Monday Motivation – Reenergized!

Good day

Hello Monday!

Maybe it’s the fact that I got not one but two runs outside this weekend but I’m feeling very re-energized this morning and looking forward to putting in a solid week of training!

My goals this week are simple — to keep this left knee happy, get 3 solid runs, daily strength and core work and at least 1 day of cross-training.

What have you got planned?


Friday 5 – This and That

What a week of juggling this has been! This was the first time since my boys started school that they’ve had different vacation schedules: my 8-year old was off this week while my middle schooler was not. So you can probably appreciate why I’m clinging to my coffee mug this morning 🙂

No Running — That’s right in the midst of this somewhat chaotic week I couldn’t turn to my runs for a sanity check. I’ve been resting my knee since I was hit with that surprise pain during last Saturday’s run. I had originally planned to wait until Thursday to run, but it still wasn’t feeling close to fabulous so I’m holding off until tomorrow.

Strength & Core — In the absence of running, I’ve been squeezing in core work and doing the strength exercises Coach Bennett wanted me to do. Doesn’t do nearly as much for the sanity-levels but oh so important!

No Toeing the Line — Thanks to all of you who weighed in on my question about my upcoming 10-miler. As you’ve probably guessed by now, I’ll be taking a pass. So it looks like I won’t be racing until April when I run the B.A.A. 5K and the Newport 10 Miler – gives me time to get this knee to behave.

385Great Gesture — Speaking of races, I got a great email last week from the race director of the Narragansett Summer Running Festival. He had come across my recap from last year and loved that I had run this with my son as his first race. He invited us to return this year with complimentary registrations! Seriously, how cool is that! My son was psyched so we’ll be running this one again 🙂

AltrasNew Shoes — After eyeing these for a while I finally decided to order a pair of Altra Intuitions! Given that these are zero-drop and I’ve been running exclusively in Kinvara 4s, I will be rotating these in slowly, starting with shorter runs. More to come!

So tell me, how was your week?

I’m once again linking up with the DC Trifecta – be sure to swing by and show them some love! DC_linkup




Apera Yoga Tote Review

Until about a month ago, my gym bag has been the swag bag I got from the Philadelphia Half – your basic drawstring bag – not ideal by any means. And when I headed to yoga I’d usually carry my gym bag and then carry my yoga mat in a separate strap.


Way too much to carry!

Yep! That’s how I rolled…until Apera sent me one of their Yoga Totes.

The Apera Yoga tote fits everything and looks great doing it.

Apera bag

  • Apera Bags are antimicrobial and have vented – say goodbye to gym bag stink!
  • Wipeable linings
  • Built-in shoe compartment
  • Loaded with pockets both inside and out – including a washable insert to store your sweaty clothes
  • Water bottle pocket on the outside – so no “sweating” all over my clothes and other stuff
  • Shoulder strap’s unique design gives you the perfect spot to carry your yoga mat (I’ve discovered it will also hold a foam roller too!)

(My camera’s been acting cranky so to do this bag justice I’m borrowing some pics from Apera’s site)


Needless to say, I am loving this bag! Not only does it meet my gym/yoga needs, but I think this bag has enough space and features to serve as a great overnight bag. While I will say that initially I thought the $119 price tag was a bit steep for a gym bag – now that I’ve lived with it a while I think it offers the versatility and durability to last for years to come.

aspera blues

Apera currently has a couple sales: 40% OFF entire Blue line of bags; and, all of their Duffel Packs, any color, are 40% OFF.

 Would you like one for yourself?

Every month Apera Bags is giving away a bag to one winner, and for the month of February the bag they are giving away is the Yoga Tote! All you need to do is sign up for their email newsletter. Then, at the conclusion of each month, they will randomly draw a name from their list of subscribers. Just go HERE and follow the instructions!

Disclaimer: I was provided the Apera Yoga Tote free of charge. As always, the opinions expressed here are completely my own.


First race and a Tweeked Knee

heart-medal1My quest for #14in2014 got underway this weekend. My training plan called for some race pace miles for Saturday’s long run so it seemed like a perfect time to put some of those miles towards the Stop Stroke Shuffle 5K. I had so wanted to do this run on the road but after taking a quick trip in my car to survey the roads there was just too much ice.

So I headed to the gym – not to self NEVER go to the gym on a Saturday at 9! I finally got a treadmill, did a quick warm up  and then got started. It was a fairly uneventful run until the final half mile or so – that was when I felt the first twinge in my left knee. It was soon followed by another that lasted longer than the first. Not good….and I knew by the time I finished my knee was really unhappy. I still had miles left to do but when I tried a cool down run it was pretty clear that I just needed to pack it in.

Since then there’s been a lot of ice, a compression knee sleeve and rest. I passed on Sunday’s recovery run in favor of more shoveling as cross training.

Race #2 is just two weeks away and at this moment I’m not feeling very confident about making it to the starting line – it’s a 10 miler and thanks to cutting Saturday’s run short, the longest run I’ve logged so far is just 6.5 miles. While it’s not a goal race, I’m not loving the idea of heading into a race under-trained….on the other hand, I’m not crazy about passing up the chance to run this 10-miler. I’ll be checking in with Coach Bennett this morning to get his take on it.

WWYD – Would you run or sit this one out?


Friday 5: Valentine’s Edition

For the past two years when V-Day rolls around, I have taken the opportunity to share what I’m currently loving about running (you can read my past odes to running HERE and HERE).  But right now I have to admit that I’m not in love with running – I’ve been struggling to find my groove – every run feels hard – and running the majority of my runs on the treadmill has just sucked the fun out of it for me.

So how do you re-kindle your relationship with running when things have gotten rocky?

Run Naked — Lose the watch, heart rate monitor…throw a towel over the treadmill display. Try just running without concern for pace. Just go and lose yourself in the run.

Find a Buddy –Team up with another runner or a group for at least one run a week. I don’t think I ever fully appreciated how helpful it can be to have a running buddy until mine went on IR.

Make a Game of It — Since I’ve been doing all of my runs on the mill, I’ve been playing with the pace and incline to break up the monotony. For example, run at X pace for the next two songs then switch the incline for the next song or two can really help the time go by.

Treat Yourself Well — For me, this means making sure to roll daily, taking Epsom salt baths, and practically living in my compression sleeves. Also, I just scheduled a massage! Keeping my legs feeling fresh and pampered goes a long way towards helping me embrace the next run.

Cut Yourself a Break — Above all else be patient with yourself, recognize that this is just a phase you’re going through. All relationships have their highs and lows and the same is true for your relationship with running.

How do rekindle your relationship with running?

I’m linking up once again with the ladies from Eat, Pray Run DC, You Signed Up for What?! and Mar on the Run!  Be sure to stop by and check them out and some of the other great blogs in the their weekly link-up!



Stay Hydrated During the Winter


The heat of the summer provides an easy reminder of the importance of drinking up – we sweat easily and will quickly grab a beverage to not only replace what we perceive to be losing in sweat but also to help cool off. However, with much of the country now in the middle of a deep freeze, it can be easy to lose sight of the importance of staying well-hydrated. In fact, I’ve been struck by the number of people I’ve observed in the gym lately who are working out sans water bottle!

Staying properly hydrated should be a priority every day, regardless of the season. In the winter, while you may not be contending with soaring temps, you are dealing with dry air – both outdoors and indoors – forcing your body to work hard to humidify the air you breathe, while your skin is zapped of it’s natural moisture.

Dehydration can lead to both brain fog, muscle cramps and fatigue. Additionally, during winter months it can accelerate the risk of hypothermia and frostbite when exercising outside. So while you may not want to carry a water bottle with you during these winter months, look for opportunities  to keep your fluids up throughout the day.

For me, I find keeping a water bottle or glass filled on my desk helps, as does eating my fluids in the form of soups in addition to keeping up my fruits and veggies intake. In the evenings, I’ve made grabbing a big mug of non-caffeinated tea part of my daily wind-down. And, I’ve always got water with me when I head to the gym or yoga class. For longer runs, when carrying water in the frigid air seems unthinkable, my husband J has been nice enough to come out and meet me with water – but I also know many runners who will stash a bottle in advance along their route.

Do you pay as close attention to your hydration during the winter?



Make Today Count

Marston quote


Today I will….

… 45 more burpees towards my goal of 1,000

…..log 40 minutes of cross-training

… mindfully

…..stretch and roll so I’m ready for tomorrow’s run

What will you do today?


Coffee and My Friday 5

I’ve got my favorite mug filled so it’s time for another round of my Friday Five.

Don’t think, just go — My joy of returning to the great outdoors was short-lived as snow and icy roads have sent me back to the mill  this week. But I have refused to get hung up about it…don’t think, just go!

Senior Posse — The January fanfare at the gym has subsided so the one benefit of returning to the mill is the ease at which I can find a parking pace in the lot and I get my choice of machines once inside. One interesting trend I have noticed this week is how many seniors have been showing up – and unlike some of their younger counterparts, they’re there to workout, not chat! I love it!

baa5kFamily running — My oldest has picked his next 5K! He’ll be joining me for the B.A.A. 5K on Marathon weekend. J also decided to register so it looks like it’s time for some family training runs 🙂

#FFBurpee Challenge — As I wrap-up the first week of the burpee challenge, I have no problem admitting that this challenge is kicking my butt! I’ve been trying to do some burpees in the morning and then the rest in the evening so it doesn’t feel so daunting. My youngest son’s been joining me for the evening round and you can’t beat his enthusiasm for motivation!

Quiet Weekend Ahead — Aside from the usual chauffeuring  the boys around to meet friends and get to their sports commitments, I’m looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend in the RWA household.  With the amount of racing around that is the norm around here, I’ve learned to really savor these weekends where there’s actually white space on the calendar.

How’s your week been? Any weekend plans?



January Rewind – Not!

January was not a pretty month – between one sick kid, being sick, a pulled pec muscle and the havoc wreaked on my running thanks to the Polar Vortex and the snow days and bitter cold that came with it – to say I was D-O-N-E with January would be an understatement!

So I’m skipping my usual monthly rewind and just saying Hello February!

Got the month off to a good start on Saturday with a 6+ mile run…wait for it…outdoors in 40 degree weather! (cue the choir!) You could not wipe the smile from my face and I swear every runner I passed seem to be grinning like a fool 🙂  Sunday was even warmer but we had a busy day planned and, as much as I wanted to, squeezing in another run just wasn’t possible.

So what’s up for this month?

— Finish base-building phase

— Weekly yoga classes

— First two races of the year (a 5K and a 10K)

— And yes, the #FFBurpee 1000 Burpee Challenge as part of my weekly strength training

It should be a very busy 28 days!

What do you have planned for February? How was your January?




Friday Five – Great cause, Burpees and other stuff

Hello Friday!

Coffee cup in hand and dog by my feet and a little this and that coming your way….

Stop Stroke Shuffle — Dani over at Weight Off My Shoulders is hosting the Stop Stroke Shuffle 5k virtual race. Dani is once again representing Tedy’s Team at the Boston Marathon and raising money for the American Stroke Association. Proceeds from this virtual race will go towards Dani’s goal of raising $5,000. I plan to run this in honor of my grandfather. Click on the cute medal below to join in!


FFBURPEE#FFBurpee 1000 Burpee Challenge — OK I’ll admit this is a tough one for me….I loathe burpees! They’re hard and truthfully I’m not very good at doing them, but they are effective.

FitFluential is teaming up with Under Armour for this challenge – the goal is to complete 1,000 burpees by February 28th. No that’s not a typo…1,000! Need some extra incentive? How about a complete outfit from Under Armour…not to mention the positive effects on your physique! Check out the details HERE and join me (I’ll need the encouragement 🙂 )

Race Bait & Switch — Have you ever registered for a race only to have the race director announce just days before the start that there’s now a pace restriction? Yep! When I registered for this  5-miler last month there was no mention of needing to maintain a particular pace, yet in the race director’s email yesterday he casually mentions that they’re facing time constraints and runners should plan to maintain a <9 min pace or drop down to the newly added 5K. Not cool in my book! I had already decided to take a pass because this head cold has made speedwork non-existent.

Super Bowl — As a diehard football fan I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that Super Bowl Sunday is just days away. I still haven’t gotten over my beloved Patriots’ u-g-l-y loss in the AFC Championship game. But, we do love football in the RWA household so I will be making jambalaya for the event (it’s tradition), and cheering on the Seahawks!  Any traditional Super Bowl dishes in your house?

…oh and don’t forget the Bulu Box deal ends today!

