Happy Monday!
The weekend went by way too fast for my liking (isn’t that always the way?) And this week is shaping up to be a busy one! Before I dive in, I wanted to share some fun stuff going on around the interwebs.
Women’s Running Telesummit — The International Association of Women Runners (IAWR) is hosting a Running Telesummit. The Telesummit features a great line up of speakers including my running coach Bennett Cohen, Jeff Galloway, Katherine Switzer, Sarah & Dimity from Another Mother Runner, and one of my fave bloggers Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice. The Telesummit starts today and runs until December 4th…and it’s free! Click HERE for details.
DC Trifecta’s Gratitude Challenge — Also kicking off today, Mar, Cynthia and Courtney (aka the DC Trifecta) is hosting a Gratitude Challenge on Instagram. Should be fun to see the different things people are grateful for!
Holiday Sweat Challenge — Formerly known as the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge, this year Amanda from Run to the Finish is teaming up with Sweat Pink! This 6-week challenge is one of my favorites and with the addition of Sweat Pink, this should be fun!
The Challenge starts on November 24. Click HERE for details and please say I sent you 🙂 (Disclosure: I received the Sweat Pink Ambassador discount).
What have you got going on?