Some one please talk me in off the ledge….I’m nine days from Philly and now my left knee decides is the time to not cooperate!
It was a little sore after Sunday’s race but nothing a little ice couldn’t take care of. By Monday it felt fine and after I went for a Thai massage I was feeling really pretty good. During Tuesday’s hill repeats it started to feel a little wonky (yes that’s a technical term) but by that point I only had one more repeat to go and it wasn’t a screaming pain, so I just stuck it out and finished. It was fine again yesterday until I stepped off a curb and whamo, back came the wonky feeling, but more intense this time. Back to rest and ice last night. It definitely felt funky this morning but I had just 3 x 1600 repeats on the plan, so I headed to the track anyways. The warm-up was ok, but 800 meters into the first repeat I pulled up gimpy. I tried to walk it off but my knee wasn’t having it. Just as I was debating what to do, it started to rain…I took it as a sign and got back in my car.
What’s really got me panicked is that this isn’t the usual discomfort related to my ITB – this pain is on the other side of the knee starting just above the knee cap and running down to my inner calf. WTH?! OK, no check that – what’s really got me panicked is that I’m nine days away from my next half and now this flares up!
I’m really trying not to freak out here….as you can see I’m doing a bang up job so far! Above all I had wanted to go into this race feeling strong and confident in my legs….I have an easy run scheduled for tomorrow and then a pseudo longish run of 9 for Saturday, but I’m not sure what I’ll end up with.
So anyone want to talk me down? I’m all ears!