Juggling was once again the theme for this week as I navigated work commitments and my youngest son being home sick all week – I definitely took a do what you can, when you can approach!
The Weekly Run Down
Monday — While my legs did not feel like running, I did get a nice mile power walk with the pup! There’s no such thing as a leisurely stroll with this fella!
Tuesday — With my son at home I wasn’t able to get out for a run until late in the afternoon, but I was greeted with mild temps and lots of sunshine! 3 miles done.
Wednesday — I was really feeling pressed for time so HIIT workout to the rescue!
Thursday — Try as I might, I just couldn’t fit in a workout so this was an unplanned rest day.
Friday — I felt good from start to finish on this run – 3 more miles in the books.
Saturday — A day filled with house projects and errands, but I did set aside some time for my yoga mat.
Sunday — A glorious afternoon in the upper 60s – Hello Spring! 4.5 miles done.
The workouts were a little all over the place, but I got them done…and best of all, my runs felt pretty good this week – maybe it was all that sunshine 😉
#SpringIntoNOW Challenge
If you’ve been following me on Instagram then you know that I’m participating in the #SpringIntoNOW Challenge in partnership with SweatPink. I’ve been having a lot of fun trying out the range of products NOW Foods provided and am pretty sure that many of them will become permanent fixtures for me well past the campaign.
There’s still time to get in on the fun – just post a photo ties to the daily theme, tag @nowfoodsofficial and use the hashtag #SpringIntoNOW for a chance to win a $200 gift card to NOW foods. The challenge ends on April 10th.
I’m joining Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.
Have you ever tried NOW Foods products?