Voice of a 5 year-old

Today was a tough run. One of those runs where you want to scream – “Why am I doing this?!?”

On paper it was suppose to be a 5 miler, with 3 miles at tempo pace. Instead it turned into a test of wills. Thick humidity, intermittent rain and some serious stomach woes were all conspiring to let me know that this was NOT going to be the run I had hoped for…no this run was clearly going to be craptastic at best. “Do you really need to do this?” that voice in my head kept asking and as I neared 2 miles I actually stopped and thought about turning for home.

But then I could hear the voice of my 5 year old as he was sitting in the backseat on our way to school this morning (ok we can discuss all the voices in my head in another post!) — “You are going to run today right Mom ’cause you didn’t run yesterday so you gotta run today, right?” And, I know my little guy will ask me when I pick him up today, “So how was your run Mom?” the same as he’s done after each one of my runs since I started on this journey. Could I really look at him and tell him that I didn’t finish? That I was having a bad run so I gave up and went home? Well not a chance of that happening so I finished my 5 miles, much much slower than I had wanted. But some how I know that when I pick him up today and look into those big brown eyes I’ll be happy to tell him that I did it!

Have a Great Weekend!

Haunted by Harriet

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “age ain’t nothin’ but a number” or “you’re as young as you feel.” They’re nice feel-good phrases, and generally I’ve always believed there’s some truth to them. Well, now I’ve come across a woman whose achievements just prove that the abilities of one’s body are driven far more by the strength of the human spirit than any number on a calendar.

Harriet Anderson is the Women’s 70-74 Ironman World Champion. She won this Championship, by the way with a broken clavicle that she sustained during the race! I have been haunted…in a good way…by Harriet’s story ever since I read about her a couple of weeks ago. In fact, I was thinking about her this morning as I was lacing up to head to the track before my boys were up and needing my attention. And I’m sure I’ll be thinking about her for many, many mornings to come. Her efforts are nothing short of inspiring and I think after you read her story, you may be “haunted” by Harriet too.

You can check out her story here.


Inspiration comes in small packages

Today I volunteered at my oldest son’s elementary school Fun Run. There was a half mile and mile runs for the kids, and then a 5K. It’s always a great family event and today did not disappoint. And, I had the best job a volunteer could have – I handed out medals to all of the kids as they crossed the finish line! Watching these kids give the race everything they had and crossing that finish line (first, last or somewhere in between) with a look of pride on their faces – let me tell you, it was a great way to spend a morning! (I also had the added bonus of putting a medal around my son’s neck…how many moms get to do that?!) Watching these kids I kept thinking this is why you run — they weren’t worried about form or technique. They just let go and ran for the pure joy of it! I wish I had approached my own morning run with such abandon. Ah well, there’s always next time!
