Saw this image multiple times on Facebook over the past few days – nicely sums up my biggest goal for the rest this training cycle!
Saw this image multiple times on Facebook over the past few days – nicely sums up my biggest goal for the rest this training cycle!
Tempo runs are hard.
There I said it. I admit it…of late when I look at my training plan and see a tempo run I take a deep breath …I might even shudder a little because I know what’s coming. While I look forward to my most of my runs, especially my long runs, tempo runs have not been high on my list lately.
The key to a tempo run is the ability to maintain a specific and constant pace for a number of miles. How many miles of course depends on what you’re training for — for me, most of my runs are between 4 – 6 miles, plus warm up and cool down. Of late I have found it really hard to lock into the target pace. More often, I’ve been going out too fast and then fading – not a pattern I want to carry into my fall races.
But every run can teach you something if you let it – and these runs are clearly showing me I still have work to do on dialing in on my pacing.
Tempo runs are hard…and necessary.
Do you include tempo runs in your training? Can you lock in your pacing?
With 6 weeks to go until the Wicked Half, here’s what I’ve got on my training plan for this week:
Monday — 7 mile hilly run with negative split on back half (followed by another visit to the chiro!)
Tuesday — Cross-training (Jillian Michaels Shred 30 DVD)
Wednesday — 4 miles Fartlek
Thursday — 8 miles with 5 @ tempo
Friday — Rest day
Saturday — 11 mile LSD
Sunday — Cross-training (more Jillian!)
Plus I’ll continue to do the #AugustCoreFocus challenge everyday – I’m loving this challenge!
What have you got planned for this week?
The fall race schedule is shaping up to be a busy one – let the training begin! #AllforFall
What will you start today?
It’s week 15 of my half marathon training plan and it’s finally race week!
Yes I know I’ve already run four races this year, but when I started this year with the goal of running 13 races I had circled a couple on the calendar that are in my mind “goal races”…and this weekend’s half marathon is one of them.
So the wonderful Coach Bennett went about designing a 15-week plan for me that would allow me to fit in the other races while keeping my eye on this goal race. Not an easy task I’m sure and I know there have been moments as he’s looked the race schedule where he’s been shaking his head – but to his credit he’s not discouraged me and I’ve appreciated his support!
This week is all about some light running, yoga, getting enough sleep, prepping a playlist, setting race goals and carefully watching what I eat (no repeats of the Newport 10 miler drama!). In general I think race week is really all about the mental prep – the training’s done so the trick now is not to psyche yourself out before you get to the starting line.
So tell me — How do you handle race week?
Had a good week last week including a massage, time on the track, a return to my favorite yoga class and a great long run on Saturday! I had 12 miles planned and my running buddy E offered to join me for the final 6. I ran an out and back for the first 6 then met her in her driveway and we went out for another 6+ mile loop around town. I’m so glad I had her with me – she kept me laughing and moving when I was starting to fade. It was a great run and despite tired legs I finished strong – nice way to cap a week of training for sure!
So now it’s week 13…and this week will include my last double digit run before my half marathon. On the plan this week:
Monday: 6 with negative split on the last 3
Tuesday: Cross-training
Wednesday: 4 mile Fartlek
Thursday: 16 x 400m repeats, plus yoga class
Friday: rest!
Saturday: 12 with last 6 at RP
Sunday: Cross-training
I feel a good week coming 🙂
Well I’ve reached week 11 in my training plan and it’s once again a race week! This time I’ll be toeing the line at the Newport 10 Miler Sunday – still not sure of what my race goals yet – last week was a mixed bag including really solid intervals at the track one day followed by a craptastic long run the next. Going to wait and see what this week serves up then check in with Coach Bennett on Friday.
On the schedule for this week:
Monday — 6 miles with a negative split on the back 3
Tuesday — Cross-training
Wednesday — 5 mile Fartlek
Thursday — Track work: 300 meter repeats & Yoga class
Friday & Saturday — Rest days
Scheduling snafus galore forced me to have to swap Monday & Tuesday’s workouts so I’m off for a rainy 6 now. Running 3 days in a row is usually something I avoid, but mentally I know I’ll beat myself up if I cut back on my mileage too much. I’ll see how it goes…
Week 8 of half marathon training was another solid week — the runs felt good, I felt strong on the hills and my ITB is under control. The one downside of the week was missing my weekly yoga class. I haven’t been able to get to this class with any consistency lately because the collective family schedules have been all over the place! We’re facing another busy week in the RWA household with lots of fun stuff going on, but I’m determined to get back to that class this week.
Training for Week 9 includes:
Monday – 6 miles (with negative split on the back 3)
Tuesday – Cross-training
Wednesday – 4 mile Fartlek
Thursday – 1000 meter repeats & Yoga
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Shakeout Run with Bart Yasso
Sunday – BAA 5K
Yes – did you catch that? A run with Bart Yasso! Last week, I was invited by Runner’s World to join a group run with Bart Yasso as part of all the great activities Runner’s World has going on during Marathon weekend. Very excited – hope I can keep up with him 🙂
What have you got planned for this week?
Back at the end of February, I mentioned (HERE) that I wasn’t loving the way I was feeling on my runs and that it was time to take a much closer look at what I’m eating – both on run and rest days. So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been running my own little pre-fueling/fueling test lab, experimenting with different options on my long run days.
Here’s some of what I’ve learned so far:
I’m feeling pretty good where I am so far – especially since I still have weeks to go before my next half marathon at the end of May.
So tell me – how often do you fuel on a long run? What’s your favorite fueling option?
*The opinions expressed here are from my own experience. I am in no way affiliated with the products mentioned.
Today marks the return to hill work on my training plan.
I’ve been looking forward to today with an odd mixture of dread and glee.
Yes I said it…glee! Because while I know in the moment of running repeats, my quads will be burning and I’ll be cursing like a sailor that there’s the other side – there’s the strength training and confidence building that only running hills can bring.
And I’ve seen the results – last summer Coach Bennett introduced me to hill work and I truly thought the man was trying to kill me 🙂 Then I faced ZOOMA’s hilly Cape Cod course and the Newton hills of the Chilly half! While both courses were definitely challenging, the hill work Bennett had put me through prepared me both mentally and physically and I PR’d both courses! That’s where the glee comes in, from knowing the potential payoff.
So for the next few weeks, Thursdays are Hill Days and I say “Bring it on!”
Do you do specific hill training? Or do hills make you want to run screaming in the other direction?
As a mom to two boys and one lovable German Shepherd, running and working out helps to provide some much-needed balance in my very busy life. More about me.
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