Bulu Box News

Last November, I announced that I had signed on as a Bulu Box Ambassador. Since then, I’ve enjoyed having the little orange box show up on my doorstep each month filled with premium vitamin and supplement nutrition samples!

Bulu Jan BoxThe January Box had a wide-range of products including Xooma FocusUp, Helps Breathe Tea, Wiley’s Finest Peak EPA fish oil, Kare-N-Herbs Kold Kare, NoGii High Protein Bar and AlternaVites Kids multivitamin. I haven’t tried everything yet, but I can say I had instant love for the NoGii gluten-free paleo bar – all natural and so yummy!

Bulu Box has a great deal going on at the moment: New subscribers will receive 50% off plus $5 back in rewards points – so you essentially get your first Box for free! Bulu Box offers two types of boxes to choose from – a standard box and a weight-loss box. And, when you share your feedback on the samples you can earn rewards points good towards purchases of new favorites in full size.

And Bulu Box just announced that February’s box was all hand-selected by Ali Vincent, the first female winner of the Biggest Loser. I’m looking forward to seeing what Ali’s put together!140123_FB403x403_AliVincentBox3

The deal is good through this Friday, January 31 on any 3-, 6- or 12-month subscription using the code: BULUGAN293 at checkout.


Trying to find a groove



I’m a big believer in the power of mantras – especially during tough runs. Pushing through intervals on the ‘mill the other day this thought kept coming back to me and became my mantra du jour.

Now three weeks into the new year, I’d hope to have settled into a running groove. Instead it feels a little more like two steps forward then one step back. But as long as there is forward progress, I’ll get there!

Do you use mantras? If so, what’s working for you at the moment?



Slow start and an Award

Slow Start — Let’s just say I didn’t light the world on fire with my first week back to training. A combination of sick kiddo home most of the week with a virus and then not feeling fab after spending 24/7 with said sick kiddo, lead to a less than stellar start to training. So the goal is to re-group this week and make sure I get all of my miles in…and get enough sleep to keep the virus at bay.

Health Activist — At the end of last week I was notified that I’d been nominated for the Best Kept Secret Award in the Third Annual WEGO Health Activist Awards. wego healthPretty cool huh? I still have no idea who was behind my nomination – so to my mystery supporter I say a big “Thank you!”

If you get a moment, please go HERE and endorse me – I’d really appreciate it!



Koss Fit Series – Must Have Gear


Koss Headphones

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Koss Fit Series Headphones. All of the opinions expressed here are, as always, my own.

It’s always fun to kick off the new year and a new training cycle with new gear. And, as I mentioned yesterday, for me that also includes new playlists. So given how important music is in my training, you can imagine how happy I was to be given a chance to try out Koss Fit Series headphones!

Koss’ female designers teamed-up with Gold Medalist Dara Torres to create the world’s first headphones designed specifically for women by women. I received both the FitBuds and FitClips headphones.

Fit buds

At 33% smaller than any earbud Koss has ever created, the Koss FitBuds are ideally designed for smaller ear canals. I loved the fit right out of the box, comfortable and secure –  they do come with three different sizes of ear cushions so you can find your ideal fit. They are ultra light-weight and delivered great sound, even during a wind-swept run last Saturday. Did I mention that they’re sweat-resistant too? Win!

I was pleasantly surprised by the Koss FitClips because I’ve not had the best track record with over-the-ear headphones. I find this style of headphone usually pinches – so not the case with the FitClips!

fit clips

They were flexible and very comfortable. Like the FitBuds, they included three different sized ear cushions, are equally light-weight and sweat-resistant. I loved that I could just put them on and forget about them – no fiddling necessary.

Both the FitBuds and FitClips come in five great shades and retail for $29.99. They’re available at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Walgreens, Kmart and Sears.

Overall, I loved the quality of both headphones, the comfortable fit they provide and the great sound they delivered – making them must have fitness gear in my book! With my training kicking off this week, I know I’ll be putting both headphones to good use both in the gym and on the road.

You can connect with Koss via Social Media



Tunes Wanted! Playlist Link-up


The treadmill is quickly becoming my new BFF for the majority of my runs lately, which means I am heavily dependent on my tunes for added motivation (and distraction). But, with the playlist in heavy rotation, I am in need of some new songs to keep things interesting, so today I’m linking up with Mar on the Give Me a Beat playlist linkup!

Here are a few of my current faves (no judgement!):

“Applause” by Lady Gaga — This one made it to my playlist after my oldest son suggested I listen to it. Never fails to get my feet moving!

“Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars — Ever since I saw Bruno perform this at the Grammy’s I’ve been hooked.

“It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons — The slower pace makes it a great tune for early in the run.

“Try” by P!nk — This one comes up in the later miles of a long run – helps me to refocus when my energy level is waning.

“Counting Stars” by One Republic — Another one that never fails to get me going.

“Run this Town” by Jay-Z (feat. Rihanna & Kayne West) — There is always at least one Jay-Z song on every one of my playlists!

As you can see, my music tastes run the gamut!

So help me out – what’s the one tune that is a must have on your playlist? And, if you’re looking for inspiration, head on over to Mar on the Run and checkout the rest of the link up!



Let the base-building begin

Happy Monday!

It never ceases to amaze me how a few miles out on the pavement can be such a mood-booster! After bemoaning the affects of the Polar Vortex last week, Mother Nature decided to show some mercy this weekend in the form of temps in the high 40s and low 50s. While Saturday’s run was not without some rain and wind, you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. And if I’m to believe our local weather people, this January thaw should continue throughout the week.

The Start

Perfect timing as it’s time for me to get focused and start re-building my base for my spring races. I’m looking forward teaming up with Coach Bennett again and getting back to following a training plan! Goals for this week: log 16 miles, 2 strength workouts, at least one day of yoga , in addition to my daily planks.

Did you get to enjoy a break in the temps? What are you planning for this week?


Polar Vortex Fatigue

white flagThat’s it Mother Nature! I can’t take it any more! After living under the effects of the Polar Vortex, I’ve been holding on to the weatherman’s promise of a “warm up” coming at the end of the week. So you can imagine what I was thinking when I woke up this morning to see it’s snowing! This is a warm-up?!? (My mother reads my blog so I’ll refrain from typing what I was really thinking!)

Yes I own Yaktrax and all of the appropriate winter running gear to brave the elements….but I must confess – I just don’t want to! I have Polar Vortex Fatigue.

So listen Mother Nature I know there’s still 10 weeks of winter (not that I’m counting or anything…) and I’m not asking for Spring-like temps (though a girl can dream!)…I’m just asking you to ease up on the whole Vortex of doom thing and return things to our regularly scheduled winter.

Anyone else suffering from Vortex Fatigue?




Motivated Monday



Enjoying a rare break from frigid temps here this morning – it’s 48 and raining but I’ll take it…temps will plummet tonight. After an extended school break thanks to the storm that hit Thursday, I must admit I was gleefully ready to send my troops out the door this morning! While we had a great break – as one mom put it to me yesterday, we’ve had “an awful lot of togetherness!”

But now the house is quiet, I have my coffee mug in hand and my To Do list for the week overflowth! Amid the pending chaos, I’m committed to moving (running or walking) everyday with at least 10 running miles, 2 strength workouts, continuing my daily planks and signing up for classes at a new yoga studio.

What have you got planned for the week?!



Ready for 2014!

New Year goals

This quote really does sum up how I feel about the start of a new year. Yes, you can obviously set goals for yourself at any time…and I often do. But for me there is something about having a fresh new year laid out before you that just speaks of infinite possibilities!

I carved out some quite time for myself over the last couple of days to really hone in on what I’d like 2014 to look like. On the fitness front, here’s some of what I’ll be shooting for this year:

  • #14in2014 Challenge
  • Consistent strength training — key word being consistent!
  • Run a sub-2:20 half marathon
  • Run more races with my oldest son
  • Set a new PR for the 10-mile distance — (haven’t quite figured out the target time yet)
  • Run 1,000 miles
  • Continue to learn more about nutrition to find what works best for my training and overall health

I’m ready to write that new chapter!  Happy New Year!


#13in2013 Flashback

When I first signed on for the #13in2013 challenge there was a big part of me that thought – “What are you thinking?!?” 13 races in one year? But I love a challenge – so why not?!

After my first race of the year was canceled due to a Nor’easter, I started my quest for 13 in February with the Frosty Virtual 5K. The run benefited the American Cancer Society and I ran in honor of both of my grandmothers.

Frosty 5K

BAA 5K CollageNext up was the B.A.A. 5K – the first race of the B.A.A. Distance Medley! The race was held the Sunday before the Boston Marathon and the course was set up so we would finish the final “right on Hereford, left on Boylston” stretch and across the Marathon’s famous finish line. Definitely a fun race!

Later that month, I ran the inaugural Newport 10 Miler.  Unfortunately this would be the first of a couple of races this year where my stomach totally turned on me 🙁  Stomach issues aside, there were lots of good things about this day including meet-ups, a beautiful course and hanging with my running buddy E. Newport group 4     With Kim at Newport 10  919029_647770745240367_1885810049_o

Race #4 was Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon. I love this race and running it shortly after the Marathon bombings, it took on special significance. The race honors fallen police officers and police officers lined many sections of the route. The level of emotion, the chants of “let’s go Boston!” and all of those officers cheering and high-fiving runners – it was an experience I will not soon forget.  picmonkey_image (3)

Race #5 was the B.A.A. 10K  — Have I mentioned how much I love a Boston Athletic Association race?! Despite the heat-fest, I managed a negative split on the back 5K but missed my PR goal.BAA 10K

Next up was Finish at the 50 10K — This race is part of a 4th of July celebration at Gillette Stadium with great activities for the whole family. My oldest son ran in the kids’ races and then I took on the 10K. Even with a start time of 6 PM, it was soul-sucking hot! All of the runners took a “we’re all in this together” approach and there was lots of cheering and encouragement. Post-race the family enjoyed a great picnic and awesome fireworks display! IMG_2160

Race #7 was definitely the best race of the year as I ran with my son for his first 5K at the Narragansett Running Festival!

picmonkey_image (5)

I finished off the summer with Race #8 – Jill & Jen’s Virtual Birthday Bash! We were on vacation in the Finger Lakes region so this was a beautiful run with the lake and mountains as my backdrop. Lake

Race #9 was my first trail race! I hadn’t planned on it being my first tail race – let’s just say the course description wasn’t very descriptive! It was challenging and quite the experience to say the least!

runchat Race #10 was the Wicked Half Marathon. The original plan was to treat this race as a test to make sure I’d finally put an end to my stomach troubles before taking on the B.A.A. Half, my fall goal race. Well let’s just say nothing went according to plan – I woke up not feeling so hot that morning and by mile 5, the wheels had come off the wagon. Some how I finished that  race, though there was a great deal of walking involved, and I was down and out for another week after!

A week before Race #11, I took a fall during my long run that left me with a seriously bruised and swollen knee and a very tender foot. I was determined not to miss the BAA Half – it was the last race of the Distance Medley! Also, it was my running buddy E’s first half – how could I not be there?! This is the race I’m probably the most proud of completing! BAA Bling

The rest of the fall became about healing both the knee and especially my foot. I had to take a pass on my favorite local race and my last half marathon planned for early December. As my foot healed I found I could tolerate some short runs so I finished my 13 races with two virtual races supporting two great causes:
hope4philippines bib   miles_for_melanoma_logo_website_v2 (1)-1

After such a great year in 2012, I had had much higher hopes for 2013.  I’m disappointed with the way this year played out, but I’m far from discouraged. I learned a lot about myself this year – I think I’m much more mentally tough and know that will serve me well in the future. I’m even more determined to reach my goals in 2014 and cannot wait for the #14in2014 Challenge!

