Cough, Sputter, Blow…that’s what I’ve done all week…and it hasn’t been pretty! I am a congested, coughing, hacking mess!
I’ve been holding out hope that my body will cooperate so I can race Sunday, but clearly my body (particularly my lungs) has other plans. After a low point on Tuesday, I thought the worst of it was over and announced I was going for a short run on Wednesday. J looked concerned but didn’t discourage me. However, when just going upstairs to get dressed sent me into a coughing spasm, I decided to hold off (The Universe smacking me upside the head perhaps?). After a slightly better night’s sleep last night, I once again declared I was going for a run this morning.
So I set out to do a simple 5k loop – except it was anything but simple. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I wheezed and hacked my way through it and had to walk a couple of times — really?!? And, when I finished it felt like I had to have gone a lot further than just 3 miles. OK so I have my answer – short of a miracle turnaround in the next 48 hrs, there will be no race for me this weekend 🙁
As you can imagine I’m ticked off – 9 weeks of running my fanny off to be brought down in the end by a relentless cough! As much as I wanted to run this race again, this is the wise choice for the long-term. So I’ll allow myself a bit of a pity party today (but just today – really…first world problems), hit my doctor’s appointment tomorrow to figure out what’s going on, and then set my sights on a new target.