Friday Five – Fave Summer Activities

With temps now dancing just below 90, it is safe to say that summer has officially arrived! After such a brutal winter (yes, I think I’m still traumatized), I am not going to complain about the heat and look forward to making the most of the summer months ahead.

Courtney, Mar & Cynthia have invited everyone to share their favorite summer activities for this week’s #FridayFive linkup, so here are a few of my faves.

Time at the beach

Beach: When you say summer to me, one of the first thing that comes to mind is hitting the beach! I can’t wait to get in some day trips to one of my favorite beaches.  

Hiking: Hiking is another popular family activity.  A well-shaded trail is a welcome escape on a hot summer day.


farmers market


Farmer’s Markets: I could spend all Saturday morning at our local farmers market – great produce, cheeses, wine and other great local finds – nothing better!


Dining alfresco:  Whether at home on our deck or at a favorite restaurant, there’s something about dining outdoors that I just love – I just want to slow down and linger. 


Lazing a day away: Sometimes my favorite activity in the summer is no activity. We’re always so go-go-go in the RWA household, and summer gives us a chance to just hang out. Sometimes doing a whole lot of nothing is perfect!


Summer mode

summertime1We have comfortably shifted into summer mode here in the RWA household – the pace has slowed, there’s far less clock watching and on some days this usually high-energy family has become downright lazy! And I say thank goodness 🙂

While getting out early in the morning before the heat really cranks up doesn’t allow for much sleeping in, I have passed on a couple of runs in favor of catching more ZZZs – I figure my both my mind and body will thank me later. When I do run, there’s been almost no attention paid to my Garmin – it’s just been about getting some miles in and trying to acclimate. I’m most definitely not breaking any land speed records and I’m good with that. I know that soon enough I’ll be focused in on hitting paces and more structured workouts as I start training for my fall races.  I am starting to kick my strength training up as I’ve started another 30 ab/core challenge and I’m heading back to my beloved Pilates classes later this week.

How’s your summer going? Have you started training for your fall race yet?


Settling into Summer

After a whirlwind weekend of lacrosse tournament games (my son’s team won the whole thing!), t-ball, birthday parties and …oh yeah a little running, we officially wrapped up the school year yesterday and have flipped the switch to “summer.”

As first mornings go we’re off to a good start – my youngest is sleeping in, my oldest is deeply engrossed in a book and the dog and I are lounging on the deck enjoying coffee and the quiet (hope this lasts for a bit!) It was so nice not to face the morning scramble to get the door in time for the bus! I’m looking forward to some down time before camps start, where we just take each day as it comes – kind of nice to leave schedules behind for a bit.

Since I ran yesterday morning, I’m going to try to get some strength training in before the boys and I get out and about for the day. According to the weather folks, summer heat is suppose to kick in full force today and stick with us for the foreseeable future — should make tomorrow’s track work torture… challenging! I refuse to complain – it is summer after all (someone please remind me I said that as the temps start climbing!) With a serious focus on hydration today and an extra early start in the morning, hopefully it will be manageable.

Have you faced the summer heat yet? How are you fairing so far?





Perhaps it’s that my youngest finished Kindergarten on Tuesday, while my oldest doesn’t finish 4th grade until next week….

Perhaps it’s that post-ear doctor visit I still cannot hear clearly out of my left ear (apparently it will clear on it’s own…and it takes time…note my skepticism)….

Perhaps it’s end of school-year fatigue (how many concerts/art shows/class project presentations, etc can one attend in the course of a week?)…

Perhaps it’s that I haven’t been sleeping well – I deal with bouts of insomnia from time to time…

It’s probably a combination of all of the above that’s left me feeling just a step off all week. It hasn’t been a bad week at all…and I’ve even managed to get my workouts in. There’s been a little less running due to the inability to get up uber-early (not sleeping well will do that!) – but there has been some running, even track work today, along with strength training, yoga and running around in whatever new game my son has invented for us in the backyard.

I’m sure next week will be a bit more of the same until 4th grade is complete  and lacrosse and t-ball season wind down. Then we can all shift gears into summer mode!

How about you? Have you shifted to a summer routine yet?

