It was not too long ago that I had commented on how much I liked my new gym…and that so far there had been no gym crazy sightings. Well, I should have known it wouldn’t last…so I happily share with you another edition of Gym Crazies!
This week’s cast of characters:
First, there was Running Man – this guy was clipping along at a good pace on the treadmill behind me when all the sudden he hops off and does a slow lap around the gym floor all while leaving the treadmill running…and then he’d jump back on again! This went on for a good 30 minutes the other day…and did I mention my gym does not have an indoor track so he was literally running in and around the equipment, all while his treadmill kept going.
Then there was Dress Shoes – I kid you not, a guy got on the elliptical next to me the other day wearing khaki pants and dress shoes! There’s no explaining this one…
And, finally I give you the Grunter – this woman grunted through her treadmill run and then upped the ante on the stairmaster. And, I’m not talking the occasionally grunt…it sounded like she was literally grunting with each step! She had headphones on so I can only imagine she couldn’t hear herself, right?
I’ll be heading over to the gym in a bit to get my strength workout in – can’t wait to see who will show up today!
Do you ever feel like you’re the only sane person at your gym?