It’s September 1 and fall can’t be far away – though Mother Nature is once again thumbing her nose at the calendar with the return of heat and humidity this week. No matter, September signals the start of my favorite time of the year and I’m ready to embrace it!
My September goals are really quite simple:
– consistently run 3 -4 days a week with 2 days strength work
– return to double digit long runs
– wrap-up my physical therapy sessions
– let go of the stress
Yeah that last one is the key. I admitted in my runfessions that my running is stressing me out. And, when I stopped to think about that, it is insane to me that something that usually is a stress-reliever for me is turning into the complete opposite.
Time to let it go – the days are going to count down towards my next race whether I stress about it or not, right? So why waste the energy…and why let it take the joy out of running?
So I’m keeping it simple in September.
What are your goals for the month? Does your running ever stress you out?