tell you that it’s probably no great surprise that we bought a  Peloton! I’m so excited and now don’t know how I’m going to wait for the mid-October delivery. Yep…mid-October… clearly some businesses are thriving in these crazy times.

Counting down the days until this arrives.

So, what would you tell me over coffee? Have you ventured to the beach this summer?
