Today marks the last day of a glorious week off! It was super low-key, providing the mental break I seriously needed. I’m now feeling refreshed and ready to take on some new goals for the month. But first, here’s how the past week’s workouts played out.
Monday — 4 miles. My right hip was feeling pretty wonky after just 2 miles so I was pleased to eke out 4.
Tuesday — Rest to give my unhappy hip a break.
Wednesday — Peloton 25-minute ride, 15-min Bodyweight Strength & 10-min stretch
Thursday — 3 miles. And with this run, I wrapped up 2020 with 646.4 miles. I also had a deep tissue massage which did wonders for my hip.
Friday — 2.3-mile walk and 20 min slow flow yoga
Saturday — Zoom ride with blogger friends followed by 30-min full-body strength & 10 min yoga for glutes. Thanks to Kim for organizing the ride!
Sunday –– I chose to sleep in this morning and as I sit here lingering over coffee I still haven’t decided what I will do today. The only thing I’m certain of is that there will be movement and yoga…as you’ll see in my goals below.
January 2021 Goals
Given all that took place in 2020 and all of the uncertainty that remains, I am reluctant to set any big running/fitness goals for 2021. Thanks to the ZOOMA Run Club, I have set a run/walk mileage goal of 750 miles – that’s 62.5 miles/month which feels doable, especially without any big races to train for. I have always liked to set monthly goals to help keep me accountable and provide a focus, and that’s how I plan to continue to roll in 2021.
So here’s the plan for January:
— Daily yoga
— Peloton Winter Launch Challenge (1 class/day)
— 62.5 miles
— Return to mindful eating and leave the deserts alone
In the closing weeks of December, I really let all forms of recovery slide so the return of a cranky hip on Monday’s run was not a complete surprise. I’ve often toyed with the idea of daily yoga and now feels like a perfect time to give it a go. Some sessions will be longer than others, but I look forward to seeing how I feel with some focused effort on my mat.
Any suggestions for online yoga classes? Have you set any goals for 2021?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.