86 days….



86 days until the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly half…

Yes I counted.

86 days to see if I can get back to running double digits….

It’s been a while since I’ve seen 10 or higher staring back at me from my Garmin.

86 days to see if PT, strength work, bargaining, praying…oh yeah and running can get me to the starting line.

But I am making a promise…no a commitment… to myself to do everything that I can to get there.

I’m linking up with Deb for Wednesday Word – Be sure to stop by and see what others have to say about Commitment.rp_WednesdayWordScrabbleButton.jpg



Coming in off the ledge…a little

Huge huge thanks yous to everyone who left comments, tweeted or emailed words of encouragement! I really appreciated each and every one! I’ve had my freak out and have quickly moved on to the “do whatever it takes to get to the starting line” mode.

Since Thursday, it’s been all about ice, rest, Advil and compression — gotta say, I’m loving my new Tommie Copper knee sleeve! I took a tentative run late this morning and managed to log a little over 7 1/2. They weren’t the prettiest miles but they gave me hope. KT Tape may be my new BFF!

I also went to see my acupuncturist this afternoon and let him work his needle magic. Tomorrow will be another rest day. I’m trying to get comfortable with the concept that there just may be very little running between now and next Sunday. Going to just take it one day at a time…..
