Hills on the ‘Mill

One of my goals for 2011 is to “embrace hill repeats into my training.” Well lo and behold, on the training plan today was hill work.  The problem? Mother Nature dropped 15″ on my doorstep yesterday. And, while  beautiful, the streets this morning still looked too much like a winter wonderland for hill work. So there was only one choice….face the ‘mill.

I was determined to not whine about being on the treadmill as I’ve been known to do. New year…new attitude, right? Besides, I figured the challenge of the hill work would help to pass the time. I found a workout on Running Planet called The Foot Hills which was described as an “entry level treadmill hill workout.” Perfect! It looked challenging enough and I liked that with it I would cover 5 miles.

I’m happy to say I completed it! And, for the first time I ran 5 miles on a treadmill — 3 has always seemed like torture to me! Focusing on the changing inclines and my form really helped the time (and miles) to click by. My glutes and quads are sore, but it’s a good kind of sore if you know what I mean.  And…..no IT issues!! So I will definitely be doing this workout again and checking out other ways to mix-it up on the ‘mill.

Happy Running!

A Few Goals for 2011

Being the seriously goal-oriented person that I am, a list of running-related goals for 2011 was inevitable…so here goes:

  1. Run my first half marathon — already registered!
  2. Improve my 10k time
  3. Run at least 6 races (including at least 1 more half) — I will flesh out my race schedule by end of January
  4. Get serious about strength training, especially glutes and hips to help reduce chances for more ITB injury
  5. Pay greater attention to my diet, especially the day before long runs
  6. Embrace hill repeats into my training — this was actually a goal I posted back in July but have yet to take it on
  7. Build my mileage and aim to run 1,000 miles
  8. Run strong (see #4), injury-free…and of course with Attitude 😉
    Have you set your goals for 2011?


    ITB, TRX and Christmas

    Random Thursday Thoughts…..

    Ice, Roll, Run, Aggravate….Repeat — That’s pretty much been the cycle with my left ITB for the past two weeks. But this week I’ve finally waved the white flag and am giving my angry left leg the rest it obviously needs.

    I went to a TRX demo class last night and my triceps are still not speaking to me! It was a great strength training workout. I signed up for a 6 week session starting in January to help kick the year off right and to help me to hold to one of my 2011 goals to make strength training part of my regular routine.

    There is nothing more magical than seeing Christmas through the eyes of your children! Today was the last day of school for my boys and with Christmas less than 2 days away, they can hardly contain themselves! We’ve watched every holiday special multiple times, and I have to say, the Grinch never gets old for them or me.

    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!


    First Half Marathon on the Horizon

    After some quiet murmurings and occasional declarations that I want to run a half marathon “at some point” — I have finally taken the leap and registered for my first half!

    On Memorial Day Weekend, I’ll be taking part in Boston’s Run to Remember. The race is a half marathon through the City of Boston in honor of fallen law enforcement officers. I’m both psyched and nervous to actually have a half on my 2011 schedule!

    So I’ll kick the year off with the Hyannis 10k in February and I’m still looking at a bunch of other races for next year, including a couple of other halfs. But first thing’s first….and my first half is finally on the horizon!


    November – Now What?

    October is now in the rearview mirror but it will be missed!

    While I didn’t continue my “more mileage each month” trend, I did run two races this month including my first 10k and I saw my pace start to get faster. I even had a 4 minute PR in my 5K!

    But now there is no training plan to greet me each morning. Instead there are frosty temps and total darkness that could easily leave me clinging to my blankets and hitting the snooze button.  As a newbie runner my big fear is shrinkage…mileage shrinkage that is! Yeah I know that there’s always the treadmill. And, despite how much I loathe the ‘Mill, I will probably have to embrace it at some point. BUT…let’s just say that I don’t see the ‘Mill being a shrinkage cure-all for me! 

    Without a race to train for, I need to set some new goals:
    • Improve my core strength
    • Get back in the gym and hit the weights
    • Improve my flexibility….Ok who are we kidding? My hamstrings are so tight this goal should probably just be “find some flexibility!”
    • And, yes maintain my mileage base…and dare I say, increase it?!
     For a little added incentive, I’m joining the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge hosted by Amanda at RuntoTheFinish. Check out her challenge here.

    I’m still toying with the idea of a Turkey Trot or Jingle Bell Run but haven’t decided yet – stay tuned!



    Nagging knees and future planning

    I’ve been babying my left knee following Monday’s race. I did go to my usual Pilates class on Wednesday and ventured out for a comfortable 3 mile run on Thursday. All seemed well, until Friday morning when my overly excited German Shepherd came charging down the hall and right into my knee — the good one! Are you kidding me?! My goodness does that dog have a hard head!

    So there was more ice and rest. And yes, I admit that standing most of the evening at the party we went to last night probably didn’t help any! There was no run today but I will get back out to see how things feel tomorrow and hopefully do my planned runs this week. I’m signed up to run a local 5k in a couple of weeks, but I’ll have to see how things go.

    Despite my current knee woes, I can’t help but start to think about future plans and I’ve been eyeing 2011 races. I know for sure that there’s at least one half marathon on the horizon for me…hopefully more than one…but which one will be my first? That I don’t know yet. But, maybe the first question should be how long will it take me to train for one cause that will certainly factor into the “when” of the race. Time to check training plans!


    Hello October!

    Despite the hectic pace of September, I logged 70 miles – my highest monthly mileage so far!

    And now it’s October – race month! I have been inspired by many of you training for your marathons, halfs, 10ks and 5ks. It’s helped me to stay focused and motivated for my first 10k race. Only 9 days till the Tufts 10k!

    So my goals for October are simple:

    • Keep building the mileage.
    • Baby my tweeky knee — lots of ice!
    • Enjoy my race experience! Trust that I can do the distance, run my own race and take in the moment! If I can do that, it will be a great race (whatever the clock says will be secondary)!

    So what are you planning for October?

    Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

    4 Weeks to Go!!

    If you think you can do it, or
    if you think you can’t do it
    you are right
                                         — Henry Ford
    In just 4 short weeks I’ll be lining up to run the Tufts 10k for Women. This is a race I have thought about running for quiet some time, but never thought I’d get to a point where I could actually run 6.2 miles. Even when I signed up back in July, the thought of covering that much distance was daunting! 
    But it’s amazing what a shift in your beliefs can produce — I have now completed my 6 mile loop multiple times and yesterday ran my second 7-mile run! With still 4 weeks left, I now know I can complete the distance! I also know it will be easy to get nervous and psyche myself out multiple times between now and October 11th, so I’ve printed out this quote and taped it to my mirror to remind myself it’s all mental now!
    Happy Running!

    July already?!?!

    July already?!?! I know everybody seems to be saying that but it really does feel like the first half of this year flew by in a blink…especially the month of June.

    When I laced up for my run yesterday I realized it was my first run in two months without a target – I’ve been focused on getting ready for my first 5K and completing the C25K program. Now the race has come and gone and as I headed out I thought….ok, now what?

    So the mid-point of the year seems like a good time to set some goals to carry me through to the frosty days of December.

    1. Run two more 5k races, improving my time with each race. The beauty of being a newbie runner is each race is a PR!
    2. Run a 10k race
    3. Increase my monthly mileage each month. I added 10 miles in June over May so with goals 1 & 2 this one shouldn’t be a stretch.
    4. Embrace hill repeats into my training. I loathe hills so this one will be a real challenge!
    5. Continue to improve my eating habits and find the food/drink that works best for me both pre- and post-run.
    6. Continue the weight training routines I started with the trainer. The trainer sessions are done but I feel like I was making progress, especially with my “angry” left leg and I do not want to regress.
    7. Identify races for 2011….including….dare I say it….a half marathon!

    That ought to keep me busy and challenged! 🙂

    Would love to hear what others goals are for the rest of 2010! Happy running everyone!

