Monday Motivation

StFrancis Quote

With 6 weeks to go until the Wicked Half, here’s what I’ve got on my training plan for this week:

Monday —  7 mile hilly run with negative split on back half (followed by another visit to the chiro!)

Tuesday —  Cross-training (Jillian Michaels Shred 30 DVD)

Wednesday —  4 miles Fartlek

Thursday —  8 miles with 5 @ tempo

Friday —  Rest day

Saturday —  11 mile LSD

Sunday —  Cross-training (more Jillian!)

Plus I’ll continue to do the #AugustCoreFocus challenge everyday – I’m loving this challenge!

What have you got planned for this week?


Friday Ramblings

Sitting here in a quiet house with the dog at my feet and coffee cup in hand…

There has been at least one, if not both, boys home sick since Tuesday! I was happy to see both smiling faces heading off to camp this morning – I swear there’s nothing worst than seeing your children not feel well 🙁

Between the sick kids and my cranky left hip, running has been a bit challenging this week. I am trying very hard to not get hung up in the miles I’ve missed, knowing that the cross-training will help and getting this hip happy is priority one!

Changes in family plans means I’ve needed to change up my fall racing schedule – I won’t be running ZOOMA in September so I’ve been on the hunt for another race to use as a “tune up” before I get to the B.A.A. Half in October. Though I think I’ve now found the source of my recent GI issues, Coach Bennett thinks it will be helpful to put my body through “race conditions” and see how I respond. So I think I’ll be adding this to my schedule:

countdown_wickedHalf It’s run on a beautiful course through Salem & Marblehead – Can. Not. Wait!

Seriously, how is it Friday again already? I feel like I just finished coming down from last weekend’s birthday fun and here we are again. Don’t get me wrong – I love seeing Friday arrive, but this summer is flying by way too fast! We still have a number of things left on our family summer bucket list!

We’ll get one more item checked off tomorrow as we’ll be catching a Boston Cannons’ game! My hubs J was elected to his lacrosse league’s all-star game (so proud of him!)  and they’ll be playing their game before the Cannons. So the boys and I are going to go cheer on our All-Star and then we’re all hanging out for the Cannons’ game afterwards!

How are you doing with your Summer Bucket list?

Do you run tune-up races?



Back to the Chiropractor

Tightness in my lower back and left hip means a trip back to my chiro! The discomfort kicked in last Wednesday’s run and reared it’s ugly head again during my long run Saturday. Well that was enough for me – no point in risking derailing my training, time to revisit the chiro.

Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Spine

I was originally very hesitant…and maybe a little skeptical of seeing a chiropractor – the thought of all that popping and cracking kinda freaked me out. Then last November I went to a gait analysis clinic where the guest was Dr. G – a chiropractor and marathoner! I started seeing him and quickly started seeing improvement in both my lower back and left ITB. By the end of December, I was in good shape and on my way.

This is the first flare up I’ve had since and while I have no idea what I did to stir things up, I’m pretty certain heading back to Dr. G is the right move. One of the things I really like about working with Dr. G is that he takes a whole body approach – not simply focusing on the injury. And his treatment wasn’t just about adjustments, he also incorporated both cold laser treatments and the graston technique, as well as recommending stretches and exercises to help with imbalances. And, of course, I also love that he’s a runner 🙂

Obviously, seeing a chiropractor may not be for everyone. It should be a very individual choice based on your own research so you can gauge their approach in identifying a patient’s issue and the methods of treatment offered. And, in the end, never underestimate the trust factor!

Have you tried working with a chiropractor or using other alternative treatments?



Birthday Weekend Wrap-up

Enjoyed a great weekend…

… lots of time with family & friends

… a return to double digit long runs

… way too much good food & drink

… another year older

…. and spending time here

How can you not be happy looking at this?

How can you not be happy looking at this?

I’m ready to take on the week!

How was your weekend?


Kicking off August!

While there was a lot of family fun in July –  my running was a bit of a mixed bag. But, it’s a new month and I’m ready to kick things up a bit!


Kat over at Sneakers and Fingerpaints is hosting the August Core Focus Challenge! I’ve done a couple of ab/core challenges before and this one looked like fun and a perfect way to help get me on track for my fall races, so I’m in!


Another great way to kick things up? A race of course 🙂 Given that we’re in the dog days of summer there isn’t much to pick from on the racing front around here until September – so why not go virtual? Jill & Jen, the great ladies behind the #13in2013 Challenge are hosting a Birthday Bash Virtual Race in honor of their birthday month! You pick the distance and the day and for added incentive there are some fun prizes involved. August is my birthday month too and this is just the extra motivation to help me through one of my race pace runs.

I’m also thinking it’s time to mix things up with my cross-training so I’m returning to Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30. I tried this DVD out last summer and it definitely helped to keep things interesting. Just like last time, because of my schedule and making sure I get all my runs in,  I will probably not do this workout for 30 days straight – but nonetheless Jillian is sure to keep me on my toes!

What have you got planned for August?


The mental vs the physical

This morning was a mental run – you know the kind where you can’t get out of your own head….where the suck monkey is in full voice, strong and clear…where you are bargaining with yourself almost from the first step (just run to the mailbox, telephone pole, next song, etc.)

Yeah – it was that kind of run this morning.


In truth, more than a few of my runs have been like this lately. The runs have had very little to do with my physical side – the legs have been more than willing to go. Just can’t seem to get out of my own way at the moment. I know the heat and humidity of the past two weeks has certainly not helped…but it’s not all about the weather.

I am really looking forward to my fall race schedule but it is becoming increasingly clear to me to have the outcomes I want in the fall, I’ve got to spend more time training the one muscle I need above all else – my brain.

How do you mentally get yourself on the right track?




Nutrition Update: My Food Frenemy

In my quest to get to the bottom of my GI issues, I have been keeping a food journal – I admit not as faithfully as I probably need to, but I am starting to see some patterns worth noting.

A big thing that’s jumped off the page for me is the trouble dairy seems to be causing. “OK – not a problem” I thought I will simply eliminate all things dairy….except there’s one little indulgence I’m still struggling with….


Pistachio – my favorite!

Ice cream! Sweet, creamy, cool refreshing ice cream. Ice cream is one of my all time favorite summer indulgences. I’ve often joked that I run so I can eat ice cream. Well in true frenemy-style, this favorite treat of mine is wreaking havoc with my running! So while I’m not yet willing to cut all ties with ice cream, we will definitely be seeing a lot less of each other this summer.

Do you have a food frenemy?


My Best 5K

Sunday morning I ran my best 5K yet!

And there was no PR or great bling involved. The race itself was full of logistically glitches typical of a new race (mis-measured course, not enough porta potties…you get the idea).

picmonkey_image (5)It was the best 5K because I got to run with my son as he completed his first 5K!

I watched him push himself to go further than he’d ever run before (and in very warm conditions!), watched him experience both the “I can’t believe I’m about to do this!” moments, along with the “what if I can’t finish” moments.

We had a great conversation along the way – none of which I’ll share here…stays between Mom and son. Except that I will say about half way through he started talking about his next race – “it should be in the fall when it’s cooler and I’ll be better trained” – at that moment I knew that despite the heat and walk breaks, he was really enjoying himself!

picmonkey_image (4) I especially loved seeing the look on his face when he knew the finish line was close and watching him sprint to the end! It was a proud mama moment for me from beginning to end – and I can’t wait to do it again 🙂


Thursday’s this and that

It’s been a busy week so far around here – we’ve started a couple of new house projects, the boys both started camp this week (and are loving it) – which is perfect timing too as I started working with a new client developing their social media campaigns – should be a fun gig!

I also started my fall training this week and while I was psyched to get started the timing couldn’t have been worse. We’re in the middle of our 3rd heat wave of the summer here in the Northeast and with heat indexes approaching 100, I can’t seem to get up early enough to escape having my runs feel more like a swim. On the good side, the end is in sight and we should have some relief from the humidity by Sunday – just in time to run with my son in his first 5K!

I received my confirm for the B.A.A. Half Marathon yesterday morning!


Registration opened yesterday at 10 and the B.A.A. announce they’d sold out in 12 minutes – what!?! Since this is the third race in the B.A.A. Distance Medley, I didn’t have to worry about trying to register, but I was thrilled to get a text from my running buddy E telling me that she got in! It will be her first half marathon – Can not wait to run this with her!

How ‘s your week going?



Monday Motivation – Fall Training Begins


young woman running on rural road at sunrise

The fall race schedule is shaping up to be a busy one – let the training begin! #AllforFall

What will you start today?
