- The sharp knee pain from Sunday morphed into dull, but very present knee pain on Monday and Tuesday. So I skipped Tuesday’s 3 miler in favor of a lot of ice and some stretching. Seems to have paid off because today’s intervals felt great – speedy for me at a 9:30 pace and best of all the knee pain was gone!
- There’s a different forecast every time I check weather.com so still have no idea what the conditions will be like on Sunday. Being the type A personality that I am, I’ve made a gear list for every possible scenario so bring it on Mother Nature!
- My TRX class last night and the recent knee pain have proven to me that I need to dedicate more time to strength training. It is one of my goals for 2011, but so far I haven’t been walking the walk with any consistency. But I’m committing to making it a key part of my half marathon training and will probably post my weekly training schedule here to help keep me accountable.