After an amazing stretch of mild weather for February, we came crashing back to reality this week as Old Man Winter made it clear he was not ready to leave the party. Icy conditions and a sub-zero wind chill meant spending some quality time with my treadmill. Here’s a peek at how the week played out.
Winter’s Making a Comeback
Monday — 2.5 miles & Core. While I don’t usually run back-to-back days, I wanted to shift to my new workout schedule so a Monday run was needed. I had the day off for Presidents’ Day and it was 50 degrees so it really wasn’t too hard to get out the door for a short loop.
Tuesday — Rest day
Wednesday — Upper Body Strength, Core & Hip mobility. This class was recommended in one of the Peloton Facebook groups, and it’s become an instant favorite!
Thursday — 3.5 miles, Core & Hip mobility. An ice/snow mix hit early in the morning so this was a treadmill run.
Friday — Peloton bike, Core, & Lower Body Strength
Saturday — 6 miles. My longest run of 2023…and on the mill no less! Temps in the teens before factoring in the wind chill made running outdoors a hard “No” for me. I’m not going to lie – this many miles on the mill for me was not easy.
Sunday — On the plan: Peloton Bike & Yoga. I keep saying I need to get to my yoga mat…today’s the day!
The highlight of the week was hitting my February goal of returning to a 6-mile “long run”. The slow and steady mileage build seems to be paying off and I’m excited to see what March will bring. The forecast for the week ahead is filled with snow and freezing temps – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can get outside for next week’s long run.
In Case You Missed It:
Is it feeling like winter where you are? How do you feel about treadmill running?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!