Return of the Gym Crazies

It was not too long ago that I had commented on how much I liked my new gym…and that so far there had been no gym crazy sightings. Well, I should have known it wouldn’t last…so I happily share with you another edition of Gym Crazies!

This week’s cast of characters:

First, there was Running Man – this guy was clipping along at a good pace on the treadmill behind me when all the sudden he hops off and does a slow lap around the gym floor all while leaving the treadmill running…and then he’d jump back on again! This went on for a good 30 minutes the other day…and did I mention my gym does not have an indoor track so he was literally running in and around the equipment, all while his treadmill kept going.

Then there was Dress Shoes – I kid you not, a guy got on the elliptical next to me the other day wearing khaki pants and dress shoes! There’s no explaining this one…

And, finally I give you the Grunter – this woman grunted through her treadmill run and then upped the ante on the stairmaster. And, I’m not talking the occasionally grunt…it sounded like she was literally grunting with each step! She had headphones on so I can only imagine she couldn’t hear herself, right?

I’ll be heading over to the gym in a bit to get my strength workout in – can’t wait to see who will show up today!

Source: Cartoonstock

Source: Cartoonstock

Do you ever feel like you’re the only sane person at your gym?


Friday’s This & That

This has been one crazy busy week as evidenced in part by the 3 half written blog posts still sitting on my computer and the stacks of clean laundry waiting to be folded and put away. Lots swirling around in my brain…so indulge me for a little randomness…

NBFRR 2015 logoRunning for a cause — While work was one of biggest contributing factors to the craziness of this week, it’s all good because I really enjoy what I do…especially when I get to do something running related! On Monday, I attended a meeting with the Falmouth Road Race organizers. For those of you who don’t know, the Falmouth Road Race is an awesome 7-mile race held on the Cape in August. I was so excited when I heard that the MA Breast Cancer Coalition was awarded 20 bibs! Now it’s my job to pull together our team! (By the way if you’re going to be on the Cape this summer, we need to talk!)

Give it a rest Mother Nature — yep Mother Nature doesn’t know when to quit! We had sleet and hail around here the last couple of days, which definitely messed with my running schedule. But today it’s suppose to get into the 50s and higher this weekend…so we move on.

Summer planning already? — Can I just say it’s a little hard to believe summer’s ever coming when you’re watching hail fall! But, we just got my son’s camp pack list  and boy is he going to need to bring a lot of stuff! So I’ll be adding that shopping to my to do list!

Need more time on the track — I’ve made no secret that I’ve fallen into a bit of a running funk…just haven’t found my groove yet. But after last weekend one thing is clear to me, I need to go play on the track more.  I’ve always felt at home on the track and while I’m far from being in shape for serious speedwork – there’s always room for any type of running that puts a smile on your face, right?

A much needed day off — This was definitely one of those weeks that I’m so glad I don’t work on Fridays. Today will be filled with yoga, some errands and a long overdue catch-up with a friend!

Have you ever been a charity runner? What have you got planned for the weekend?


Weekend Update v2

Monday already? Really?

My goodness the weekend went by fast….anyone else feel this way?

It started out just I had mentioned in my last post….

Friday afternoon was spent shopping with a friend, then a lazy evening of pizza, a glass of wine and hanging with my family.


Saturday was full of shuttling the boys to and from hockey and lacrosse practices; another run on the ‘mill (thanks to a cold, downpour) and trying to make some serious progress on my decluttering/spring cleaning.




Blogger fail I should have taken a “before” pic so you can truly appreciate how much better this closet looks! I’m taking on the kids’ rooms next!


a family addiction


There were tacos for dinner and catching up on…


On Sunday, I stayed on the “spring cleaning” bandwagon,” before heading out to my youngest son’s playoff hockey game…where on the drive down this happened…

March snowyes that’s more snow, Boston officially broke the record for the snowiest winter ever and ….I have no more words!

All-in-all a good weekend, even if it did feel like it went by in a blink of an eye!

I’m linking up with Tara’s Weekend Update – be sure to stop by and say hi!

Running 'N' Reading
How was your weekend?

I Heart Fridays!

Happy Friday!

I’m linking up Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for their #FridayFive link-up. The topic this week is “Day in the Life,” which is always fun – I love a peak into how other people spend their days.

Since I just dished on morning routines, I thought I’d take a different spin and give you five things I love about my Fridays.


Five Things I love about Friday

No work I don’t work on Fridays – I may check in on email quickly but Fridays are a no work day. Instant long weekend!

Trainer workouts —  Since I started working with Trainer Stacy, I try to get workouts with her in a couple of Fridays a month.

Lunch with Friends — No work on Fridays also means I try to book lunch plans with friends as often as possible.

Family downtime — Friday nights are great for just family hangout time. We’re free from homework and my husband and I kind of have an unwritten rule to make no plans for the evening. After running here and there all week, this is one night we can count on to grab dinner and just hang together.

Pizza! — And speaking of dinner, more often than not pizza is the family favorite on Fridays. Sometimes we’ll order take out, but if the energy level is high enough we’ll make our own. Thrown in a glass of wine and it’s the perfect end to a busy week!

 Do you love Fridays as much as I do? Any great plans for the weekend?




68.6 inches of snow in 17 days….

68.6 inches people…and more is on the way.

I’d wave a white flag but with all this damn snow you’d never see it.

I am officially snow crazed…

…. the condition when you can no longer cheerfully announce that shoveling is a form of cross-training

…. the condition when you jump when the phone rings for fear it’s the announcement of yet another snow day from school

….. the condition when you’ve played all the games and watched enough movies that even your kids are starting to look weary

….. the condition when you actually start to have homicidal feelings towards the plow drivers who keep pushing the snow back into the end of your driveway

Snow rage

Gratefully, the kids are headed back to school today and I’m headed to the gym to regain a little of my sanity, even if I have to do it on the ‘mill.

Is any one else cursing Mother Nature lately?


Runfessions – January edition

It’s that time again…last Friday of the month so I’m joining Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul!



Runfession #1 — Cherry Blossom training was suppose to begin this week… but didn’t. I’m still in the run/walk, knee-watch phase…and right now 10 miles seems so far!

Runfession #2 — Thanks to Juno and more snow on the way today, I probably won’t be seeing too many outdoor runs in the near future. With no place to put the snow, the roads are very narrow and on some of my favorite routes, sidewalks are non-existent. The thought of treadmill-only running does not bode well for my training plans.

Runfession #3 — I have to admit I’m much happier on my strength training days vs. my run days – maybe because I feel like I’m seeing more progress.

Runfession #4 — Or maybe this should be labeled food-fession…Let’s just say I stepped on the scale recently and there are 6 pounds or so that need not be there. Time to lay off the comfort food! ‘Nuff said there.

Runfession #5 — Due to my work schedule I didn’t sign-up for the current 12-week session of my favorite Pilates barre class and I miss it terribly! I may have to break down and try the Pilates classes at my new gym just so I don’t go through complete withdrawal.

There…I feel better now! What’s your runfession?


December Runfessions

Given that the last Friday of the month falls on the day after Christmas, Marcia decided to do her monthly “runfessions” today – and once again, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — I’m very excited that the lottery gods smiled on me and I’m in for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! After playing around with lots of race possibilities for 2015, there’s something about having this one firmly on the calendar that makes me finally ready to pull the trigger on some others.

Runfession #2 —  I have so been enjoying running without a watch that I’m actually starting to wonder how I’m going to get use to it again once training starts.

Runfession #3 — I really miss my running buddy E, and it looks like her prognosis to return to running is not looking good. While weekend runs with my husband have been fun, there’s nothing like catching up with a girlfriend while logging the miles.

Runfession #4 — Working with the trainer has shown me in no uncertain terms just how little attention I’ve been paying to strengthening my hamstrings and glutes. It was no secret to me that I’m quad dominant, but these workouts have been a leg-shaking eye-opening experience!

Runfession #5 — I’ve been invited to another event at Athleta tonight – oh be still my heart! Is it wrong to offer to my husband to buy my own Christmas presents 😉

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?  


More Runfessions

Joining up with Marcia, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice, for her monthly “runfessions” – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul.


Runfession #1 — I was suppose to be getting on a plane tomorrow to head to the Philly half. Every time I get an email update from the race I must admit it stings just a little.

Runfession #2 — I’m not running much at all. I’m finding it hard to hit some those pre-dawn runs in the bitter cold when I’m not training for something.

Runfession #3 — I have been hitting the cross-training more and more…cause frankly I’m hard to live with if I don’t workout! Just ask my husband…

Runfession #4 — I am starting to plan a race schedule for 2015 that I’getting excited about. Now I either need to hit lotto or find a sponsor to cover the race fees 😉

Runfession #5 — Not at all run-related, but it’s freaking me out a little how quickly these weeks are slipping by.  My youngest son keeps announcing the weekly countdown till Christmas and I haven’t even started planing yet. (Just under 5 weeks in case you were wondering!)

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?  Have you started planning for the holidays yet?


Beware of the Leaves


They look innocent enough don’t they…those pretty colorful leaves on the sidewalks and roads.

Well…consider this my public service announcement for the week…tread carefully across those leaves cause you never know what may be lurking beneath! I discovered this the hard way during Saturday’s run – stepped on a twig and awkwardly twisted my knee.

Still doesn’t feel so great today so I’ll be cross-training instead of running. Maybe I’ll exact some revenge with my leaf-blower in the backyard 😉


Friday Five: Runfessions

Every month Marcia, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice, shares her “runfessions” – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul. I love these posts. Marcia always invites her readers to join her and so this time round, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — While I’m feeling better about my training than I have in weeks, I confess that I am no where close to where I wanted to be at this point. But there’s still 8 weeks until Philly…

Runfession #2 — I’m seriously struggling with my motivation…there are definitely days where I want to chuck the training plan, let go of my race goals and just go back to running purely for the fun of it.

Runfession #3 — I’ve decided to take the Smuttynose Half off the table.  While this was never a goal race, I will admit that I was secretly hoping to take advantage of the “flat, fast course” and kick some serious asphalt. Given #1, Coach Bennett and I agreed that if I can’t go and run it really easy that I shouldn’t do it….and I know myself and I just don’t think I can…so no Smuttynose this year.

Runfession #4 — I really miss my running buddy E. She’s been dealing with an injury and it’s been ages since we’ve run together. I’m sure that’s not helping my motivation on some days. But I do so appreciate that she’s one of my biggest cheerleaders!

Runfession #5 — I’m loving my hill workouts…I know right? But I have to admit that Thursday’s hill repeats have become my favorite workout of the week! And I’ve been crushing them!

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?

