A few random thoughts this morning….
… I was so excited to open my email yesterday and find out that not only will I be returning as a Boston Marathon volunteer again this year, but I got a finish line assignment! I love volunteering at this race and cannot wait for an up-close and personal view of those elites crossing the finish line!
… speaking of the Marathon…there’s a film being made here in Boston about the bombing and they recently put out a casting call to runners for the marathon scenes. Um…no thanks to that. I could not imagine wanting to re-live that day in any way…could you?
… and from the department of “gym crazies”… there’s a guy who’s been coming to my gym and working out in jeans…I kid you not! I’m all for squeezing a workout in when you can, but seriously how uncomfortable must that be!?! What is it about gyms that bring out the…er…more interesting behavior in people?
Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursdays
Tell me something random. Do you think you could be an extra in that movie?