I’m linking up once again with Erika, April & Patty for Tuesdays on the Run. This week’s topic is one that I have always found really interesting – alternative treatments for running injury/injury prevention.
Over the past couple of years, I have turned to both acupuncture and chiropractic treatment at various times to deal with different nagging issues. Long before I started running, I’d been a big fan of acupuncture ever since it helped me deal with what were once debilitating migraines. So when I first encountered some knee/ITB issues I quickly turned to acupuncture and had great success with it. Which, of course, begs the question, why stop? Sadly, my talented acupuncturist moved his practice out of state and I just haven’t found a replacement.
I’m also a huge fan of massage, especially when I’m actively training for a race and my mileage is high (for me). I find sport massage helps to both keep my legs feeling good and aids my recovery. I would love to go on a regular basis….hmmm maybe I need to buy some lottery tickets 😉
Obviously, I’m not a doctor nor do I have a medical background – I can only say what works for me.
Have you tried any alternative treatments? What works for you?