We are at the half way point of the year so, of course, it seems like the perfect time to check in on 2015 goals, right? So I’m linking up again with Erika, Patty and April for Tuesdays on the Run as they invite everyone to join in on the mid-year check-in.
Back in January, I laid out the following fitness/running goals:
- Run a 2:15 – 2:20 half marathon — There were no half marathons, or racing of any kind for that matter so I’m still waiting on this one – we’ll see what the fall races bring.
- Set a new 10-mile PR — Again, no racing…but I do have the Wicked 10-Miler set for September.
- 1,000 Miles — Nope – not gonna happen. Once I started tending to my left knee issues I quickly let go of any mileage goals for this year…and I’m ok with that!
- Continue my strength program — Happy to say I have fully embraced this one! Monthly sessions with Trainer Stacey have helped keep me accountable and on track.
- Actively manage recovery – Hmm, this one is a mixed bag as I’m still not consistently rolling after runs/workouts, and I haven’t run long enough to require Epsom salt baths, etc.
- Have fun! — I had a ball running the BAA 5K with my husband and son this spring and am hoping for some fall family racing as well. Coming back from injury has slowed my roll a bit, but there are lots of fun blogger meet-ups, Black Girls Run group runs, and destination races on the horizon!
- Be kinder to myself — this one is still a work in progress for me. Rebuilding mileage has been a slow process and I’m generally not a patient person.
It probably goes without saying that I was hoping to be further along in some of my goals by this point. But, I’m thrilled to be on the other side of the injury and working my way back. I’m itching to shake things up to help re-capture that running fire — taking a step back from running has a way of making you re-access things — but still haven’t quite put my finger on what that “shake-up” will be. Looking forward to seeing what the second half of the year brings!
So, of course I have to ask – how are you doing with your 2015 goals?