Turning Motivation into Habits


Right now everyone’s all fired up to make a change, to bust out some new goals, declare their resolutions. The gyms are busier than ever, and all types of assorted diet products are flying off the shelves.

But what happens in a couple of weeks…after the dust settles…after the New Year’s confetti is gone?

Here are a few tips to help turn all that New Year’s motivation into good habits all year long.

Pace yourself — It is very easy to get too hyped up – even “over-motivated”? – go out too hard, and then fizzle, or get injured. Start small…baby steps can add up to big payoffs down the road.

Be consistent — Everything I’ve ever read says that it takes between 21 and 28 days to build a good habit, and from personal experience I believe that to be true. A little something each day during the first 3 – 4 weeks will help ensure the new habit sticks.

Be kind to yourself — Everyone experiences set backs. When you fall down (either literally or figuratively), the key is to not beat yourself up over it, but be willing to pick yourself up and begin again.

Find a partner or group — There’s a lot to be said for being accountable to someone else and having someone to draw motivation from on those days when you’re not feeling it.

Surround yourself with success — Part two of finding a partner is to beware of spending time around others who don’t support your efforts – they will drain you! As much as possible, spend time with others who model the behavior/habits you’re striving for.

Keep visual reminders — Whether it’s a word, phrase or photo, posting visual reminders where you’re sure to see them will help keep your goals at the forefront. Energy flows where attention goes so make your goals hard to ignore and you’re more likely to follow through.

What new habits are you trying to build?
What tricks work for you?


Recharging for 2013

We’ve been in full holiday celebration mode for a week now around my house – soaking in time with family and friends. After all of the rushing around and planning, it’s been great to be present in the moment and just enjoy the days as they’ve unfolded. It wasn’t until late yesterday afternoon, curled up under a blanket nursing a sore throat that I really started to think about goals for 2013.

Looking back at the running goals I laid out in January, I’m happy to say that I hit almost all of them (the 10K PR still eludes me). I had a heck of a lot of fun this year with lots of highs:

  • taking the whole family along for a race in DC
  • getting to meet a bunch of runner/bloggers
  • serving as a ZOOMA race ambassador
  • getting away with my friend E for run and fun at ZOOMA Cape Cod
  • working with my running coach Bennett Cohen – learned so much!!
  • new PRs in the half marathon, 10-miler and 5K
  • ran over 900 miles

Now that I’ve had a little down time, I’m looking forward to kicking up my training for a half marathon in March (still debating which one!). So, what are some of my running/fitness goals for the upcoming year?

  • complete the 13 in 2013 Challenge— I think I’ve almost got the race calendar sorted out!
  • looking to shave some more time off my best times for both the half marathon and 10K (specific target times to come later) – I really need to find a flatter course for the half!
  • continue to do all of things that I believe helped to keep me off the injury-reserve list — yoga, strength training, massages and time with the chiro.

But, as always, the biggest goal is to continue to have fun — to run with friends, to run in some new locales, try an obstacle course race (or two), be a race volunteer, and have more blogger meet-ups!


Hello June

After losing about half the month to being sick, I am very happy to be putting May in the rearview mirror. I’m ready to set some new goals for June and the summer ahead!

June Goals:

  • Hit all of my training runs – total miles: 90
  • Commit to not walking a hill on any of my runs
  • Complete the Another Mother Runner Challenge
  • Complete the June 100x Challenge
  • Weekly yoga
  • Core work 3x’s/week
  • Strength training at least 2x/week
  • Set myself up for a strong 10k on July 3rd

With a strong June, I should be in great shape to start training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon in September!

What are your June goals? Do you have a big fall race planned?


Setting some goals

So we’re ten days into the new year –  I have a tentative race schedule laid out…but beyond the schedule what are my fitness goals?

  • Increase my weekly mileage such that I can maintain a solid base mileage to build on for any training plan
  • Try some new race distances (I’ve got a 10-miler and 15k on my schedule so hopefully I’ve got that one covered)
  • Run a 2:30 half
  • Run a sub-2:30 half
  • Set a 10k PR
  • Stay injury-free — as I mentioned in my post about acupuncture, I believe this will come through more consistent strength-training, improving my range of motion/flexibility and proactive self-care
  • Incorporate more healthy eating habits — J and I are planning to add one new habit a month so by year-end we’ll have 12 new habits and hopefully lose some not-so-good ones along the way
  • Continue to have fun! I had a lot of fun with my running in 2011 and obviously want that to continue! I want to connect with more runners (both locally and online), encourage others when I can and hopefully meet up with some other bloggers 🙂

Goals for the Philly Half

Why is it that a race can seem so far off when you register and then bam before you know it’s a little more than a day away and you find yourself wishing you had more time?

When I first started training for Philly, I had in the back of my mind a goal of running 2:30 or better – recognizing that a 5 min PR would be quite an accomplishment. But this training’s been really up and down — I have either felt very strong or concerned that my left ITB/knee would completely derail my even getting to the starting line. Now with Sunday just around the corner I can’t say I’ve completely let go of a time goal, but I’ve got other goals as well:

  • Start Slow and Build — I need to learn from my first 2 halfs and not go out too fast. This is really hard for me cause I get so caught up in the moment!
  • Attack the Hills– I’ve been working on attacking hills in my training runs vs. just surviving them.
  • Run a Strong Final 5k — I’d like to have enough left in the tank when I get to the 10 mile marker to really be able to push hard over the last few miles.
  • Win the Mental Battle — This is a 3-parter: 1) not let every twinge from my left leg cause a panic; 2) use the mantras and other mind tricks I came up with over my last few long runs to help when it gets hard out there; and 3) don’t second-guessing myself and trust my training.
  • Time goals — This is a 3-parter as well, in order: 1) Beat my time in Providence, 2) PR and 3) hit 2:30

And, it should go without saying that the overall goal is to go out there and have a good time! OK Philly here I come!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend
– especially to my fellow bloggers heading to Philly!

The simple joy of a run

Earlier this week I had talked about making choices, and that first on my list for the week was to hit the target pace for each workout. A worthwhile goal right?

So I went to the track on Tuesday to face the intervals I dread the most…1600’s. As I ticked off each lap, pace math was making my head swim – I was obsessed with the numbers…but I did it, each interval was in fact below my target. I left the track, sweat-drenched and satisfied. Wednesday was a good strength training session and then came Thursday’s tempo run. I admit I can get a little psyched out over tempo runs, but I kept telling myself that the 1600 intervals I had run called for a faster pace than this run did…and besides the goal was to hit each target pace right? Wrong!

From the beginning I struggled through the run and, as the numbers on my Garmin didn’t come down, the level of my negative self-talk went up. Now yes, it was 75 degrees out and crazy humid but there was more going wrong here than just Mother Nature not cooperating. I slogged through and in the end only hit 1 mile where I wanted to, and as soon as the Garmin chimed for the 5th mile I did something I’ve never done before. I stopped my watch and walked the last quarter mile home. I was miserable and just wanted to be done! It wasn’t until I was whining about it to J last night that it hit me….I was so caught up in hitting the pace that I had completely sucked the joy out of the run. I had kept using phrases like “I have to…” that morning, like it was some chore I needed to check off my to do list. Not a good recipe for success.

This morning I was eager to get back out on the road – not necessarily for “redemption” but just to cut loose and enjoy a run. I debated wearing my Garmin, but did throw it on promising myself that no matter what number flashed at me that this was to be a run purely on feel. I just let go – I didn’t think about “have tos” or “must dos” I just ran for the simple joy of being out for a run on a perfect fall morning. Yes, I did glance at my Garmin once or twice, but I stuck to my promise to just go by feel. And, when I was done I felt recharged…and the nice bonus was I’d run a faster 4 miles then I have in awhile.

While training plans and target paces are all valuable to help reach whatever goal you’ve set, it is so important to not forget to just run for the simple joy of a run!

Happy Running!

Lessons learned and training begins again

I’ve started training this week for the Providence Rock ‘n’ Roll Half! As you can imagine, I’ve been thinking a lot about my last race — both the training and the race itself. Where do I make changes? What do I tweak…or throw out?

A couple of things stand out for me….

  • Without question, I need to make a more dedicated effort to strength training, especially where my left leg is concerned. The imbalance between my quads and hamstrings is a major contributor to my knee woes. Additionally, my right leg is so dominant that it is throwing off my gait – especially when I start to get tired. In looking back at my training, I was understandably most focused on building the miles. While there was some strength training, to be honest it was both minimal and inconsistent. If I do not want a repeat performance of my left leg cashing it in shortly after mile 8, then I have to get serious about strengthening the leg!
  • I’ve got to figure out a hydration plan. All of my long runs leading up to the half were done in cool temps – I never carried water with me. Then bam, race day is hot and humid and I wasn’t use to taking in water while running and as a result I don’t think I managed the water stations as well as I could have. Obviously, no one expected those crazy temps then, but the Providence RnR is in August so heat and humidity is a given! In general I know I need to hydrate better, both on days I run as well as off days. But I also need to use my long runs to figure out a hydration strategy for the race.
  • I need to continue to work on pacing and not be afraid to push it. There were moments during my last training cycle where I’d be running and feeling good then glance at my Garmin and think “whoa is that really my pace, I’ve got to slow it down cause I’ll never make it to the end of the run.” In other words I’d psyche myself out! I realize it’s really easy to fall into this rut of thinking of yourself as an XX min/mile runner – I need to challenge myself to not fall into that rut.

So, now with a better mileage base, my goals leading up to the next race are to strengthen my legs (especially the left), learn to hydrate better and embrace a little speed! And I’m going back to posting my weekly plan because it helps to keep me accountable.

For this week:
Monday — Yoga  (check)
Tuesday — Strength work (check)
Wednesday — Tempo run (4) (check)
Thursday — Yoga or Rest
Friday — Long run (6)
Saturday — Pilates reformer (counts for strength work)
Sunday — Easy 5

Happy Running!

Race Goals

After signing up for this race back in December, I can’t believe Sunday’s almost here. My first half marathon – I am beyond excited!

My goals for Sunday:

  • Enjoy the moment! To appreciate the fact that less than a year ago, the thought of running my first 5k was a big deal, and now I’ll be running another 5k…just running another 10 miles first!
  • Finish strong! I will not let concern about my knee consume me. I know that if my legs can’t carry me any further, my heart will.
  • Be consistent! In all my long runs I had a tendency to go out too fast. On Sunday, I’d like to strive for consistency mile over mile – I think it will help me to have enough in the tank at the end.
  • Be proud of the effort! I’m trying not to get too caught up in having a goal time – it’s my first race at this distance so whatever the time, it’s a PR, right 🙂

Send some good vibes my way on Sunday, ok? And have a great weekend!


    My New Target

    This lovely necklace came my way about a month ago courtesy of a great giveaway from Marcia at The Studly Runner (aka Running Off at the Mouth).

    Since I received the necklace from Nana’s Jewelry, it’s been sitting in the box it came in on a shelf in my closet — put aside until the 10k training I was currently in was complete.

    Well, the 10k is done and in the books. So on this first day of a new month, it seemed like a good time to bring it out. It may sound corny, but this little necklace will serve as a great reminder and motivator for the journey I’m about to embark on. I’m so excited to go after this goal!

    I’ve decided to treat this week as kind of a step back week — a chance to get my half training plan finalized and give my angry left knee a little break. So I did an easy run of 3 today, and plan to get in some strength training, yoga and couple more easy runs during the rest of this week. Then it will be time to go after my new target…time for another first! I can’t wait to get started!


    Best laid plans….

    The plan was to kick February off with a bang!

    After a step back week, I was going to up the mileage this week, I had my strength workouts laid out and the plan was to start and end every day with a little yoga. Sounds good, right?

    Yeah well…the combination of Mother Nature, early school closings, no school and the dreaded stomach bug quickly turned this week into the week that wasn’t. So now I sit here, almost two pounds lighter (but I would strongly advise against this diet approach) trying to tweak my plan so I can stay on my goal to improve my 10k time at Hyannis at the end of the month. I must admit that I’m not feeling very confident. I honestly feel like I’ve been getting slower on the treadmill….is that possible or am I just psyching myself out? Well, whatever it is I’ve got three weeks to shake it off…hmmm, better get back to tweaking….
