New Year’s Ultimate Coffee 2019

Happy New Year!

Catching up with friends over a big mug of coffee sounds like a great way to help kick off this new year so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2019!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I really enjoyed the holidays. It was great family time and I loved having the Christmas week off from work. While I did race around a bit like a chicken with my head cut off the week prior, the holiday week I was able to totally kick back and relax, and I did my best to soak up every moment of the downtime.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that having the time off has left me craving for a “real” vacation. We didn’t take a family vacation last year, but I’ve already got my sights set on the boys’ spring break time in March – now the question is where to go?

If we were having coffee, I would also tell you that I took advantage of the downtime to also reflect on the past year and start to set some goals for 2019. For the past few years, I’ve picked one word as the theme for my year across all areas of my life  – and this year my word is Intentional. With the “busy-ness” of life it is too easy to move through the days on autopilot and before you know it days…or weeks have just flown by. My ultimate goal is to be more intentional in the habits I form, in my career choices, in my home life…I think you get the picture.

My 2019 Fitness/Running Goals:

  • Run a marathon — This was top of my list last year, but was derailed first by family schedules and secondly by injury. But I’ve got my sights firmly locked in on Chicago and know with Coach Marc’s help I will reach that starting line ready to take on 26.2!
  • Stay off injured-reserve — This will encompass a variety of things including consistent “pre-hab”, strength training 2x’s/week, and continuing to incorporate the Chi Running focuses Coach Marc has me working on. I also think Marc will keep me from powering through when I should be backing off.
  • Make sleep a priority —  I am a notoriously bad sleeper and when things get crazy, sleep can easily get pushed to the bottom of my list. My goal is to do a much better job of going to bed early and not falling asleep while watching late night TV on the couch.
  • Mind what I’m eating — While tracking my macros during the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, I realized just how little protein I’ve been consuming. I don’t plan to continue to actively track my macros (though never say never), I will continue to be mindful of upping my protein intake.
Sharing goals over coffee #oneword #livingintentionally #yearofthemarathon Share on X

So what would you tell me over coffee? Have you set any goals for the new year?


A few goals to wrap up the year

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I can already feel that this month is going to go by in the blink of an eye. Here it is the 10th of the month already and I have yet to post my monthly goals. But first, a quick recap on the week that was:

50 degrees – Perfect running weather!

Monday – 3-mile run
Tuesday – 2-mile night run
Wednesday – 4-mile guided run with Coach Marc
Thursday – 1.25 mi power walk plus strength work
Friday – 1-mile walk and yoga
Saturday – 4 miles
Sunday – 1.25 mi power walk with the pup

Total 16.5 miles

Thank goodness for this Holiday Challenge! While the week started off with a beautiful 50+ degree morning, the nice weather was very short-lived. There were a couple of times I could have easily chosen to hideout from the nonsense Mother N was dishing out, but I was determined not to miss a day of this Challenge. So far, so good.

I had my first guided run with Coach Marc on Wednesday where he took me through a series of body sensing drills. It was a great refresher for me on many of the Chi Running principles. We ran on some great rolling country roads with almost no traffic, which was perfect to focus and practice without dodging cars. I know I must have been pretty absorbed in all Marc was sharing with me because I realized afterward it never occurred to me to once pull out my phone to take pictures. A “blogger fail” perhaps, but it was great to be wholly concentrating in the moment.

December Goals

While I hadn’t gotten around to posting them yet, I did set some goals for the month. I like to have monthly goals to keep myself on track, and especially at this time of year with so many demands on time, it can be pretty easy to let things slide.

My main goal for November was consistency – whether it was running or cross-training, and I think I did a pretty solid job at that. I kept the running short and easy and gave my nagging injuries a chance to heal.

So for December:

  • Finish the final 3 weeks of FASTer Way to Fat Loss
  • Start incorporating Chi Running focuses into my runs and run with Coach Marc at least twice
  • Pre-hab with PT exercises 3x’s/week
  • Complete the 40-day Holiday Challenge I started on Thanksgiving (today marks Day 19!)
  • Continue with regular acupuncture treatments – (I had two this past week and felt so good afterward!)
  • Return to kickboxing classes

Hopefully, these goals will keep me on track and building momentum for a strong kick off to 2019!

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

And, with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.

Have you set any goals to close out the year? Have you started planning for 2019 yet?


September Fitness Goals

If you’ve been around here for a while then you know that I like to set monthly goals to help me to stay on track.

For August, I set out to hit 5 goals:

  • Continue daily PT exercises along with weekly visits with the physical therapist
  • Return to running 3 days a week
  • Continue cross-training twice a week (kickboxing and the Arc Trainer)
  • Complete the “Summer Blowout” challenge – designed by the kickboxing trainers – think a crazy mix of sit-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees, etc.
  • Feel ready to start half marathon training by September

I recently run-fessed that I punted on the goal of completing the Summer Blowout Challenge thanks to an overwhelming dislike of burpees. Burpees aside, I hit the rest of my goals, so let’s get to some targets for September!

  • Continue daily PT exercises – Super important especially since I’ll be winding down visits to the physical therapist this month.
  • Practice yoga weekly – I re-introduced myself to my yoga mat at the end of August and I’m in desperate need of making this a regular thing!
  • Re-establish my morning routine – With the kids home during the summer my routine kinda went out the window, so it’s time to restore some order to my mornings.
  • Return to weekly meal prep – I’ve been making way too many spur-of-the-moment trips to the grocery store lately, so it is time to get back to meal planning and prepping.
  • Make time for self-care — A sports massage (or two!) needs to find their way on to my calendar this month.
Sharing some September Fitness Goals! Share on X

Do you set monthly goals? What have you got planned for September?

I’m linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.


August 2018 Goals

With no training plan in sight, most of the past week was about spending some quality time with the physical therapist (who introduced dry needling into the mix), grinding out the PT exercises on my own, with a couple of HIIT workouts thrown in for good measure.

There was a lot of time spent stretching and rolling, and I even made it to the massage table. I ran just once and the great news is there was no knee pain! While my hip didn’t feel great, it didn’t feel awful either  – so we’ll take that as a win. It’s all about progress.

So now that August is already off and rolling, it’s time to lay out my monthly goals.

  • Continue daily PT exercises along with weekly visits with the physical therapist
  • Return to running 3 days a week
  • Continue cross-training twice a week (kickboxing and the Arc Trainer)
  • Complete the “Summer Blowout” challenge – designed by the kickboxing trainers – think a crazy mix of sit-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees, etc.
  • Feel ready to start half marathon training by September

What’s your big goal for August?

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.


Some Goals for July

For the first time in a long time, I never got around to setting any goals for June. I like having monthly goals to keep myself on track, so before we get too deep into this month I’m sharing some goals for July.

But first here’s a quick recap of the past week:
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – Kickboxing
Wednesday – 3 miles to kick off the 4th
Thursday – Yoga
Friday – Crazy thunderstorms put a dent in my run plans but I had my first PT appointment
Saturday – 5 miles and more hours working on the patio project
Sunday – Cross training in the form of patio work 🙂

Getting a little post-run planking done after Saturday’s run

Notes from the PT

I had forgotten how sore you can be after a PT appointment! My therapist Abby and I clicked right away. I like that she’s worked with a lot of runners, and after a thorough assessment and conversation about my running/racing goals for the fall and beyond, she’s already starting to flesh out a solid plan. We’ll be doing a gait analysis during an upcoming appointment, which should really help to spotlight the probable imbalances going on. While she wasn’t 100% thrilled with the idea of my running the remix at Chicago, she does support continuing to run as long as I keep the miles easy and “don’t push it” (better than being told no running, right?).

  • Daily PT exercises
  • Get to kickboxing class twice a week
  • Follow my macro life plan which will force me to get back to more thoughtful meal planning
  • Drop a couple of pounds (see above)
  • Complete Rachel’s plank challenge – the goal is a 5-minute plank. I’m currently on day 189 of my plank streak and up to now, I think my longest plank has been 2:30. This challenge will definitely help me up my core work.

Running wise I’m going to enjoy that I’m not formally training for anything at the moment. I have no goal except to listen to my body and try to keep moving as much as possible. RnR Chicago will be a shuffle at best, but I’m ok with that – I’m in it strictly for the fun!

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

Do you set monthly goals? Are you training for anything at the moment?


April Wrap-Up and May Goals

And just like that, another month is coming to a close! So it’s time for a quick wrap-up of how things shook out in April.

Running – There were 60.55 miles on the road and the mill. Following the recommendation of my massage therapist, I shelved my new Mizuno Skys and went back to running in the Saucony Zealots. I also added in the new Kinvara 9s (I use to run in Kinvaras all the time until Saucony messed with the design). So far so good!

Strength Work – Thanks to the Tricep dips, Push-ups, and Jump Squats challenge there was some focus on strength training this month. And, my plank streak continues to roll along (120 days and counting!)

Cross-Training – Just a little time was spent on the Arc Trainer, but my poor yoga mat was often neglected.  Basically, as my schedule grew more hectic during the month, non-running workouts took a backseat.

May Goals

With the Run to Remember Half at the end of the month, there will obviously be a big focus on building mileage. If I complete all of the runs on my training plan, then I should hit around 85 miles.

And, with the increase in mileage, I know I have to keep up the self-care (rolling, massage) and the PT exercises that seem to help keep the piriformis happy and quite.

I also know that I do better if I don’t “just run” so weekly yoga sessions and some time with the kettlebells will also be part of the plan.

Overall the goal for May is consistency!

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

And, with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.

How was your April? What are you looking forward to in May?


Looking forward to March

February is quickly coming to a close and it’s been a long short month if you know what I mean! I realized the other day that I never set any monthly goals for February…and in hindsight, it’s just as well that I didn’t. While plans were derailed, I am happy that I finished the month running and feeling more like myself again. And, now my sights are squarely set on moving forward in March.

So I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run and sharing a couple of March goals.

Enjoy the Black Cat 10 Miler – I recently runfessed that this race will be run as a training run, while I shift my focus to the Portland 10 in late April. My goal is to soak in the atmosphere, high-five the volunteers, stick to my run-walk intervals, and celebrate returning to double digits!

Be consistent – With the flu firmly in the rearview mirror, priority one is to be consistent with my workouts. Run 3x’s a week, cross-train/strength train 2x/week, and a weekly yoga session.

Get my diet in sync – I also runfessed that my eating was kind of all over the place in February so for March it’s time to get back to meal planning and prep.

Run 70 miles – I don’t usually set mileage targets, but I know I’m behind on my contribution to my team’s Run This Year challenge so I want to put a target out there for some extra motivation.

So tell me how was your month? Have you set any goals for March?


One word and 2018 Goals

I love the energy of a new year! Hopes are high and all things are possible!

If you’ve been around here for awhile then you know I’m a big goal setter. 2017 proved to be a challenging year for my fitness and running goals as I spent most of the year in what seemed like a continual cycle of injury and recovery. As a result, my training was derailed and I only ran one race for the whole year! Once I finally took the big step back I needed, stopped trying to train and gave myself all the time I needed to heal I was finally able to turn the corner. I finished the year feeling good and excited for what 2018 will bring!

One word for 2018.

For the past few years, I’ve picked one word as the theme for my year across all areas of my life  – and this year’s word is “Brave.” Personally, professionally, and in my running, I want to stretch beyond my comfort zone.

2018 Running Goals.

  • Run a marathon — This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while and have always come up with a reason to talk myself out of it. But this is the year to take on 26.2! I haven’t settled on which one yet – that’s a post for another day. I do know it will be a fall race so I can give myself ample time to get ready.
  • Improve my nutrition —  This is a carryover from last year. I need to identify the right fueling strategy for my runs and do a much better job giving my body what it needs post-run. I’m participating in Laura’s Fit and Fueled Nutrition course for runners which will give me a great start here!
  • Be consistent with strength training and cross training — When I look back on when I’ve had great running years, one thing is clear – I’m not someone who can just run. I need to balance my running with both strength work and cross-training if I’m going to stay injury-free and make it to the starting line.
  • Return to racing — I really missed the whole experience of participating in races last year. Beyond a marathon, I’m looking forward to running other distances, being a part of the Rock ‘n’ Blog team, and hopefully some blogger meet-ups.
Setting goals for 2018 #bebrave #yearofthemarathon #oneword Share on X

Rohn Quote

Have you set your goals for 2018?

I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run, where the theme today is, of course, goals. I can’t wait to see what others are planning for this year!


November Rewind and December Goals

Before these days start ticking by, I want to quickly wrap-up November and set some goals to close out 2017!

I had 4 goals for November:

  • 30 Days of Movement
  • Complete the #RunNovemberChallenge
  • Strength Train 3x’s/week
  • 150 Minutes of Planking (5 minutes/day)

Thanks to the #RunNovemberChallenge, I hit 27 days of my 30 days of movement goal. As I run-fessed, long days in the car for Thanksgiving travel derailed my “streak”, but I’m still pretty pleased with how this challenge went – it was perfect for this non-run-streaker since I could complete my minimum daily mile with either a run or a walk.

Please don’t ask me how many miles I racked up – I did a terrible job of tracking. Same holds true for my total planking minutes. While there was daily planking and I know I hit my 5-minute goal the majority of the days, there were definitely a couple of days towards the end of the month where I was short.

Strength training 3 days a week proved to be ambitious given some of the crazy busy weeks I had this month between work and the solo parenting duties. In the end, I hit the gym twice a week – which is probably a more realistic commitment, especially once I return to a race training plan.

So while there were a few misses, I’d say overall this was a pretty solid month.

And the plan for December?

Given how busy things can get around the holidays, I’m going to keep these goals pretty simple.

  • Ease back into training – With a couple of races figured out for February, it’s time to hit the register button and then get back to something that resembles a training plan.
  • Continue the focus on strength work – I’m running pain-free and I want to keep it that way. I will continue to meet up with my friend E for weekly gym sessions on Wednesdays and see if I can get her to join me for my Friday sessions.
  • Make sleep a priority – I was running a sleep deficit most of November, which is just no bueno, so time to turn that around.

So how was your November? What are you focusing on this month?

I’m joining Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.

I’m also joining Marcia, Erika, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.


November Goals

It’s a new month and with race training temporarily on hold, it’s time for some new goals!

Move every day! — 30 days of movement – be it a run, a walk, time in the gym or on the yoga mat. I will move every day!

#RunNovemberChallenge – When I saw Jessy’s post, I knew I wanted to do this. It fits perfectly with my daily movement goal, and I like that I can mix running and walking.

Strength Train 3x’s/week — Strength work must be a priority. Period.

150 minutes of planking —  Last time I did 5 minutes a day was back in April. And, while I’m a big fan of planks, I’ve been inconsistent in my planking lately so I thought it would be fun to challenge myself with a time goal.

I’m already eyeing some early 2018 races, so I’m hoping these goals will help to set me on the right track.

Do you set monthly goals? What do you have planned for November?

