Well Hello Friday – so glad you showed up! It has been a long week…nothing dramatic, just one of those weeks where you feel like you’re running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off! I was very happy to wake up this morning and know it was Friday and the weekend is coming!
This morning was also my first 9 mile run! I will admit that I was a little nervous about trying this distance. I tweeted before I left that I was going to take on a new distance, and almost instantly I got tweets from so many other runners encouraging me, wishing me a good run and telling me to have fun! It was the nice little boost I needed before heading out the door. I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again – I love how supportive the running community is!
It was a beautiful morning for a run – in the mid-40s and bright sunshine. As I set out, I decided to not focus on the distance, but just run and enjoy the first signs of spring finally creeping into New England. I’m happy to say that it was a fairly uneventful run – took two quick walk breaks first to stretch out my left leg a little and then when I discovered that I cannot run and chew Chomps at the same time 🙂
So now it’s time to enjoy the great weather on deck for the weekend!