Midweek Motivation

I think this pretty much says it all, don’t you think?

Midweek Motivation

What limits will you push today? Get after it!


Mid-week Motivation

After dealing with this head cold/cough/crud thing that got hold of me last week and hung on, I’m feeling the need to jump start my workouts. Yes I’m feeling a little behind on my ever-growing holiday to do list, but I’m also determined to strike some balance, not get distracted, and to finish this year strong and lay the foundation to kick off 2012 right.

How are you doing – are you hitting your goals? Are you finishing the year the way you want?


Run EMZ Run!

One of my favorite bloggers is putting her amazing running talents to the test on Friday – a 24hr treadmill run to raise funds for the Sojourner Center, which supports victims of domestic violence.

Yes, you read that correctly…..24 hours on a treadmill people! This woman is fierce and I have no doubt she’s going to rock this run as she has all of her other runs. Please go over and check out her blog and if you can, make a donation.

I am inspired by Emily’s dedication, spirit and heart! Run on girl…and remember….


Feeling inspired

  • My hubs J and I took the boys to watch part of the Boston Marathon yesterday. While I try to catch the marathon every year on TV, I haven’t been to see it live in a few years. There is nothing like being there as the runners give it their all. 
  • As I stood out there cheering them on, I thought of all the hours of training, the dreams being realized, the causes being supported, the individual stories being played out. How could you not walk away feeling inspired?!
  • It’s April vacation week for my kiddos, which means getting up extra early to get my runs in before J leaves for work. During the winter I had let my runs slip to late morning to ensure running in daylight — and truthfully because the thought of running in both the dark and bitter cold was really unappealing! But since the clocks turned back I have been meaning to get back to early morning runs…and now with this week I have no excuses.
  • So an easy 3 miles was done before 7 and on deck for tomorrow is a 5 mile tempo run and then another long run of 10 on Friday. I’m hoping to get back on the yoga bandwagon that I fell off of last week and some much needed ab work and strength training. Hopefully the kids will cooperate 🙂


Live Boldly

If you make only one resolution this year, let it be to live boldly. You control this moment. Rather than cautiously test the water, dive straight into life with freeing abandon. Imagine the person you want to be and the life you want to live, then simply commit to them. Believe in yourself. Embrace your beauty. Discover a new passion. And whatever you do, wherever you go, don’t be afraid to make a splash!

**Thanks to Beth at SUAR for sharing this the other day.

May you all live boldly in 2011!

Bootie Busting & Turkey Feeding


This weekend marked the kickoff of the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge courtesy of Amanda at Run to the Finish.  I got my Challenge started with a killer Pilates workout on the reformer on Saturday and a chilly 5.3 mile run on Sunday. I’m hoping to rack up some Challenge points this week with some Pilates, a little Yoga and at least a couple of runs. There are over 300 of us taking part in HBBC – if you haven’t signed up yet, check it out HERE!

For added incentive this week, I’ll be Feeding the Turkey!

Feed the Turkey is a virtual 5k Turkey Trot to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital — they’ll receive 100% of the donations!  Want to trot for a good cause?  Visit http://www.dailymile.com/turkey_trot to sign up and make a donation and then on Thanksgiving Day run (or walk) your 5k anywhere you happen to be! Dailymile will be handing out prizes to a few lucky winners, but best of all you’ll be helping St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital which is the #1 children’s cancer hospital! (By the way, you can participate whether you have a Dailymile account or not.) So sign up and spread the word!!

Have a Good Week!

Shaking off the funk!

I’m happy to say that I’m starting to come out of my mini motivation funk! I finally got back out on the road on Sunday for a nice four mile run — family commitments made a long run not possible. But it was nice to be out running! This morning I followed up with another three — legs were heavy, but moving. Tomorrow I’ll be back in the Pilates studio and then will run again on Thursday.

And, while I’m looking to jump back on that motivation bandwagon, I’ve decided to run another 10k race! I picked one at the end of February — part of the Hyannis Marathon series — I figured post holiday madness is best! And my hubs J announced that he wants to run it with me!

Hello Motivation!


Friday Shout Outs

In pulling myself out of this little motivation slump I find myself in lately, I take inspiration from those of you toeing the line this weekend!

Especially wanted to send Friday Shout Outs to:

Chris at Evolving through Running running the OBX Marathon
David at Running …Because I Can running the Richmond Marathon
Amanda at Miss Zippy also running Richmond
Tricia at Endurance Isn’t Only Physical running the R&R San Antonio Marathon
Amanda at Run to the Finish running the Ft. Lauderdale Half
Tonia at Racing with Babes running the HCA 8k

I know many of you are running at less than 100% and I applaud you for showing up and giving it your all. Trust in your training and you’ll do great! Good Luck!!

As for me – I’m determined to shake off this mini funk and get back out on the road this weekend!

Have a Great Weekend & Happy Running!


Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

  1. If someone finds my motivation, could you please return it to me! I haven’t run or cross-trained in a week — nothing, nada, zip! My mood is starting to suffer a bit.
  2. “I am not my To Do list!” — This has become my mantra this week as I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by my commitments. (Definitely contributed to #1)
  3. A simple, but heartfelt Thank You to our men and women who serve, to our veterans and their families!
Happy Veterans Day!