Five Challenges to Reaching Your Fitness Goals

At the start of the new year, you may have set some fitness goals – perhaps a new race distance? Or going for that PR? Or a mileage milestone? Or the addition of strength training, cross-training, or a new sport altogether. Whatever goals you have laid out, it’s important to be prepared for possible pitfalls along the way.

Fit Five Friday — 5 Challenges to Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Lack of Consistency – Progress towards any goal requires a consistent approach. Striving for small efforts done consistently will always yield greater success vs. trying to make big efforts in fits and starts.

Lack of Time – The companion challenge to consistency may be scheduling. When you’re facing multiple demands on your time (work, family, and other personal commitments), it can be tough to find time for your workouts.  Scheduling your workouts as you would any other meeting or obligation is key to ensuring that you have the time you need to make progress toward your goals.

Unrealistic goals – While a goal should stretch you beyond your comfort zone, if the goal is too big of a reach it could backfire when you struggle to make progress. Now I’m not discouraging anyone from shooting for the stars, but it may be helpful to build in smaller goals along the way so you have some success and can build momentum.

Someone else’s goal – Are you running that marathon because you really want to run a marathon or because your friend is? When chasing your goals gets tough you need to remember your why – so it is really important that you pick a goal that matters to you. If you’re chasing a goal because others are doing it/have done it and you feel like you “should” then you’re not setting yourself up for success. And, is it really a goal you want to be pursuing in the first place?

Mindset – Even if you do everything right, you still may encounter setbacks. This is where not only your why matters, but also your mindset. The thoughts you hold and your self-talk will have a significant impact on your ability to reach your goals. Building a practice of positive self-talk (through mantras and affirmations) will serve you well when things get challenging.

What challenges do you face when trying to reach your fitness goals?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Week 1 and 2023 Goals

As I mentioned over coffee, re-entry after being off for the holidays was a tad rough. Work went from zero to sixty with everyone wanting to do “all the things” all at once! My mom was transferred to rehab on Tuesday so there’s been a lot to navigate there – but she’s doing great so that’s a win!

With all that was going on, my workouts were pretty much on auto-pilot, but I got ’em done.

Monday — 3 miles & Core

Tuesday — 2-mile walk, otherwise rest
Wednesday — 1-mile walk, Lower Body Strength & Core
Thursday — 1-mile walk & Peloton Bike
Friday — 3 miles & Core. Sleet had me heading to the treadmill, but vibing out to a fun 80’s playlist helped to get the miles done.

Saturday — 2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Core
Sunday — 4 miles & Core

Setting Some 2023 Goals

For the past couple of years, I have passed on setting any big annual fitness goals, choosing instead to set smaller monthly goals to keep me on track. For 2023 I’ve decided to set just a few goals:

  • Reach the starting line of my Spring and Fall races feeling prepared — I’m looking forward to doing more racing this year, and so above all else, I want to go into each race feeling strong and ready to go. This means being consistent in my training to build mileage smartly.
  • Develop a PT maintenance routine — As I’ve mentioned before, I spent way too much time last year playing a cat-and-mouse game with my quad/hip flexor injury. I’ll be starting this year with PT and my goal is to develop a routine to follow well after my sessions with the therapist are done.
  • Complete 12K Peloton minutes — I hit over 10,000 minutes in 2022 so I think 12K is doable.
  • Stretch daily — Focusing on my flexibility will go a long way toward helping me reach goal #1.

In case you missed it:

One Word for 2023

First Coffee Chat of 2023

How was your week? Any races coming up?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.



Hello September

I know we’re not at the official end of summer yet, but there was a noticeable shift in the weather towards the end of the week just as September rolled in. While I will never be one to wish days away (time really does fly by far too fast), I’m not at all mad about inching closer to fall weather.

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s how the week in workouts played out.

Week 35 – Hello September

Monday – Peloton Bike, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch. The weekend of travel and college move-in finally caught up with me so I kept my #nevermissamonday streak going with a quick and easy workout. I also had my first appointment with my new acupuncturist!
Tuesday – 3-mile run & Stretch. The humidity was just stupid thick, but surprisingly the run wasn’t terrible.

Wednesday – Rest day
Thursday – 2.5-mile walk, Lower body strength, Core & Stretch. I stacked a couple of Glutes & Legs classes along with some core, and have to admit halfway through Daniel’s class I was questioning my choices LOL (It was challenging and I’ll definitely be repeating it!)

Friday – 4-mile run & Stretch. Yeah, I definitely felt yesterday’s workout – my legs did not want to move uphill. But it was a beautiful and cool morning (see the photo in the header) so that was a win! And, since I had the day off, I followed it up with another acupuncture appointment.
Saturday – 2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Sunday – 5-mile run and lots of foam rolling.

September Goal Setting

Of the 5 goals I had set for August, the one I came up short on was building up to 8-mile long runs. I didn’t run longer than 4, because August was oh so August weather-wise. Sorry, not sorry. Thankfully with no races until November there’s more than enough time to stretch these runs.

So for September, the goals are short and simple:

  • Build my long runs to 8 miles
  • Complete a 30-day #OptOutside streak
  • Continue my daily stretch/foam rolling

How was your week? Any goals for September?


Five August Goals…a little late

I know, I know, it’s already the 12th of the month – perhaps it’s a little late to talk about the month’s goals. But, I did set some at the start of the month and meant to share them earlier, then work/life got in the way and I never posted.

So for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing my goals to keep myself accountable.

Five August Goals….a little late

Hydration — Despite the heat, I got way off my hydration game last month which sometimes resulted in headaches. The plan for this month is to track it carefully. I’m also testing out a few different electrolyte supplements (thanks Erica!) to see if that helps.

Build my long runs to 8 miles — In anticipation of fall races, it’s time to stretch the long runs. 8 miles feels like a good target because ramping up to a 10M or half marathon from there doesn’t feel like too much of a leap.

Daily Stretch or Foam Roll — Similar to the hydration, I’ve fallen off consistent stretching – it’s become too easy to be pressed for time, and let it slide. I’ll be correcting that this month.

Settle on Fall Races — And speaking of fall races, I’m feeling the itch to register for a couple and fill my race calendar so the goal is to find at least two races and commit.

Peloton Split Strength Program — I’ve been interested in trying out the Split program since it was introduced in the Spring. There are 4 programs offered by Robin, Adrian, Callie, and Matty. Robin’s one of my favorite instructors so my goal is to complete Robin’s program at least twice during the month along with trying at least one other.

What are you taking on this month? Any fall race suggestions?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Five Ways to Revive Your 2022 Goals

Can you believe that we are quickly approaching the halfway mark of 2022?!

As you reach the midway point of the year, it seems like a natural time to reflect and ask how are you doing with those goals and resolutions you set at the beginning of the year. Are they still top of mind? Are you making progress or have some of them slipped off your radar?

If some of your goals got pushed to the backburner, then consider these five ways to get back on track.

Five Ways to Revive Your 2022 Goals

Assess — If you have goals that you have not paid much attention to it’s important to first stop to consider if those goals are still important to you. What was your why for setting the goal in the first place? If you find that some goals just don’t resonate with you anymore, then there’s no crime in letting them go.

Prioritize — It’s easy to get ambitious at the start of a new year and set too many goals at once. It’s important to be realistic about the demands on your time and to recognize that trying to spread yourself too thin could leave you with goals unfulfilled. By setting priorities, you can create a realistic timeline mapping out all of the steps needed to move you closer to your goals and then determine a reasonable action plan.

Track Your Progress — According to a 2014 study, 33% of those who failed to achieve their goals did not track their progress. Use an app, habit tracker, or good old notebook to set up a system that will help you consistently track your progress.

Evaluate — Set aside time on a consistent basis to review your progress so you can see what’s working and where you may be struggling or need to consider a new approach.

Celebrate Along the Way — While the journey to achieving your goal may be challenging it should also include moments of joy. It’s important to celebrate wins, both big and small, along the way. Consider rewarding yourself when you hit key milestones. At the end of the day, if it’s not fun, it’s not worth doing!


Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Ready for June

Who’s ready for June? I know I am! I always enjoy the start of a new month and the chance to set some new goals. But before we dive into June plans, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

Week 22 – Ready for June

Monday — A little race recovery with a 2.8-mile walk and some yoga.
Tuesday — 1.2-mile walk, otherwise rest day.
Wednesday — 3.2-mile run, Core & Stretch. Celebrated Global Running Day virtually with some blogger friends

A huge thanks to Cari for putting this together!

Thursday — 3.5-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Friday – 4-mile run & Stretch.
Saturday — 1.5-mile walk, Full Body Strength & Stretch.
Sunday — 3-mile run. The plan was to run 6, but my quad woke up with a very different plan this morning. I tried to work through it, but I was bargaining with each step and finally decided to shut it down at 3. I have the BAA 10K in 3 weeks so there’s no point in risking aggravating anything.

June Goals

  • Complete the #3for31 Challenge — Peloton instructor Robin first introduced this challenge in December and it was a great way to stay consistent. The challenge is 3 miles on foot (walk, jog, or run) or 30 minutes of movement every day from June 1st through July 1st. Given my current #OptOutside streak (today’s Day 67), I’m planning to do the 3 miles/day option.

  • Return to Consistent Strength Training — With the craziness of my May schedule, strength training sometimes took a backseat, so I am looking to return to a more balanced mix of workouts.
  • Focus on Hill Work —  I’ve got the BAA 10K at the end of this month and while the course is fairly flat, the hill in mile 3 up Comm Ave has given me fits in the past. It doesn’t help that race day is usually hot and this part of the course offers absolutely no shade. The goal this year is to run that hill strong.

What are you looking forward to this month? 


Hello April

It’s a new month, which around here means setting a few monthly goals to keep me accountable and on track. But first here’s a quick look at this week’s workouts.

Week 13 and Setting April Goals

Monday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Tuesday — 2-mile walk & Yoga
Wednesday — Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch
Thursday — 3-mile run & Stretch
Friday — 4-mile run
Saturday — 2-mile walk & Upper Body Strength
Sunday — 7-mile run & Stretch

It was a pretty busy week which left me with less time for strength training and it was a rare week without a Peloton ride. But, I am happy to have logged another 4 run week!

Sunday’s 7 miler was my longest run in a while

April Goals

I had 3 goals for March:

  • Run 4 days/week and reach an LSD of 8 miles by month-end
  • Opt outside daily
  • Prioritize sleep

I was consistent with the 4 weekly runs and came up just a mile short on the long run. I also racked up 74 miles for the month which is the most miles I’ve had since sometime last fall – I call that a win! The daily outdoor plans took a hit as there were many days over the course of the month when Ma Nature thought serving up icy rain was a good idea. I think I did a much better job with my evening routine which contributed to better sleep – though there’s still room for improvement.

So what’s the plan for April? Pretty much more of the same:

  • Continue to increase my monthly mileage to 90 miles and get the long run up to double digits
  • I’m going to give opting outside daily another go. Right now I have a 4-day “streak” going – hopefully, the weather will cooperate!
  • Return to early morning runs – as much as I have enjoyed my lunch-time runs for the sake of milder temps, my April calendar is starting to look fairly hectic so getting up and out the door early will be a necessity. And, truth be told I really do prefer getting out on the roads early before the rest of the world (and distracted drivers!).

What have you got planned for April? Any races planned? What’s your preferred time of day to run?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


March 2022 Goals

I love the start of a new month – so full of new possibilities. As most of you know, I always like to set a couple of goals for the month – it helps to keep me on track. But first, here’s a quick recap of this week’s workouts.

Week 9 – Setting Goals for March

Monday — Full Body Strength, Core & Stretch. Jess did not mess around with this workout and her Mary J. Blige playlist was on point.

Tuesday — 1.5-mile walk & Yoga. Once again I stacked a few of Peloton’s 10 min. Focus Flow classes concentrating on hips and hamstrings.
Wednesday — 3.2-mile run, Upper Body Strength & Stretch. So much black ice! I managed to stay upright so that was a win!

Thursday –– 4-mile run. It was a bit warmer and there was much less black ice to contend with. I finished the workday with a much-needed sports massage.

Friday — 2-mile walk & Core. I had planned a Peloton ride, but another poor night of sleep (it was a theme all week!) left me dragging, and it just never happened. The midday walk and core was a nice break in the day.
Saturday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. I opted to sleep in and run around noon. It was a good call – the temperature was 20 degrees warmer.

Sunday — 3-mile run & Stretch. 4th day of running this week!

March Goals

As I noted, today was the first time I’ve run 4 times in a week in quite a while. Shifting to 4 runs/week had been one of my February goals, but a combination of scheduling & feeling various aches kept this from happening.  So this will now be among my March goals:

  • Lay the foundation for half marathon training — 4 days/week of running and extend my “long run” to 8 miles by the month’s end.
  • Opt outside daily — The goal is to run all of my runs outdoors and on my off days to head out for a walk. With just 14 more days until Spring, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate (i.e., no more snow/ice storms!)
  • Make sleep a priority — My sleeping was so poor this past month so I’m going to focus on what I can to set myself up for success. That means stepping away from both my laptop and phone earlier in the evening, adding in a stretch or yoga class before bed, and being consistent with my end-of-day meditation.

What have you got planned for March? Any races? Starting training?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Week 5 – February Freeze & Goals

February has rolled in and with it has come some very frigid weather. Ma Nature also thought it would be fun to serve up another storm, this time a mix of snow and ice, making getting outdoors a challenge. But of course, the workouts happened…here’s a quick peek at how the week played out.

Photo by Izzy Park on Unsplash

Week 5 – February Freeze

Monday — Full Body Strength & Core. I like starting the week with a solid strength workout and mixing in Jess’ Flash 15 classes has quickly become a Monday favorite. Robin’s Eminem 20-min core class was not for the faint of heart!

Tuesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. Run, slip, slide & repeat. Road conditions were suspect in some spots but I managed to stay upright.

Wednesday — 1.5-mile walk & Yoga.
Thursday — 4-mile run & Stretch. “Feels like” temps in the low single digits had me on the treadmill.
Friday — Boxing, Upper Body Strength & Stretch. Ice/Snow storm outside so decided to mix up the workouts inside with one of Peloton’s new boxing classes. Rad’s Eminem class was fun and combined with some upper-body strength left with me with jelly arms.

Gloves not needed, but so fun!

Saturday — 4.3-mile run, Core & Stretch. With everything heavily glazed over, I reluctantly returned to the treadmill. I’m so glad Kim suggested the BHM Block Party live run. The energy between Andrian & Jess was great and even though I couldn’t see Kim on the Leaderboard it was fun knowing she was running too.

Sunday — Currently coffee, though the plan is a Peloton ride later.

February Goals

I’ve also set a couple of goals for the month:

  • Expand My Running Base — I’ll be shifting to 4 days/week of running and inching my “long run” to 6 miles.
  • Peloton’s Boxing Contender — Complete 90 minutes of boxing in 7 days.
  • Return to Food Prep — I fell off the food prep wagon around the holidays, so I’m long overdue to get back to this!

What have you got planned for February?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Running Down the Last Week of 2021

Happy New Year!

Thanks to a staycation and lots of fun family time, I was able to take a much-needed exhale and relax during this last week. I’m feeling refreshed and ready for 2022!

Before I turn the page, here’s a quick peek at my final week of fitness for 2021.

Weekly Run Down – Week 52

Monday — 2-mile walk, Core & Yoga.
Tuesday — 3.1-mile run, Core & Stretch. 40s and sunshine made it well worth it to push my run to the late morning.

Wednesday –– 1-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Thursday – 4.25-mile run & Stretch.
Friday — 3.2-mile walk & Yoga.
Saturday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch.

A New Year’s Day run has become a tradition of the past few years, and when you can do it in shorts and new kicks, all the better!

Aren’t they pretty?!

Sunday — Peloton Bike, Core & Stretch. I also got my booster shot and flu shot this morning. I was so happy to finally find appointments for the whole family, though it took booking at 3 different pharmacies. Hopefully, there won’t be a vax hangover to contend with – but the plan for the rest of the day is to chill on the couch and watch some football.

With the end of the year, I wrapped up both the #3for31 challenge and #FFHolidayChallenge. I finished 2021 with 654.61 miles – not bad given that there were a few non-running weeks thanks to dealing with my cranky right hip. Thankfully the hip has been happy ever since the cortisone shot, and overall running has felt pretty good. Now the goal is to keep it that way!

Just a couple of 2022 Goals

And, speaking of goals, I recently runfessed that despite being a big goal-setter, I didn’t have any big fitness goals for 2022. For now, I’ve decided to stick with the approach I took for 2021, and focus on smaller monthly goals. I do have two year-long goals: 1) Attempt to do daily strength work (I’m borrowing this one from Cari) and 2) stay off injured reserve (see goal #1). There may be some race goals down the road, but right now I only have one race on the calendar and that’s not until Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully, there will be more racing this year than 2021’s two 10Ks and I would love a blogger meet-up or two.

For January goals, I’m also taking on the 31-day Virtual Ragnar Challenge (thanks to Jenn for this one!).

How was your last week of 2021? Are you setting any 2022 goals?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
