I started this Monday morning the same way I have started my Mondays for the past 8 weeks – in a school gym with 40 energetic kids! I’ve been volunteering as a Lead Trainer for a before-school physical activity program called Build Our Kids Success, or BOKS.
The premise behind BOKS is quite simple, that through physical activity you can jump-start a child’s brain and help set them up for success throughout their school day. The program combines play, team games, physical activity and short talks on nutrition. BOKS is an initiative of the Reebok Foundation and those of us who serve as trainers were invited to the Reebok World Headquarters for a day of training before bringing the program into our schools. I attended a training session back in August and left so enthusiastic, I couldn’t wait to get started!
We kicked off the program in my sons’ school in mid-October, meeting twice a week before school for a 50 minute session. It’s been great working with the kids, watching them learn a new skill every week (this week was burpees!) and listening to them as they eagerly want to tell you about how active they were over the weekend or what new healthy food they’ve tried. Hopefully these kids are gaining some skills and habits that will stick with them long after the program ends.
I’ve had so much fun with this program that I will probably sign on again to help coordinate the Spring session. You can’t help but feel motivated after working out and playing with the kids – sets a great tone to start the day!
By the way if you are interested in finding out how to bring BOKS to your child’s school, you can check out their website HERE