So as I mentioned on Saturday, I did the 3-day Refresh last week and lived to tell about it 🙂
The Beachbody program combines 3 daily shakes, a fiber drink, lots of water and 3 small daily meals of fresh fruits and vegetables to help re-set your eating habits and drop some lbs. I did the program last Monday  – Wednesday and for added fun had both my husband J and my brother join me.
The Pros:
–Â lost 4 lbs and my jeans fit much better on Friday!
– helped me to refocus on putting more fruits and veggies into my daily diet – I had definitely gotten lax on this.
– eliminated sugar from my diet.
– made me very aware that my late afternoon snacking is a trouble spot for me.
– three great nights of sleep!
The Cons:
– I missed my coffee.
– the Fiber Sweep drink tastes god-awful — The Sweep is a mix of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks that you mix with 8 oz of water and drink mid-morning. I tried sipping on Day 1 and almost didn’t make it – thanks to my brother who suggested just chugging it as quickly as possible!
– Post-run on Day 2, I was seriously hungry…and seriously cranky! I quickly learned yoga was the better choice of workout during the Refresh.
– Pricey – At $69.95 the Refresh runs you about $23+ per day, not including the cost of the fruits and veggies.
I have to say that I’m so glad I had company on this little venture – the group text messages throughout each day were comical…some less than PG language keeps me from re-posting here 😉 It was great to share ideas on how to make the shakes and meals more flavorful (hello spices!), to commiserate over the lack of coffee and the taste of the Fiber Sweep, and just to keep each other laughing (and honest!)
So of course the big question is – Would you do it again? Was it worth it?
As I told a friend the other day who asked me this question over lunch the other day (and yes I was good and had a great field greens salad with fruit instead of the pizza the restaurant is famous for!), I needed good kick in the pants and this definitely provided it. And, it provided that kick in a way that I’m not convinced I would have pulled off on my own. So, if you’re looking for that kind of jump start then I would say it is worth it…but don’t say I didn’t warn you about that Fiber Sweep 😉
*I am in no way affiliated with Beachbody – I purchased the 3-day Refresh, and all opinions expressed here, as always are my own.