Finding Balance during the Holidays

I think many of us are on a quest to strike a balance in our daily lives. But, when the holiday season rolls around with all of its extra time demands and food temptations, it’s really easy to end up off-kilter. This week the FitFluential Ambassadors are sharing tips for staying balanced during the holidays — here are a few things I’ve found that help me stay on course.

  • Don’t forget to eat — I know this may sound counter-intuitive with all the holiday parties and treats floating around. But, I know that in your daily running around trying to cram in all that needs to get done, that it is very easy to skip a meal for the sake of time. Don’t do it! Feed your body and feed it well. You’ll be less tempted to down that extra cookie and you’ll have the energy you need to get all of those “to do’s” done.
  •  Drink up — Water I mean! I find hydrating in the winter is something I really need to focus on. Again, staying hydrated helps to keep your energy level up, helps you to feel full and helps to balance that extra glass of wine or holiday cocktail.
  • Keep moving — Commit to carving out time each day to move, whether it’s your regular run or dancing the night away at a holiday party. And, remember every little bit counts so take the stairs when you can or park at the far end of the parking lot when you’re out shopping. Got snow in your area – a snowball fight with the kids or a walk with your dog are great calorie burners!
  • Take in the moment — It’s way too easy to get caught up in the “get it done!” mentality. Remember to stop, breathe and take in the moment. The holiday season is not a race – Enjoy the time with friends and family.
  • Sleep — Just like eating well, don’t sacrifice sleep in the name of getting more done. Try to maintain your normal bedtime – your mind and body will thank you.

Friday Five

  • Weathermen in the Boston area are just giddy as they track the Nor’easter heading our way tomorrow. This in addition to the snow that arrived last night. It was just a mere two weeks ago that they were all a flutter over the “record heat” of Columbus Day weekend, and now this. Mother Nature’s twisted sense of humor continues….
  • Given that I raced that weekend and will race again this weekend – I’m not amused. I could care less about snow…I grew up in New England I’m use to it. But, Fall’s my favorite time of year so I’m feeling a little gypped these days. OK, my weather whine is over 🙂
  • J’s joining me for Sunday’s race! We’ll be running a great local race – J’s taking on the 10K and I’ll be doing the 5K. I haven’t run a 5K since this race last year – should be fun!
  • Did you know that there are only 57 days until Christmas? I’m vowing to get out in front of the madness this year – to start planning menus, gifts, cards, etc. early so there’s also time to actually kick back and enjoy the holidays instead of getting to New Year’s Day exhausted.

    •  And, speaking of the holidays – if you’re looking for a little added motivation during this season, check out the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge sponsored by Amanda at Run To the Finish I participated last year, along with 500 others. Amanda does a great job putting this challenge together with great prizes for a little added incentive! Definitely head over to her site and check out the details.

    Good Luck to Everyone Racing This Weekend!

    Run Strong and Have Fun!