My February Runfessions

Amazingly enough, we’ve reached the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by me, DarleneReneeJenn, and Zenaida, so let’s dive in.

My February Runfessions

Not funny Mother Nature

I live in New England so honestly, I really shouldn’t be surprised, but I runfess that I am not amused by Mother Nature’s twisted sense of humor. After flirting with spring-like weather for the past couple of weeks, snow and ice have returned this week and are all that can be seen in the upcoming forecast. Seriously?! I ran in shorts on Monday! Sigh…

Cheating on Matty

I started the month motivated to participate in Matty’s enCORE 28 challenge for February on the Peloton app. I runfess that for as much as I enjoy Matty’s classes I got bored of doing only his core classes…so I “cheated” on him with a couple of the other instructors. So the month’s core streak lives, just not all with Matty.

The scale can be blunt

I runfess that my eating habits have gotten lackadaisical. Basically, the “oh it’s the holidays” mindset of December hasn’t left the building. Ahem, it’s now the end of February. I runfess that I can feel the extra pounds on my run…time to reel it in. I’ll be reacquainting myself with MyFitnessPal.

Any Runfessions to share? Is Mother Nature playing games where you are?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Runfessions from the PT’s Table

Happy Friday! It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday, and since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m joining Marcia for some sole cleansing Runfessions. So let’s get started!

Runfessions from the PT’s Table

So I started physical therapy this week and I runfess that it was both eye-opening and humbling.

While I’ve posted running reels for IG, I runfess that I don’t study my gait. In fact, I haven’t done a gait analysis since I worked with Coach Marc a few years ago. So it was interesting to have the PT film me and then pick apart assess my stride. He quickly pointed out a hitch in my right leg motion thanks to a very tight TFL.

He next put me through a series of moves and determined that my right glute is probably not engaging. I runfess that despite all of my lower body strength training there’s clearly some work to do to correct my imbalances – my quads are dominating and it’s time to make the glutes earn their keep.

I runfess I did breathe a huge sigh of relief that the PT feels pretty confident that what ails me can be course corrected and thankfully there was no talk of “not running”. I may have to slow my mileage build a bit but I will get there.

Have you ever worked with a physical therapist? Was it a yay or nay experience?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday, and share your fitness-related posts! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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End of the Year Runfessions

Can you believe that we’re at the end of 2022?! Well, before we put this year in the rearview mirror, Marcia has opened the runfessional so we can stride into the new year with clear souls soles. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneReneeJennZenaida, and yours truly, so let’s get started.

End of Year Runfessions

While the slow and easy approach over these past few weeks appears to have helped my hip flexor/quad issue quite a bit, I runfess that I’m not fully convinced that I’m out of the woods yet.

I have rationalized that I could stick with what I’m currently doing and see how things go, but I also runfess that I’m growing tired of this cat-and-mouse game. So, I checked in with my primary care doc the other day to get a referral for PT.

I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I runfess that I’m excited about starting PT (someone please remind me in a couple of weeks that I said this!). I’ve got races I want to run next year and I’d really like to toe the line not hobbled.

How about you – do you tend to go the PT route or try to course correct on your own?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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November Runfessions

Happy Friday!

This month flew by in a blink (I feel like I say that often!), and here we are on the last Friday of the month. That means Marcia has opened the runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneReneeJennZenaida, and yours truly, so let’s get started.

November Runfessions

I runfess that I am so over hearing the phrase “Black Friday”! I may or may not be spending some time today checking out the online deals, but absolutely no in-store shopping!

I runfess that as much as I wanted to join a few of my fellow bloggers for the Team Wilpers Holiday Run Challenge I’ve decided to take a pass. Speedwork is just not something my hip flexor needs right now. I’ll be focusing on the boring but necessary rehab work and hopefully, I can dive into the next Wilpers challenge in January.

As I start to look ahead to possible races for 2023, I runfess that at the moment distances of 10 miles or less hold the most appeal. While I’ve seen some great deals for early registrations, I’ll be holding off committing to anything.

How about you – have you registered for any 2023 races yet? Are you a Black Friday shopper? 

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Runfessions for October

How are we already at the end of the month?! October went by in the blink of an eye!

Well, it’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time to join Marcia for some Runfessions. It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and me! So let’s get started!

Runfessions for October

Maybe it’s because of the recent battle with my hip flexor or maybe it’s my month-long crazy busy work schedule, but I runfess that I’m not feeling double-digit runs. I’ve been hanging out at the 8-mile mark for the past few weeks, and honestly, the thought of adding on 5+ more miles for a half marathon is leaving me feeling a little meh (both mentally and physically!).

On the other hand, I also runfess that I’m looking forward to my 10M race next weekend – yeah ok I didn’t say my runner logic makes sense.

For as much as I continue to enjoy the Peloton app, I runfess… (or is it bikefess?) that I haven’t ridden my Peloton bike once this month! I’ve been loving the cool fall weather so much and have preferred to take an extra walk on my non-running days. I am starting to miss my cycling classes and already have plans to change things up in November and into the winter.

No chance of my bike becoming a clothes rack!

There…I feel better…what are you runfessing?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Mistaken Identity Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month, which means Marcia has opened the runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneReneeJennZenaida, and yours truly, so let’s get to it!

Mistaken Identity Runfessions

I runfess that asking my husband to take pictures for me during my runs may become hazardous to his health!

Let me explain…Recently J came out to check on me during a run and offered to take a few action photos for the Gram. He set up a couple of blocks ahead and snapped some shots as I continued on my run. Well shortly after I passed him a woman in a car approaching from a side street started beeping at me. When I slowed down she yelled out the window – “He’s videotaping you!” – she looked both alarmed and angry! I quickly assured her that I was ok and that he was my husband. She was embarrassed, but I told her not to be – I appreciated that she was alert and willing to get involved.


I runfess that I keep teasing my husband that I’m going to have an “Insta Husband” t-shirt made for him so no one mistakes him for a creeper!

What are you run-fessing? Have you ever had a case of mistaken identity on a run?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related posts (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!), be sure to link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Heat Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional!

It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and Me! So, let’s get started, shall we?

Heat Runfessions

I runfess that I almost didn’t write a post for this week because I’m trying really hard to not complain about the weather. I mean it’s summer, …it’s supposed to be hot, right? Clearly, I’m losing this battle!

Last month I runfessed that given how humid the weather can be in September that I was holding off on registering for the Philly Distance Run until I tried a couple of double-digit runs in July. Well, I runfess that I haven’t done a run longer than 5 miles this month…so you can see where this is headed.

I’m pretty sure I’ve used this meme before, but it fits!

Despite how I have been feeling about running in this heat, I runfess that I have surprised myself by actually enjoying a return to speedwork this month. It will be fun to see if this pays off in the fall.

Any runfessions to share?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Some June Runfessions

Happy Friday! It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday, – and since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Marcia to share a couple of Runfessions. So let’s dive in!

Some June Runfessions

I runfess that I’m wavering a bit on my fall race plans. Back in February, I highlighted some races I wanted to run this year – that list includes the Philadelphia Distance Run – a September half marathon. Back in February the humidity that is often still hanging around in September seemed like a distant memory. Well now that things are starting to heat up, the thought of a steamy September half is giving me pause.

It’s not quite there yet, but you can feel it coming!

I runfess that I will definitely be waiting a while before registering – let’s see how a couple of those 10-mile long runs (in July!) go first. I’m also looking for some late fall options.

I runfess that I’m reaching the end of my rope with my Garmin Venu Sq. A couple of weeks ago in mid-run, I looked down at my watch to see a blue triangle – the watch had crashed, despite having a fully charged battery. I stopped and fought to get it to reset but my run was gone. I wrote it off as a fluke…until it happened again…and again. The watch isn’t even a year old – the Apple watch is starting to look really good to me.


Any runfessions to share? Do you have your fall races set yet?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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Runfessions from MAYhem

That sigh you hear is me exhaling as my MAYhem is winding down. I am so ready to kick back and enjoy the long weekend ahead! But, first, it’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. And, the Fit Five Friday crew is ready to go…so let’s get started, shall we?

Runfessions from MAYhem

(This post contains affiliate links)

I runfess that for as worried as I was about all that I had on my plate for this month, things actually went pretty smoothly. Still, it feels good to put this month in the rearview mirror.

After runfessing last month that I was struggling to fit in all my workouts while running 4x’s a week, I runfess that I promptly returned to 3 days of running and I’m much happier. Perhaps I’ll add in the 4th day when I start half marathon training later this summer…but then again, maybe not.

I runfess that the sudden wave of summer weather has me shopping for a hydration vest. While I do have a Nathan Hydration Waist Pack, it only holds one bottle and I’d like to be able to carry both electrolytes and water. I’ve been reading reviews and comparing models – who knew there were so many options?!

This Nathan VaporAiress is on my short list.

Any runfessions to share? Do you have a hydration vest recommendation?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up. Who’s ready for some fun?

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A Couple of Runfessions for April

It’s the last Friday of the month so for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m linking up with Marcia to share a couple of Runfessions. So let’s dive in!

A Couple of Runfessions for April

No Race FOMO

When I made the decision recently to drop down from the half marathon distance to the 5-mile option for my May race I thought for sure that I would feel major race FOMO…but surprisingly, I runfess that I don’t. Honestly, I just feel like I have so much on my plate right now and I’m enjoying running as a pure escape without the pressure of “training”.

Struggling to fit it all in

Now that I’ve shifted to running 4 days/week, I runfess that I’ve been feeling squeezed for time to fit in all of my workouts. My time on my Peloton bike is definitely down and I bikefess that I miss it!

Do you have any runfessions to share?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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