Today begins week 6 of half marathon training.
Recently Coach Bennett sent me the next two phases of my training plan. Since I was struggling with my runs due to my cranky ITB, I’d held off reviewing the rest of the plan – until yesterday. I got a good look at the target paces, hill work, weekly mileage – and took a deep breath. Time to get out of my comfort zone again 🙂
But I’m looking forward to moving into this next phase of training. I did the things I needed to do to calm my ITB and am back to pain-free miles. So I’ll continue to do the strength work and exercises necessary to hopefully avoid any hiccups moving forward. And it is time to move forward – I’m ready to embrace the challenge.
“Embrace the challenge” has really become my mantra for this training cycle – I’m going after each workout with enthusiasm and confidence…maybe it’s time to create a new comfort zone!