Hello December!

Here we are at the last month of the year…can you believe it?! I’m looking forward to soaking up all the festive vibes this month has to offer!

As always, I’m setting a couple of monthly fitness goals to help finish the year strong. But, before I get to my December goals, here’s a quick peek at my workouts this week.

Weekly Run Down – Hello December!

Monday — Peloton Ride, Core & Stretch. This was my first time taking a 45 min ride and, as always, Robin delivered a great class! It was a long day back at work after having last week off, and this ride gave me the boost I needed.

Tuesday — 1-mile walk and Yoga Flow: Hips. Way too much time sitting at my laptop left me feeling creaky – time on my mat helped!

Wednesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. Kicked off Day 1 of the #3for31 Challenge hosted by Peloton instructor Robin – the goal is to walk or run 3 miles each day or move for 30 minutes daily from December 1 -31. I’m already participating in the #FFHolidayChallenge with 30 mins of movement daily from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, but I couldn’t pass up a challenge hosted by one of my favorite Peloton instructors so I’ll be double-dipping.

Spied the last bit of fall color on Wednesday’s run

Thursday — Peloton Ride, Lower Body Strength & Stretch.

Friday — 3-mile run & Stretch. The wind was wicked and I just didn’t have it in me to face it again, so I hit the mill for the first time in I cannot even remember how long!

Saturday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. Mother Nature showed some mercy with the wind and I was very happy to get back outside.

Sunday — 3-mile walk & Stretch. My husband J and I continued our Sunday morning walk streak before prepping for a busy day of decorating.

December Goals

  • Complete the #3for31 Challenge and the #FFHoliday Challenge – This means at least 30 minutes of movement every day.
  • Continue to keep my right hip happy — Things have been going well with my right hip so of course, I want to keep doing the things that are keeping my hip happy focusing on lower body strength (especially Peloton’s Strength for Runners classes) and daily stretching/yoga.
  • Extend my “long runs” to 6 -7 miles. I’m still in base-building mode but would like to see my overall mileage nudge up just a bit.

Any goals to finish the year? 

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Week 40: Recovery Mode & Some Mini Goals

With last Sunday’s 10K done and my November half marathon canceled, this week was all about recovery with no running. Here’s how the week went:

Weekly Run Down – Week 40

Monday — Yoga
Tuesday — Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch
Wednesday – 2.5-mile walk, Core & Hip mobility work
Thursday — Low-impact Ride, Core & Stretch
Friday — 3-mile walk & Hip mobility work
Saturday — Full Body Strength, Core & Stretch
Sunday — Low-impact Ride & Core (planned)

A highlight of the week was volunteering at bib distribution for the Boston Marathon on Friday. I always love the energy of the city on Marathon Weekend! It was great to meet and talk with runners from all over – you could really feel and see how grateful people were to have made it to this point. I even had one runner ask me to join her in a photo of getting her bib! So fun!

The Weeks Ahead – Some Mini Goals

Running — I plan to get back out on the road tomorrow. With the Run to Remember Half now pushed off until May, there’s nothing to train for, which is really the best thing for my healing hip. The week off has done me a world of good and the plan for the rest of the fall is to enjoy the weather and just run to run.

Walking — I make no secret that the fall is my favorite season, so why not maximize my time outdoors before winter creeps in? On the days I’m not running, I plan to get out for 2-3 miles of walking.

Lower Body Strength & Core — The orthopedic doc wants to see me put a focus on strengthening the muscles around my hips, so I’ve pulled out my PT notes and will be re-taking some of my favorite Strength for Runners classes on the Peloton app.

Sugar Detox — A friend invited me to join her for the 14-day Sugar Vaca hosted by Rhianne at Believe in Your Health. I’m looking forward to using the last 2 weeks of October to give my body a re-set I think it needs.

So those are basically some mini-goals to carry me through the rest of this month.

Best of luck to everyone racing this weekend!

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down link-up. Join us!


Wrapping up August and September Goals

Is anyone else amazed that we’re already in September? For me, August was a month of “juggling all the balls” and in that respect, I’m happy to put it in the rearview mirror.

Weekly Run Down – Weeks 34 & 35

Over the past couple of weeks, I’m happy to say running is getting better! I have kept most of my runs short and at an oh-so-easy pace, and the reward has been no hip pain. I did increase my distance back up to 5 miles yesterday and all was well.

I have been diligent about strength training and daily stretching – both I’m sure are helping to keep the hip happy. I also completed Matty’s Summer Crunch core challenge on Peloton, though in full disclosure I got a little bored and ended up subbing in some other instructors’ core classes this past week.

I’ve also been sticking to low-impact rides, which offer a great endurance challenge without taxing the joints.

September Goals

Hip treatment — This week’s appointment with the orthopedic doctor got bumped due to changes in his surgical schedule. So I have been re-booked for Thursday. I will continue the daily stretching and mobility work. And, I am fairly certain PT is in my future.

Focus on the 10Ks — I runfessed that I was going to drop down from the 15K to the 10K for the Back on My Feet Virtual Running Festival. I’m also running the Ocean Road 10K the first weekend in October. I think focusing on this distance and stretching my “long runs” to 7 miles is the smart choice for now.

Mindful eating — I didn’t just fall off the wagon with my eating over the past month, I jumped! Time to hit the reset button and be more mindful of how I’m fueling my body.

How was your week? Are you setting any goals for September?

In case you missed it:

Fit Five Friday and Labor Day Coffee

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Hello August!

And just like that, it’s August 1st! What has happened to Summer?!

As I usually do, I’m setting some new goals for the month… but first, here’s a quick recap of the week that was.

Weekly Run Down – Week 30

Monday — 3-miles, Core, Full-Body Strength, and Stretch. Re-entry after a vacation can make a Monday feel extra-Monday if you know what I mean. I decided to get out for a run to get things off to a good start. It was foggy and crazy humid, but the run felt pretty good.

Tuesday — Yoga.
Wednesday — 1-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, Core, and Stretch
Thursday — 3.1 miles, Core, and Stretch
Friday — 2-mile walk, otherwise rest day
Saturday — 5.25 miles, Core, and Stretch. Hard to believe it was just 60 degrees when I headed out! With the Back on My Feet Running Festival 15K just 7 weeks away, I’ll need to start stretching out these Saturday runs.

The virtual running festival is September 18-25 with the option to run the 5K, 10K, 15K, 30K, or run all four distances during the month of September. Join me and use code BibRave5! for $5 off the registration – you can register here.

Sunday — 3-mile walk, Core, Lower Body Strength, and Stretch.

Plans for August

While I will continue to work on the summer fitness goals I posted in June,  I’ve got a couple of things I want to specifically focus on this month.

  • Matty’s Summer Crunch Challenge – Thanks to Kim for bringing this Peloton challenge to my attention! I did Matty’s enCORE challenge back in February and it was a good one, so I’m looking forward to this one.
  • Increase my “long run” to 8 miles
  • Prehab exercises 3x’s/week — gotta keep the hip on track!

How was your week? Are you training for any fall races?

In case you missed it:

Time for Some July Runfessions

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.


2021 Mid-year Check-In

2021 is moving along at a breakneck pace and here we are at the halfway point! Usually, this is the perfect time to reflect on how I’m progressing with my fitness goals – and to adjust as necessary.

Unlike past years, I entered 2021 reluctant to set any big running/fitness goals. Blame it on pandemic fatigue. Who knew if and when in-person racing would return? Thanks to the ZOOMA Run Club, my lone annual goal is 750 run/walk miles. Otherwise, I opted instead to stick with my tradition of monthly goal setting and see how the year played out.

2021 Mid-Year Check-In

So where do things stand 6 months into the year? As I look back over my monthly goals, overall I am pretty happy with what’s taken place.

  • January — I kicked off the year by completing a self-created daily yoga challenge.
  • February — In February, I switched gears to focus on Matty’s enCORE28 daily core challenge on Peloton.
  • March & April — For March, it was all about strength training, aiming for 3 sessions a week (upper, lower, and full body) in addition to continuing the daily core work. I was enjoying the strength work heading into April, so I extended my 3 sessions/week goal and focused on returning to early morning runs.
  • May — My strength goal was to complete Peloton’s Strength for Runners series – full disclosure, while I completed a bunch of these workouts, they are mostly core and lower body workouts and I missed the upper body workouts, so I ended up deviating so I could keep the balance I had established in March & April.
  • June — I set five fitness goals for the summer months and so far so good.

Over the six months, I hit some fun milestones with Peloton including both my century ride and run, and my Pelo-anniversary (52-week streak!). There has also been a couple of cycling PRs! I’m also pleased to have stuck to my commitment to make time for daily stretching.

Room for improvement?

Given how easy peasy I’ve been approaching my runs, there’s no surprise that I’m lagging on my 750-mile goal – by 68 miles to be exact. But, now that I have some fall races on the horizon, I expect this to take care of itself.

The other area I would really like to see some improvement in is my nutrition. While I have cleaned up my eating from earlier this year, the pandemic pounds have not moved much and I’m still not loving how some clothes are fitting. So, I’m back to tracking my macros.

Did you set goals for 2021? How has the first half of the year gone for you? 

I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.


Five Summer Fitness Goals

With a couple of fall races on the calendar (yay!), I’ve been thinking about my goals for the Summer months. So for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m laying out some summer fitness goals.

Five Summer Fitness Goals

Acclimate & Embrace the Heat — I’m going to do my best to properly prep for summer running, focusing on my hydration & electrolyte intake and getting out extra early if necessary. I make no secret that summer running is my least favorite, but I’m going to put my word of the year Mindset to work here and shift my mental attitude to do my best to embrace the season.

Monthly Strength Challenges — Each month I’m going to take on a different strength “challenge”. For June, I’m following Adrian’s Strength Stack on the Peloton app. There’s a different stack featured each month by a different instructor. I haven’t decided yet what I’ll do for July or August so stay tuned.

Daily Stretching/Yoga Streak — I’m already off to a good start with this one. I’ve been stretching for at least 10 minutes a day since June 1. The goal is to keep this streak going all summer long.

Sharing some summertime fitness goals for today's #FitFiveFriday link-up! What have you got planned? Share on X

Build a Healthy Base for Fall Training — It’s been a long time since I’ve laid out a training plan, but I’ve decided to go all-in for my fall half marathon and actually follow a training plan (I may even throw in some speedwork…gasp!). To get training off to a good start at the end of August, I want to have a solid base. So this will mean scaling back the number of days I spend on the Peloton bike and adding more time on the run.

Enjoy the outdoors — Beyond running, I’m looking forward to getting back into hiking. My family usually does a lot of hiking during the summer months, but not so much last year. I’m also looking forward to some time kayaking or white water rafting…may even make it to the tennis courts.

Tell me, what have you got planned for the summer? Registered for any fall races yet?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


And just like that, it’s May

I think April wins the award for the fastest month so far this year. For me, it was a month where I felt all over the place (much like the weather!) and never really found my groove. This last week was relatively quiet – definitely, a nice change of pace – and the highlight was getting my first vaccine! Here’s how it all played out.

Weekly Run Down – Week 17

Monday — 20 min Ride plus 5 min Cool-down, 15 min Full-Body Strength, and 10 min Core

Tuesday — 3-mile run

Painted rock wisdom as seen on my run

Wednesday — Vaccination day! Lots of upper body stretching to combat a sore arm, otherwise total rest.

Thursday — 2-mile walk, 20 min Strength for Runners, 10 min Core, and lower body stretch. I felt a little vaccine hangover, so it was a morning walk instead of a run, but still got my strength training done.

Friday — 2-mile walk, 30 min Ride, 15 min Chest & Back, and 10 min Core, and full-body stretch. I had been wanting to take this Lauryn Hill Ride for a while and, as always, Tunde did not disappoint. It also reminded me just how great “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” album is!

Saturday — 30 min Ride plus 5 min Cool-down followed by a couple of hours of yard work. I had originally planned to run but did not get up early enough to get it done before I needed to get my son to his team bus and once I got back I was not feeling motivated to take on the wind. Instead, I did my first live ride as part of Peloton’s Homecoming celebration before diving into some serious yard work.

Sunday — 5-mile run. What a beautiful morning for a run! It warmed up fast and I was woefully under-hydrated, but thankfully my loving run sherpa (aka my husband) brought me water and the last two miles felt especially good.

Welcome to Team Moderna!

I’m happy to say that getting the first dose of the vaccine was a super easy process. And, aside from feeling a little sluggish and some soreness around the injection site, I had no side effects. Hopefully, dose #2 in 4 weeks will be more of the same.

And, since it’s a new month, I’m setting a couple of goals:

  • Return to 4 days of running/week
  • Complete the Peloton “Strength for Runners” series
  • Continue to clean up my eating (This was an April goal and things are moving in the right direction, but I think there’s more to do here)
  • Daily stretching or yoga (I have been seriously slacking here and I’m starting to feel the negative effects)

How was your week? Any goals for May?

In case you missed it:

Some April Runfessions for Fit Five Friday

5 Things You May Not Know About Me

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


April Goals

If you have spent any time around here, then you know that I am a goal setter! I have often said that I especially like to set monthly goals to help keep me accountable and provide a focus – these short-term goals are a great way for me to break down bigger yearly goals into manageable chunks. So with the start of the new month just around the corner, it’s time to lay out some April goals.

April Goals

  • 65 – 70 miles — Through the ZOOMA Run Club, I set a (rare for me) annual mileage goal of 750 run/walk miles, which nets out to 62.5 miles/month. As I write this I’m slightly behind, but know with the spring weather that I’ll be itching to log more outdoor miles.
  • Return to early morning runs — I runfessed that I have been chasing the weather, often pushing my runs to the warmer afternoons vs. dark early morning hours. But, truth be told I’m much happier when I get out early to start my day. Also, with my youngest son’s lacrosse practices kicking in this month, I know if I don’t get out early, schedules may collide.
Do you set monthly fitness goals? Sharing my goals for April. #bibchat #TuesdayTopics Share on X
  • Clean-up my eating — Quite simply, I need to lose a few pounds. I’m not much for scales – I prefer to go by how I feel in my clothes, and, if I’m keeping it real, a few things are starting to feel a little snug. So before these pandemic pounds become permanent, it’s time to clean up my eating. Specifically, no more late-night snacking, more spring vegetables, and being much more mindful about sugar consumption.
  • Balanced strength training  — For March I targeted 3 sessions/week – 1 upper-body, 1 lower-body, and 1 full-body in addition to daily core. This worked well, so as the saying goes if it ain’t broke…

Are you a goal setter? Any goals for April?

I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.


Roaring into March

As I sit here sipping my coffee, I think this is the first morning this week that I don’t hear the wind. They say March either comes in like a lamb or lion and this week we certainly heard the lion’s roar in the form of the wind. Here’s how this week’s workouts went down.

Weekly Run Down Week 9

Monday — 20 min ride, 20 min Upper Body Strength, 10 min core, and 10 min stretch. Wind advisory outside so I was happy to stay indoors. I snagged a PR on this ride and this upper body workout left me with jelly arms..but in a good way!

Tuesday — Rest day plus 10 min core and a stretch.
Wednesday — 3 miles, 10 min core, and a stretch.
Thursday — 20 min ride plus 5 min cooldown ride, 10 min arms toning, and 10 min core. This ride had a lot of in and out of the saddle with heavy resistance – my legs were fried by the end. The playlist was a good one!

Friday — 1.5 miles, 10 min core, 20 min yoga. I woke up with everything feeling creaky – the yoga was so needed!
Saturday — Double workout day! I repped my state in the Zooma’s International Women’s Day 5K in the morning and then jumped on my bike for a 20 min ride, plus 10 min core, and 10 min stretch later in the day.

While I haven’t had much motivation for virtual races I liked that ZOOMA is using proceeds to help sponsor Women for Women International, an organization that supports women in countries affected by conflict and war.

Sunday — As I noted at the start of this post, I’m still sipping coffee, but with the wind being a non-factor, I’m sure I’ll be heading out for a few miles.

March Goals

As you know, I like to set monthly goals. I’m keeping it simple for this month…

  • 60 run/walk miles
  • Continue with daily core workouts
  • Focus on hydration – 64 oz/daily – I’ve let this slide a bit so I need to follow my own tips and get back on this!
  • 3 strength training sessions/week – 1 upper-body, 1 lower-body, and 1 full-body

How was your week? Did you set any goals for March?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Wrapping up January and Setting February Goals

It’s been a long month…but here we are on the last day and ready to step into February. Before I lay out my goals for the upcoming month, here’s a quick run down of this week’s workouts:

Monday — Peloton 20-minute ride, 20-min Bodyweight Strength, and Yoga. This may have been my favorite class combo of the week, but boy oh boy I had forgotten how challenging Pigeon Pose is for my very tight right hip!

Tuesday — 3-mile run and Yoga.
Wednesday — Peloton 20-minute ride, 10-min Core for Runners, and Yoga. Took another of the Year of Yes rides and snagged a new PR!

The satisfaction of a new PR!

Thursday — Yoga and a rest day.
Friday — 3-mile run plus Yoga. It was -8 with the windchill so I was more than content to hop on the mill for this one.
Saturday — Peloton 30-min Britney Spears Ride, 20-min Britney Spears Full Body Strength plus yoga. Such a fun combination, but I was really feeling it after the 100 squats!
Sunday — As I sit and write this over coffee, yoga is done and the plan is to run 3 – 4 miles. Right now it is a balmy 7 degrees with a feels like of -2 so I’m waiting on the warm-up. As much as I actually don’t mind winter running, single-digit temps and my Raynaud’s Syndrome don’t play well together!

Saying goodbye to January and setting February goals #weeklyrundown #bibchat #onepeloton Share on X

February Goals

I had 4 goals for January:

— Daily yoga
— Peloton Winter Launch Challenge (1 class/day)
— 62.5 miles
— Return to mindful eating and leave the deserts alone

I hit all but the mileage goal – to be honest, I let go of the mileage goal pretty early on as I prioritized getting my hip to a happy place. And, now that I’m running pain-free I would say that was a wise call. There’s still plenty of time left in the year to hit my ZOOMA Run Club goal of 750 run/walk miles.

So here’s what I’m targeting for February:

— Daily stretching or yoga
— Matty’s enCORE28 Challenge on Peloton (daily core classes)
— 50 miles
— Pre-hab/PT exercises 2x’s/week

The theme here is to keep doing the things necessary to keep my hip happy, while building some mileage.

How was your January? Any big goals for the new month?

In case you missed it:

Five Runfessions for January

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
