My fall race schedule

fall running

After mentioning that I was getting ready to start my fall training soon, I got several emails and twitter inquiries about which races I was doing – so I thought I’d share my fall race schedule here!


Smuttynose Rockfest Half Marathon — advertised as “flat and fast” with beer and lobster rolls served at the post race party – what’s not to love? This one’s been on my N.E. must-run list for a while.

Tufts 10K — This one’s going to be a “wait and see” since it’s a week after Smuttynose – but I love this event and I haven’t run it in a couple of years. There are always a few friends running so I’m going to try to keep this day open and if the legs feel go enough I can always register on race day.

Canton Fall Classic — The starting line is literally 2 miles from my house and the course covers streets I run on a regular basis. It’s a great local race and it’s always fun to see so many familiar faces!


Philadelphia Half Marathon — I ran Philly in 2011 and by half way through the race I knew I wanted to come back (you can check out the recap HERE)! I loved the course, the great crowd support and the 3+ minute PR I snagged — I’m hoping lightening will strike twice as this is my goal race of the fall.


I’m sure there will be some fun 5K requiring Santa garb 🙂

I’d like to slip in something during September to kind of track how my training’s going – but I’m going to wait to see what Coach Bennett has to say on that.

The fall should be a lot of fun – can’t wait!

What have you got planned?


Changing race plans


At the beginning of March, I mentioned that I was working with Coach Bennett to revise my training to set me up for a stronger fall race season. After a fairly craptastic winter, I really needed to take a step back, re-access some goals and decide what I really want to achieve before 2014’s in the history books. Coach Bennett and I have agreed to shift the focus to shorter distances and work on building some speed, before going after some goal half marathons in the fall.

So, of course, this means some changes to my race plans:

  • While I’ll be running the Newport 10 Miler at the end of the month, this will just be a fun run – my goal of 10-mile PR will have to wait. I’m no where near ready to “race” this distance, but I do love the course and look forward to a fun blogger meet-up that’s in the works. Given how few 10-mile races there are in the area, it looks like I may have to let go of the goal of a new PR for this distance until next year.
  • This will also be the first spring in three years where I won’t be running a half marathon. Originally, I had planned to run the Runner’s World Heartbreak Half in June, but when the planets aligned for our family to book a much needed vacation during the same time, vacation & family-time won out over racing.
  • I’m now hunting for a couple of 10K races – like the 10-milers around here, they’ve become harder and harder to find.
  • And, as for the goal of 14 races in 2014 – for now I’m backing off. It could happen, but I’m not going to push it. Staying injury-free, getting stronger and going after the much-desired half marathon PR will be the priorities.

 Anyone else re-thinking goals for this year?


2014 Race Calendar Taking Shape

While not complete yet, my 2014 race calendar is starting to take shape. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Super Sunday 5 Miler (2/2)

Winter Warlock 10K or Frozen Pilgrim 10K (2/16)

Black Cat 10 Miler (3/1)

B.A.A. 5K (4/19)

Newport 10 Miler (4/27)

Boston’s Run to Remember 5 Miler (5/25)

Runner’s World Heartbreak Half Marathon (6/8)

Boston 13.1 (9/14) or Newport Half Marathon (10/12)

Tufts 10K (10/13) – if I don’t run the Newport Half

Canton Fall Classic (10/26)

Richmond Half Marathon (11/15) or Philadelphia Half Marathon (11/23)

This would be potentially 11 races towards my #14in2014 goal. I think I’d like to add the BAA 10K again – it was warmer than I would have liked but there’s the possibility that they’re going to move this race from the end of June…the question is when?

I’m happy to have a couple of 10 milers planned, and I’ve never done a 5 mile race so it will be fun to do a new distance! Another big change for the upcoming year is no spring “goal” half marathon. While the Runner’s World Heartbreak Half in June should be a lot of fun, I know those Newton hills all too well – I will not be looking for a PR. Instead I’ll be looking to shave some time off my 10-mile time at Newport. The goal half marathon will wait until the fall – decision on which race to come later.

Have you picked your 2014 races?



Choosing Goal Races


I’ve been pouring over race options lately trying to figure out a plan for 2014. Thanks to GI issues and a tumble that left me seriously hobbled, I came up short in my goal races and there were no PRs this year. While I don’t have all my goals figured out for next year, I am clear on one thing, I’ll be gunning for some personal bests!

Obviously there are lots of factors that can play a role in whether you snag a shiny new PR on race day – some you can control and some you can’t. In talking with Coach Bennett, who I’ll be working with again for my goal race, he urged me to pay much more attention to the course when choosing the race. While that may sound obvious to some, I’ll admit the course map has rarely factored into my races choices before. And while yes my current half marathon PR was earned on the Newton hills, it does make me wonder what kind of time I could put down on a more forgiving course!

So many things to consider: the timing of races (especially in light of family commitments and a goal to go after #14in2014); local vs destination, and now the course map — decisions, decisions!

How do you pick your races?

Do you have your 2014 races figured out yet?


Friday Ramblings

Sitting here in a quiet house with the dog at my feet and coffee cup in hand…

There has been at least one, if not both, boys home sick since Tuesday! I was happy to see both smiling faces heading off to camp this morning – I swear there’s nothing worst than seeing your children not feel well 🙁

Between the sick kids and my cranky left hip, running has been a bit challenging this week. I am trying very hard to not get hung up in the miles I’ve missed, knowing that the cross-training will help and getting this hip happy is priority one!

Changes in family plans means I’ve needed to change up my fall racing schedule – I won’t be running ZOOMA in September so I’ve been on the hunt for another race to use as a “tune up” before I get to the B.A.A. Half in October. Though I think I’ve now found the source of my recent GI issues, Coach Bennett thinks it will be helpful to put my body through “race conditions” and see how I respond. So I think I’ll be adding this to my schedule:

countdown_wickedHalf It’s run on a beautiful course through Salem & Marblehead – Can. Not. Wait!

Seriously, how is it Friday again already? I feel like I just finished coming down from last weekend’s birthday fun and here we are again. Don’t get me wrong – I love seeing Friday arrive, but this summer is flying by way too fast! We still have a number of things left on our family summer bucket list!

We’ll get one more item checked off tomorrow as we’ll be catching a Boston Cannons’ game! My hubs J was elected to his lacrosse league’s all-star game (so proud of him!)  and they’ll be playing their game before the Cannons. So the boys and I are going to go cheer on our All-Star and then we’re all hanging out for the Cannons’ game afterwards!

How are you doing with your Summer Bucket list?

Do you run tune-up races?



Race plans taking shape

We had a pretty low-key weekend around my house, which went a long way in helping me to get back to feeling like myself again. I did manage a decent 8 miles on Saturday – actually, I felt surprisingly good! It was the kind of run that reassured me that despite not logging in a lot of miles over these last couple of weeks that I haven’t done too much damage to my fitness level, and that I’m not too far off from where I want to be right now.

So fingers crossed that this cold/crud thing is behind me, I took some time this weekend to try to flesh out my race schedule for at least the first half of the year:

Wampanoag Old-fashioned 10 Miler
Frozen 5K/10K (Virtual race to benefit the American Cancer Society sponsored by Josephine over at Plant Based Runner – check out the details HERE)

New Bedford Half Marathon


Boston’s Run to Remember  (Goal Race!)


Registration hasn’t opened yet for the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) races – and they are popular so I’ll have to be quick on the keyboard to get in. I will probably add a local 5K in somewhere along the way. My oldest son has announced that he would like to run a 5K with me this spring so I cannot wait to make that happen!


Are you ready?

Happy 2013! 

I woke up yesterday morning feeling very revved up to get this new year off to a great start! I truly love that feeling of staring at a blank calendar and the anticipation of what lies ahead (OK in truth my calendar is already filled with my sons’ hockey games, lacrosse and baseball skills clinics and various other school activities…but you get my point!)

Over the past few days, I’ve poured over various race listings trying to get a handle on how I’m going to tackle the 13 in 2013 Challenge and balance my family’s ever-busy schedule. I’m still playing with several ideas, but I do know that I want to run another half this spring before running Boston’s Run to Remember Memorial Day weekend. So I’m targeting St. Patty’s weekend – it gives me 11 weeks, and with my current base and the Old-Fashioned 10 miler next month, I should be in good shape. The next question is which race? I’m considering  RnR USA, New Bedford Half or the Historic Quincy Half. While we had a fun family weekend in DC at RnR last year, but I’m leaning towards staying local this time around.

In any event it’s time to get moving! I’ve got my training plan mapped out, and kicked it off yesterday with an easy 5K. Today it’s time to get back strength training. Let the games begin!

Are you gearing up for a spring race?



Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

You know that feeling at the beginning of week when you have a mile-long to do list,you’re staring at the calendar trying to figure out how to wedge in one more commitment, and then you get thrown a curve ball and all plans go haywire? Well, my curve ball came in the form of having kids home sick on two different days. On the good side, both boys are feeling better and I got some quality snuggle time with my kiddos 🙂

I did make it to the chiro this week for another appointment. After seeing him twice a week for the past few weeks I’m happy to report that the majority of my ITB pain is gone! We’ve agreed to take a couple of weeks off and then see how I feel as I start to build my mileage back up – fingers crossed, nothing will flare up.

The lottery gods were unkind to me for the Cherry
Blossom 10 miler lottery, so it stays on my race bucket list for another year.

I did lock in the early bird rate on Boston’s Run to Remember for the end of May, but am still on the hunt for another half marathon or 10-miler for the spring – Any suggestions?


Fall Racing

Last night I started my 2nd 6-week session of “Yoga for Runners” – a 2-hour torture session gloriously zen experience, where I and 7 other runners attempt to get our hamstrings and hip flexors to release…just a little bit from their usual death grip-like existence. After class our instructor mentioned fall racing and it was funny to see everyone light up and immediately start comparing notes on which races were on their fall calendars, training plans, etc. It was a little like watching kids talk about Christmas – you could just feel the excitement!

I’m happy to say that I think my fall schedule is pretty much set:

ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon — 9/22
Tufts 10k for Women — 10/8
Canton Fall Classic (5k) — 10/28
Chilly Half Marathon — 11/11

I think it’s a good mix of distances to help keep things interesting, but not so many races that my legs will rebel.

Have you got a big race (or two) lined up for the fall? When does training begin?

By the way – if you are thinking of heading to the Cape this fall to run ZOOMA don’t wait to register, price increase kicks in tomorrow. And remember to use the code in my sidebar for a discount on either the half marathon or 10k.


ZOOMA Race Series

Have you noticed the new button at the top of my sidebar? I’m thrilled to say that last week I was invited to be a ZOOMA Connector for their Cape Cod Half Marathon and 10k on September 22! Since I first learned about the ZOOMA race series last year, I have been eyeing this race on the Cape.  As they describe on their website:

Imagine a powerful sea of women on the move–encouraging fellow runners and celebrating personal running triumphs.  Picture a post-race party and expo all wrapped up in one memorable “after-party expo” where these strong goal-oriented women come together for well-deserved partying and pampering.  This is the Muscle Milk Light ZOOMA Women’s Race Series.

Combined with the beauty of Cape Cod in the Fall — what’s not to love!?! I’m really excited to be part of this race series!

Want to join me in Falmouth?  

ZOOMA is hosting it’s first-ever national “Girlfriend Getaway” sweepstakes! In partnership with Skirt Sports, ISIS, Sherpani, Women’s Adventure Magazine and MyChelle, one grand-prize winner will receive an all expenses paid trip for two to the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon & 10k. The “Girlfriend Getaway” Grand Prize package is valued at over $2,000. Entries are being accepted now through June 11, 2012 on the ZOOMA Sweepstakes page.

Want to register now?  

ZOOMA is offering all Running with Attitude readers a discount! Use the code CCCONN3 and receive $10 off the half marathon or $5 off the 10k when you register online. There’s no expiration date!

I plan to run the half marathon and am rounding up a couple of friends to join me! Should be a great weekend!
