I knew the couple of days leading into Thanksgiving were going to be busy work days, and I wasn’t wrong – Monday & Tuesday were a blur of conference calls and project deadlines. But, things went smoothly and then I had short day Wednesday – perfect for starting Thanksgiving prep and hanging with my kids.
Thanksgiving was a wonderful day with my family – lots of laughter and food! My brother hosted and I will admit I totally indulged…including discovering a very tasty apple prosecco 🙂
We took advantage of Friday’s gorgeous and unseasonably warm weather to play outside with the kids and take care of the last of the yard and garden work for the season (No Black Friday madness for me, though I did get started online later in the weekend).
Saturday was filled with kid sports – lacrosse and hockey – along with lots of house projects and a lot of football!
The week was also the start of my running comeback — OK there was more walking and shuffling than running, but I’m grateful for all of it!
I’m working with McMillan RunClub and am following an 8-week plan designed to ease me back into running. 1 week down and 7 to go!
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.  Make sure to stop by and say hi and check out the other great bloggers joining in!
So tell me, how was your holiday? Did you Turkey trot or take a rest day?