Well as I predicted, this was a week of managing colliding schedules and I knew I was going to have to be flexible in figuring out how to fit my workouts in. It was a bit of a mixed bag, but my plan is to log a weekly training recap to help keep myself accountable. So mixed bag and all, here’s how thing shook out.
Monday — Strength day: hips & abs
Tuesday — Hill repeats. They felt awful while I was doing them, but I was happy to check the Garmin and see I’d hit the target pace range.
Wednesday — I was on the road for work for part of the day and then the family to do list was long, so I shuffled my schedule and took a rest day.
Thursday — Strength workout followed by a much-needed sports massage to keep my cranky hip in line!
Friday — My plan called for a 5 mile run with 3 miles at tempo pace. Honestly, this was more like a 5-mile fartlek as my pacing was wildly inconsistent. Not a pretty run…but they all can’t be, right?
Saturday — At the urging of my massage therapist, I got in a short yoga session. Need to figure out how to add more yoga to my weekly plan.
Sunday — 6 mile “long” run.
I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training and life happenings!