Move beyond resolutions


It’s that time of year again – time for reflection and planning…and the New Year’s resolutions. I’m not much for resolutions, but I do set new goals each year. Some would say this is a matter of semantics, but what I like about goal-setting is that goals are definable, with a clear point of accomplishment. Resolutions have no clear end-point – perhaps that’s why so many resolutions end up broken before January is done?

Well, however you choose to look at it, here are a few tips to help turn all that New Year’s motivation into good habits for 2016 and beyond.

Pace yourself — It is very easy to get too hyped up – even “over-motivated”? – go out too hard, and then fizzle, or get injured. Start small…baby steps can add up to big payoffs down the road.

Be consistent — I’ve ever read that it takes between 21 and 28 days to build a good habit, and from personal experience I believe that to be true. A little something each day during the first 3 – 4 weeks will help ensure the new habit sticks.

Break down big goals — Sometimes it’s easy to become overwhelmed by a big goal. It’s important to track your progress and celebrate small successes along the way. Don’t shy away from dreaming big – just break it down into smaller goals.

Find a partner or group — There’s a lot to be said for being accountable to someone else and having someone to draw motivation from on those days when you’re not feeling it.

Surround yourself with success — Beware of spending time around others who don’t support your efforts – they will drain you! As much as possible, spend time with others who model the behavior/habits you’re striving for.

Remember your “why” — I find whether it’s a word, phrase or photo, posting visual reminders where you’re sure to see them will help keep your goals and your “why” front and center. Energy flows where attention goes so make your goals hard to ignore and you’re more likely to follow through.

Be prepared for setbacks — When you fall down (either literally or figuratively), the key is to not beat yourself up over it, but be willing to pick yourself up and begin again.

Do you set goals or make resolutions?
Linking up with Deb for Wednesday Word – be sure to stop by and check out Deb and other’s take on “resolutions.” rp_WednesdayWordScrabbleButton.jpg

September Simplicity

It’s September 1 and fall can’t be far away – though Mother Nature is once again thumbing her nose at the calendar with the return of heat and humidity this week. No matter, September signals the start of my favorite time of the year and I’m ready to embrace it!

September peanuts1

My September goals are really quite simple:

– consistently run 3 -4 days a week with 2 days strength work

– return to double digit long runs

– wrap-up my physical therapy sessions

– let go of the stress

Yeah that last one is the key. I admitted in my runfessions that my running is stressing me out. And, when I stopped to think about that, it is insane to me that something that usually is a stress-reliever for me is turning into the complete opposite.

Time to let it go – the days are going to count down towards my next race whether I stress about it or not, right? So why waste the energy…and why let it take the joy out of running?

So I’m keeping it simple in September.

What are your goals for the month? Does your running ever stress you out?


Mid-Year Goals Update

We are at the half way point of the year so, of course, it seems like the perfect time to check in on 2015 goals, right? So I’m linking up again with Erika, Patty and April for Tuesdays on the Run as they invite everyone to join in on the mid-year check-in.

Your road

Back in January, I laid out the following fitness/running goals:

  • Run a 2:15 – 2:20 half marathon — There were no half marathons, or racing of any kind for that matter so I’m still waiting on this one – we’ll see what the fall races bring.
  • Set a new 10-mile PR  — Again, no racing…but I do have the Wicked 10-Miler set for September.
  • 1,000 Miles — Nope – not gonna happen. Once I started tending to my left knee issues I quickly let go of any mileage goals for this year…and I’m ok with that!
  • Continue my strength program — Happy to say I have fully embraced this one! Monthly sessions with Trainer Stacey have helped keep me accountable and on track.
  • Actively manage recovery – Hmm, this one is a mixed bag as I’m still not consistently rolling after runs/workouts, and I haven’t run long enough to require Epsom salt baths, etc.
  • Have fun! — I had a ball running the BAA 5K with my husband and son this spring and am hoping for some fall family racing as well. Coming back from injury has slowed my roll a bit, but there are lots of fun blogger meet-ups, Black Girls Run group runs, and destination races on the horizon!
  • Be kinder to myself — this one is still a work in progress for me. Rebuilding mileage has been a slow process and I’m generally not a patient person.

It probably goes without saying that I was hoping to be further along in some of my goals by this point. But, I’m thrilled to be on the other side of the injury and working my way back. I’m itching to shake things up to help re-capture that running fire — taking a step back from running has a way of making you re-access things —  but still haven’t quite put my finger on what that “shake-up” will be. Looking forward to seeing what the second half of the year brings!

So, of course I have to ask – how are you doing with your 2015 goals?



March Movement

I mentioned in my Runfessions the other day that I was toying with the idea of a March run streak – something to help shake things up and maybe help me find my running mojo. While an intriguing idea, in the end I’m not convinced that 31 straight days of running is really for me. I’ve come to embrace my rest days and know how important they are for keeping my legs happy. Plus, with more snow last night and more to come later in the week, the thought of trying to do the streak on a treadmill might just push me over the edge.

What I do like about the idea of the streak is committing to doing something every day – so that’s become my goal for March…. 31 days of movement in the form of strength work, yoga and running. I was psyched to see that Black Girls Run! Boston is doing another 50 mile challenge – these are always fun as we cheer each other on, so I’ve joined in and am hoping to get in on some group runs if the weather cooperates.

yoga-pose-rodney-yeeI’ve also dusted off my yoga DVDs and kicked off March Movement yesterday with a little Rodney Yee! If I can swing a studio class in with my schedule than that will be a bonus, but at least the DVDs will guarantee I’ll get two days of yoga a week — along with 3 days of running, 2 days of Trainer Stacy’s strength work should make for a good week.

So that’s my plan for March! What are your goals?



The Power of a Single Word

Can a single word make a difference?

Can it set the tone?….provide focus? ….serve as a reminder?

I believe it can…or at least I’m prepared to find out.

Around this time last year, I started reading a good deal about the practice of selecting one word for the year…while I didn’t end up choosing a word, there was something about the idea that resonated with me. As 2014 came to an end and I started thinking about what I wanted the new year to look like, lots of goals for different areas of my life came to mind – I recently shared my my running/fitness goals here.

And, as I sat with all of these different goals, I kept returning to desire to have one idea/theme to tie them all together. I started thinking about the one word practice again – a couple of words popped up fairly quickly but one seemed to sit best with me…


My word for 2015 is Thrive – to flourish, to progress, to evolve… I think this word will be a great inspiration for all I hope to do and be this year in so many aspects of my life.

Have you ever selected one word for the year? Do you have a word for 2015?


2015 Running Goals

goal 2015

I’ve been sitting with this post for a bit…perhaps a little gun-shy to put it down in print after coming up short last year … or just needed a little more time to marinate. But as I said in my Year of Running post, having had a challenging 2014 won’t stop me from setting big goals for this year. So I’m linking up with Erika, Patty and April for Tuesdays on the Run and putting them out there!

 My 2015 Running/Fitness goals:

  • Run a 2:15 – 2:20 half marathon — This was a 2014 goal, but then I didn’t end of racing any halfs.
  • Set a new 10-mile PR  — target time TBD.
  • 1,000 Miles — I’m participating in Run This Year with a target of 1,000 miles.
  • Continue my strength program — I started a great program with the trainer last month and for the first time in a long time I’m enjoying being in the gym. I need to schedule this, just like I do my runs so I stick with it.
  • Actively manage recovery – I need to accept that fact that I cannot just run and then rush off to the next thing. I need to give time to rolling, Epsom salt baths, etc.
  • Have fun! — I lost some of the joy in my running last year so I’m all about recapturing the fun! I’m looking forward to some blogger meet-ups, joining Black Girls Run for some group runs, volunteering at a race (or two), racing with my son and husband, and some destination races thanks to being on the Rock’nBlog team!
  • Be kinder to myself — when training/racing doesn’t go as planned, I need to remember that the greater goal is to have a long-term relationship with running.

What are you going after in 2015?

Tuesdays on the Run

Some New Goals

Only two months left in 2014 – can you believe it?!

With no race now in my immediate future, my plan is to use this time to get stronger, run for fun and keep tweaking my nutrition so I can put this anemia in the rearview mirror.

Goals for this month:

T25 Program — I bought the program back in the spring and have used it in spurts but could never quite figure out how to make it mesh with my training plan and higher mileage. Since I’m going sans-plan for a bit, I thought now would be a great time to start the program.  It’s 10 weeks long so it will carry me nicely into the first week of the new year!


#NovemberMileage Challenge — I’m joining Erika (aka MCM Mama) for her mileage challenge. You can pick your mileage goal and I’m aiming for 50. I figure this will be a comfortable goal while  helping me make sure my running doesn’t fall off too much.


Focus on Iron-rich Foods — I will continue to focus on adding iron-rich foods to my diet.

What have you got planned for November?


Friday Five: Half Marathon Training Goals

Linking up with Mar, Cynthia and Courtney again today. This week’s theme is “goals” and given that I just started my half marathon training this week it seems the perfect time to share my goals for this training cycle.

training goals


Don’t Miss a Workout! — Goal number 1 is to complete all of my workouts. Scheduling can get a little crazy in the summer when the kids are home, but that just means I need to get creative to stay on my plan (Hello 5:30 a.m. runs!).

Get Stronger —  This ties in directly with Goal #1. I’ve got a fair amount of cross-training built into my plan, plus specific strength exercises to keep my hip happy. I will also continue with my beloved Barre class and adding in some TRX as well.

Fuel Properly — While summer eating naturally lends itself towards lots of fruits and veggies and meals from the grill, I know I could still focus better on my nutrition – especially pre- and post-run. Doing so should also help me return to “fighting weight” which is about 6 lbs lighter than I am now.

Recover Right — Sometimes because scheduling gets a little hectic things like post-run rolling, re-fueling and donning of compression gear gets pushed to the back burner in favor of moving on with the day – however I pay for it later and on my next run…so that can’t happen!

Remember My “Why” — The mental side of training is just as important as the miles I log. After not having the Spring I had hoped for from a running/racing perspective, I will be working hard to keep negative talk and doubt from creeping in. During tough runs it will be important to remember why I’m out there.


Have you set any new goals for the rest of the year?



Changing race plans


At the beginning of March, I mentioned that I was working with Coach Bennett to revise my training to set me up for a stronger fall race season. After a fairly craptastic winter, I really needed to take a step back, re-access some goals and decide what I really want to achieve before 2014’s in the history books. Coach Bennett and I have agreed to shift the focus to shorter distances and work on building some speed, before going after some goal half marathons in the fall.

So, of course, this means some changes to my race plans:

  • While I’ll be running the Newport 10 Miler at the end of the month, this will just be a fun run – my goal of 10-mile PR will have to wait. I’m no where near ready to “race” this distance, but I do love the course and look forward to a fun blogger meet-up that’s in the works. Given how few 10-mile races there are in the area, it looks like I may have to let go of the goal of a new PR for this distance until next year.
  • This will also be the first spring in three years where I won’t be running a half marathon. Originally, I had planned to run the Runner’s World Heartbreak Half in June, but when the planets aligned for our family to book a much needed vacation during the same time, vacation & family-time won out over racing.
  • I’m now hunting for a couple of 10K races – like the 10-milers around here, they’ve become harder and harder to find.
  • And, as for the goal of 14 races in 2014 – for now I’m backing off. It could happen, but I’m not going to push it. Staying injury-free, getting stronger and going after the much-desired half marathon PR will be the priorities.

 Anyone else re-thinking goals for this year?


January Rewind – Not!

January was not a pretty month – between one sick kid, being sick, a pulled pec muscle and the havoc wreaked on my running thanks to the Polar Vortex and the snow days and bitter cold that came with it – to say I was D-O-N-E with January would be an understatement!

So I’m skipping my usual monthly rewind and just saying Hello February!

Got the month off to a good start on Saturday with a 6+ mile run…wait for it…outdoors in 40 degree weather! (cue the choir!) You could not wipe the smile from my face and I swear every runner I passed seem to be grinning like a fool 🙂  Sunday was even warmer but we had a busy day planned and, as much as I wanted to, squeezing in another run just wasn’t possible.

So what’s up for this month?

— Finish base-building phase

— Weekly yoga classes

— First two races of the year (a 5K and a 10K)

— And yes, the #FFBurpee 1000 Burpee Challenge as part of my weekly strength training

It should be a very busy 28 days!

What do you have planned for February? How was your January?


