This week was a roller coaster for sure! Work has been super hectic and really will be for the rest of this month. Add in our washing machine checking out on us and sleep being super evasive, and yeah…this week was about finding calm in the chaos.
In addition to the Family Plank Challenge, here’s a quick rundown on this week’s workouts…
Monday — Rest Day
Tuesday — Strength training
Wednesday — 1-hour physical therapy session. I swear these sessions get more and more challenging!
Thursday — Virtual 5K for the Un-canceled Project plus a 5-mile walk with a friend. This was definitely the highlight workout day of the week. I had gone out not expecting too much from this run, but my legs felt really good, so I decided to push the pace and see what happened. I was rewarded with negative splits! Best of all my legs & hip felt good the rest of the day so I met a friend for a social distance walk after work and we logged another 5 miles. It was so good to see her and catch up!
Friday — PT exercises and core work
Saturday — 3-mile run followed by a couple of hours of hauling mulch around our yard.
Sunday — PT exercises, a 2-mile walk, and 20 minutes restorative yoga via Peloton.
The lack of quality sleep really did a number on my run motivation, but overall I’m glad I stuck with my workouts despite the chaotic week.
More new kicks!
My Mother’s Day gift arrived on Friday! My boys had spied me drooling over these limited edition Adrenalines and ordered them for me! I took my first run in them on Saturday and love the way they feel…to me these GTS 20s are an improvement over the 19s, and I think they will complement the new Ghosts I picked up a couple of weeks ago nicely!
How was your week? Do you rotate your running shoes between models or wear just one style?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.