Fit Five Friday – Year-end Fitness Goals

Thanks for joining me, DarleneReneeJenn, and Zenaida for another edition of Fit Five Friday!

It’s hard to believe that in less than 80 days 2023 will come to an end! For this week’s Fit Five Friday, we’re inviting you to share your goals for this final stretch of the year. Of course, you’re always welcome to write about any other fitness-related topic.

Five Year-end Fitness Goals

Get back to running — I have been grounded for 4 weeks – 4 weeks without a run! Now that I’ve got my MRI results and know that there’s no tear, I’m ready to focus on a plan to get back out on the roads.

Continue to Opt Outside — I make no secret that the fall is my favorite season, so why not maximize my time outdoors before winter creeps in? I’ve been walking during my grounded phase and will continue to #optoutside daily as I work on returning to running.

Prioritize Sleep How many times have I said this?! My sleep has been junk lately and I’m really feeling it. I need to lean into my evening routine so that I set myself up for a good night’s sleep.

Meal plan While I’m great at consistently planning each week’s dinners, I’ve been totally winging it on breakfast, lunch, and snacks. My choices lately have not always been the best, as evidenced by the numbers creeping in the wrong direction on my scale, so time to fix that!

Find a race to do “with” my son — My oldest recently announced that he’d like to find a race to train for and we thought it would be fun to run one “together” – of course that’s in quotes because he will dust me at the start line but we’ll be running the same race. He wants to do a 10K in the Spring (before thinking about a half marathon). I’d love to be in a place where I can run a 10K with him.

Tell me, what have you got planned for these final months?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Fit Five Friday – Five Current Faves

Happy Friday!

Thanks for joining me, DarleneReneeJenn, and Zenaida for another edition of Fit Five FridayThis week we’re inviting you to share your five favorite running/fitness products. You are, of course, always welcome to write about any other fitness-related topic. I’m deviating slightly this week to share a few of my current favorites with you. This post contains affiliate links.

Five Current Faves

Brooks Chaser Short Brooks has gifted the Run Happy Team a couple of pairs of the Chaser Short this year and I’m a big fan. They come in 3 lengths (3, 5, and 7 inches – the 5-inch is my fave), have a built-in liner, and don’t ride up. They are so comfortable – my only complaint is that I struggle with getting my phone in and out of the back pocket.

Just received this color and I love it!

Brooks Hyperion I received these shoes during Brooks Hype Fest. I was surprised at just how light and responsive these shoes are – they feel speedy! I like them for speedwork and can see using them for short runs or races.


AG1 — On the nutrition front, I’ve been using AG1 for the past couple of months. AG1 offers 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in just one scoop combined with 8 oz of water. I like to add a little lemon juice to the mix to brighten the taste a bit.

Peloton Hip Mobility — I’ve shared this class before in my Weekly Run Downs and it continues to be a favorite. This is 15 minutes of goodness and it is in constant rotation – if you have the Peloton app, I encourage you to check this one out!

Sidekick Muscle Scraper I have to runfess that I’ve had my Sidekick for a while and re-discovered it at the beginning of the summer after catching a video of Molly Seidel on Instagram using hers – thanks for the reminder Molly! It’s become a staple in my recovery routine.

What are some of your current favorites?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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Fit Five Friday – Summer Fitness Goals

With the summer months laid out before us,  I’ve been thinking about what my goals will be. So for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing some summer fitness goals.

Fit Five Friday – Summer Fitness Goals

Have a Healthy Build-up for Fall Racing — While I haven’t landed on a fall race calendar, I have several options I’m considering. I shared over coffee that I’ll be working with Coach Marc again – my goal is to reach the starting line (s) healthy and feeling confident.

Acclimate & Embrace the Heat — I make no secret that summer running is my least favorite, but I’m going to do my best to navigate summer running by focusing on my hydration & electrolyte intake and getting out extra early.

Daily Stretching/Mobility Work — I’m already off to a good start with this one so the goal is to keep this streak going all summer long.

Dial in My Nutrition — While I don’t like to focus on the number on the scale, I can feel that I’m carrying more than I’d like. I’ve let my chaotic schedule get the best of my eating choices over the past couple of months, so now I’m going to make the most of the season’s farmers’ markets and grilled proteins to get back on track.

Have Fun/Try Something New — Summer is about having fun and I’m here for it! I’ve been thinking a lot about getting out of my comfort zone and joining one of the local run groups. The thought of running with others is intimidating to me (cue the “I’m too slow” voice) but I’ve also been craving building some new connections – and why not through running?

Tell me, what have you got planned for the summer? Registered for any fall races yet?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Ways to Beat the Heat – Summer Running Tips

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday! With many of us already getting our first taste of summer-like temps, it seems like the perfect time to share some summer running tips. I have made it no secret that running in the heat and humidity is not something that I enjoy, but as a fan of fall races, there’s just no way around it. So I’m going to do my best to embrace it, keeping these tips in mind…

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in the summer of 2014, and has been updated.

Ways to Beat the Heat – Summer Running Tips


Hit the road early —  Temperatures are much lower earlier in the day so why not get out before the sun’s rays become too intense. This one is a must-do for me!

Get acclimated — As you make the adjustment to running in warmer temps, this is not the time to get hung up on hitting target paces. Take those first hot runs slowly, focusing more on effort than pace. Your body will adjust within a couple of weeks.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate — I’m always surprised by the number of runners who proclaimed not to carry any fluids with them when they run regardless of the distance. For long runs, I get that not everyone loves carrying a handheld water bottle but there are other options – a hydration vest, fuel belt or just strategically stashing water along your route. For shorter runs, at least make sure you hydrate well before and after your run. Drink according to thirst!

Dress the part — I’ve said it for winter running and the same holds true for summer – avoid running in cotton clothing! All cotton does is trap sweat, stay wet, and potentially cause chaffing (which of course always begs the question – Why any race shirt is cotton?!). Stick to light-colored, moisture-wicking apparel…and don’t forget sunglasses and a hat or visor.

Be willing to head indoors — That’s right…I said it! Sometimes, it’s going to be just too dang hot to run – so be willing to switch things up. Either hit the treadmill or opt to make it a cross-training day — great days to head to an air-conditioned gym, studio, or the comfort of your own basement, right? And, if you’ve got access to a pool – lucky you!

Above all, I think the biggest key to managing your workouts in the summer heat is to listen to your body! You can never go wrong with that approach, right?

How do you manage summer running?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Five More Things About Me

Happy Friday!

Thanks for joining Darlene, Jenn, Renee, Zenaida, and me for another edition of Fit Five Friday! This week we’re inviting you to share five words that describe yourself – you are, of course, welcome to share any fitness/wellness-related post. I’m deviating a little to share five things about myself – I shared five things a couple of years ago which you can read here. It was a fun post to write so why not another one?!

Five More Things About Me

Home Decor — I love home decoration. I can happily spend time pouring over paint chips, fabric samples, etc. Home stores are one of my happy places! This will hopefully serve me well when the remodeling project begins.

Beach — Speaking of happy places, I am truly happy when I am near the ocean regardless of the season.

Swimming — While I love being on or near the ocean…I cannot swim. Oh, the irony!

Sushi — I’m pretty sure that I could eat sushi daily.

Candles — You will often find lit candles in my house or on my deck when the weather cooperates. My boys often tease me for buying more candles – I find them soothing and a subtle scent can be very relaxing.

Tell me something about you!

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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April Coffee Chat

As we ease into a new month, this is the perfect time to settle in and catch up over coffee. For this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave beverage, and let’s chat.

April Coffee Chat

Over coffee, I would share how excited I am to have my college boy home for an extended Easter weekend! He got home last night and with the way his class schedule lines up with the days off, he doesn’t need to be back on campus until Wednesday!

Over coffee, I would tell you that once again I’ll be volunteering for the Boston Marathon. I’ll be working bib pick-up on Friday afternoon so if you’re running come see me!

After sharing my contractor woes over the past couple of months it seems only fitting that over coffee I would tell you that we have finally received some bids and have settled on a contractor. Now we need to get past the town’s conservation commission – sigh. Please send me some patience…

Your turn…what would you tell me over coffee?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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My February Runfessions

Amazingly enough, we’ve reached the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by me, DarleneReneeJenn, and Zenaida, so let’s dive in.

My February Runfessions

Not funny Mother Nature

I live in New England so honestly, I really shouldn’t be surprised, but I runfess that I am not amused by Mother Nature’s twisted sense of humor. After flirting with spring-like weather for the past couple of weeks, snow and ice have returned this week and are all that can be seen in the upcoming forecast. Seriously?! I ran in shorts on Monday! Sigh…

Cheating on Matty

I started the month motivated to participate in Matty’s enCORE 28 challenge for February on the Peloton app. I runfess that for as much as I enjoy Matty’s classes I got bored of doing only his core classes…so I “cheated” on him with a couple of the other instructors. So the month’s core streak lives, just not all with Matty.

The scale can be blunt

I runfess that my eating habits have gotten lackadaisical. Basically, the “oh it’s the holidays” mindset of December hasn’t left the building. Ahem, it’s now the end of February. I runfess that I can feel the extra pounds on my run…time to reel it in. I’ll be reacquainting myself with MyFitnessPal.

Any Runfessions to share? Is Mother Nature playing games where you are?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Five Races for 2023

As I continue to make steady progress with my physical therapist, my thoughts are slowly starting to turn toward potential races I want to run this year. I love the fun, camaraderie, and challenge races can provide! For this week’s Fit Five Friday I’m sharing some races I’m hoping to run this year.

Five Races for 2023

Mystic 10K (May) – I actually just registered for this one and for added fun my husband is going to run it too! HMF events put on a great race so I’m looking forward to this one.

Newport 10M (June) – I haven’t run this race since the inaugural race and now it’s preparing to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Time flies! This race offers a beautiful course that includes both the infamous Newport mansions and beautiful coastal views.

Ocean Road 10K (October) – I have run this race in 2018 and 2021. I love this course and had planned to run it last year, but it collided with college parents’ weekend.

Western MA 10M (November) – I ran the inaugural race last year and really liked the point-to-point course and post-race vibe. As soon as I finished this race I knew I wanted to run it again.

As for #5? I’ve got a couple of options I’m thinking about – ZOOMA Cape Cod (September), Ted Corbitt 15K (December), and the MR8K (December) are all possibilities. Also, Run Happy Team members are being offered the opportunity to participate in Brooks-sponsored races, so for me, this could mean the Philadelphia Distance Run (September half), Twin Cities 10M (part of the Twin Cities Marathon weekend in October), or the Indianapolis Monumental Half (late October).

So yes, there could easily be more than five races and, as long as injuries stay at bay, I’m here for it!

What races are you planning to run this year?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related link, link back to your hosts, and please share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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For the Love of Running

Happy Friday! This week the Fit Five Friday crew is inviting you to share what you love about running – of course, you can join the link-up with any fitness-related post you have …but with Valentine’s Day just a few days away, how could we not talk about our love of running!

A relationship with running definitely can have its highs and lows – at any time your answer to the question “What do you love about running?” can be different. Right now, here are five things I love about running.

Five Things I Love About Running

… gives me the time and space to sort through “all the things.” There’s a reason I call it my road therapy.

… shows me that I am often stronger than I think I am.

… connects me. I have connected with so many great folks from all over through this healthy obsession.

… reminds me to give myself grace and celebrate the small wins. Coming back from injuries is hard y’all!

… helps me to appreciate and enjoy the process vs. just focusing on the final destination.

What do you love about running?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related link, link back to your hosts, and please share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Five Challenges to Reaching Your Fitness Goals

At the start of the new year, you may have set some fitness goals – perhaps a new race distance? Or going for that PR? Or a mileage milestone? Or the addition of strength training, cross-training, or a new sport altogether. Whatever goals you have laid out, it’s important to be prepared for possible pitfalls along the way.

Fit Five Friday — 5 Challenges to Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Lack of Consistency – Progress towards any goal requires a consistent approach. Striving for small efforts done consistently will always yield greater success vs. trying to make big efforts in fits and starts.

Lack of Time – The companion challenge to consistency may be scheduling. When you’re facing multiple demands on your time (work, family, and other personal commitments), it can be tough to find time for your workouts.  Scheduling your workouts as you would any other meeting or obligation is key to ensuring that you have the time you need to make progress toward your goals.

Unrealistic goals – While a goal should stretch you beyond your comfort zone, if the goal is too big of a reach it could backfire when you struggle to make progress. Now I’m not discouraging anyone from shooting for the stars, but it may be helpful to build in smaller goals along the way so you have some success and can build momentum.

Someone else’s goal – Are you running that marathon because you really want to run a marathon or because your friend is? When chasing your goals gets tough you need to remember your why – so it is really important that you pick a goal that matters to you. If you’re chasing a goal because others are doing it/have done it and you feel like you “should” then you’re not setting yourself up for success. And, is it really a goal you want to be pursuing in the first place?

Mindset – Even if you do everything right, you still may encounter setbacks. This is where not only your why matters, but also your mindset. The thoughts you hold and your self-talk will have a significant impact on your ability to reach your goals. Building a practice of positive self-talk (through mantras and affirmations) will serve you well when things get challenging.

What challenges do you face when trying to reach your fitness goals?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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