Calm before the storm


It’s the calm before the storm…..literally!

A monster snow storm is due to hit the Boston area starting some time early this afternoon. In anticipation of what’s to come the schools have already been closed and the local weather people have done their very best to whip everyone into a “clear the store shelves of milk and bread” mentality!


And, while yes I did have to the hit the store yesterday for a few things – I usually do my best to avoid that kind of madness…I have to say that I exercised great self-control with my fellow man as they filled shopping carts with all manner of “supplies”…. seriously how many bags of chips and cases of soda are needed in the face of “snowmaggedon?” I’m still trying to figure out what the woman in front of me in line was going to do with that 5lb barrel of icy melt?!

My big “storm prep” came mainly in the form of getting my usual Saturday long run done yesterday. Thanks to a cranky ITB, it became just over 7 miles with more walk breaks than I would have liked. But I’m happy I got some miles in on dry pavement! I’m headed to the chiropractor this morning before the flakes fall, and then I’ll consider my storm prep complete 🙂 As long as the power company holds up it’s end of the bargain, it should be a weekend filled with cross-training in the form of building snow forts and snowmen, movies, cooking and games with the kids.

Is snow headed your way?
What have you got planned for the weekend?