Trying to avoid a DNS pity party



Completely frustrated right now!

I’m sick. I think I may have a touch of the same virus my youngest son had just a week or so ago. The minute I started to feel lousy I should have listened to my body and taken a rest day (or two) – this thing has quietly been brewing for a bit. But I wanted to keep my training on the right track so I pushed.

And now my body’s rebelling big time. I tried to manage things as best I could, hoping I could get ahead of it. Well it wasn’t enough because I landed in bed Thursday barely able to get my head off the pillow and with almost no voice 🙁

So, (barring a miracle recovery) the reality that I’m probably not going to be running Newport on Sunday is setting in, and I’m trying really hard to avoid having a big ole pity party. This will be my 2nd DNS this year. I was really looking forward to running Newport – it is a beautiful course, and while I wasn’t planning to “race” it, I had wanted to go and put in a solid training run with some RP miles. Now, given how I feel I doubt I could muster an LSD pace for that distance. And I know how miserable it is to run a race sick – (not to mention the hour-long drive to and from the race). BTDT…no thanks.

I’m just feeling really frustrated right now cause every time it seems that I’m starting to get on a bit of a roll, my body decides it doesn’t want to cooperate.

Ever had to DNS a race you were really looking forward to? Would you rather a DNS or a DNF?



BAA 5K Recap

What a beautiful day! And, what an emotional day!

BAA5K 2014

On Saturday I ran the B.A.A. 5K with my husband J and our oldest son. It was a beautiful morning for a run – a little chilly, but picture-perfect clear blue skies. Because there were going to be so many more runners this year, we decided to park a few blocks from the start and walk over. Not only did it make a breeze to get in and out easily – but the parking garage also had a very nice lobby with clean bathrooms! (Always a score to avoid the porta-potties!)

As we made our way over I could tell my son was a little nervous but excited. This was going to be his second 5K and with a much bigger crowd than the local race we did last summer. And there were so many runners – in an effort to let more people participate in Marathon weekend, the BAA had increased the field of the 5K from 6500 to 10,000. (8,640 actually ran – but still an awful lot of people for a 5K on Boston’s narrow Back Bay streets!) Given the chilly temps and crowds, we decided to keep our extra layers on and skip the bag check. We snapped a couple of quick pics and then heeded the call to head to the corals.

BAA5k 2014 Collage

Yes someone was being goofy 🙂

The corals were jammed and it was a challenge to stay together and find anywhere to slide in.  As we stood waiting you could just feel the energy – I mean obviously runners are always pumped up at the beginning of a race, but this was different. We chatted with other runners and many joked that there were so many of us that the elites would be finishing before we crossed the start. Well in fact that almost did happen!

As we shuffled our way to the start, the announcement of the lead man’s first split was 4:3X. Yes they were flying…and we were soon going to be in the way! No sooner was the announcement made than volunteers started moving corral barriers to open up the street and get us moving faster to the start – so much for self-seeding! It was chaotic but we were finally off.

We tried our best to stay together while also trying to find some open space to run – at some point I ended up ahead of J and my son and pulled up to wait for them. They caught up but my son wanted to take a walk break so they urged me to just keep going so I ran on. I knew even before we started that this was not a day for chasing a sub-30 – this was a day for taking in the moment and I did.  I thanked volunteers, marveled at runners with prostetic legs gutting it out and enjoyed the spectators chanting “Boston Strong” along the course. When we reached the turn-around, runners were hooting and hollering and high-fiving – we were all just having so much fun! I came across J and my son – he was slapping hands with so many runners. It was great to see him see the running community at its best!

The route took us on the famous “right on Hereford, left on Boylston,” and as we reach the corner of Boylston there was an enormous American flag hanging over the course from a firetruck ladder. As I turned on to Boylston it hit me, I hadn’t been back here since the bombing…consciously or unconsciously I hadn’t been back here since I ran last year’s 5K – before everything that happened happened. I wasn’t prepared for the rush of emotions that only got stronger as I passed the Forum, site of the 2nd bombing. I’m not sure I can even put into words what I was feeling as I ran down Boylston and across that famous finish line – it was a lot to process. Soon came the final turn back onto Charles Street and the finish line. The finish area was more chaotic than the start so unfortunately I missed seeing my husband and son finish but heard the race announcer give them a nice shout out as they came across the line! We collected our medals and race shirts and, at my son’s urging, headed off to breakfast.

All-in-all a great morning – the B.A.A. does such an awesome job (though I do hope they return the field to its original size next year)! It was a great event to be a part of and I especially loved how in awe my son was of getting to cross the Marathon finish line.  He’s already talking about running it again next year – and that’s just fine with me 🙂


My X2Performance Update

x2 package

A couple of weeks ago,  I announced that I had been selected as a Brand Ambassador for X2Performance®. Once I got my samples, I immediately put it to the test on a long run, double workouts and hill repeats. I was off to a good start with it – if you missed it, you can read about it HERE.

I’ve continued to test X2Performance on a variety of workouts and with yesterday’s track workout I’ve now wrapped up my trial, and I couldn’t wait to share an update.

Overall I have been really pleased with my experience with X2Performance! I can honestly say that it did provide a nice energy boost (as I described to a friend – extra pep in my step!) without any jittery side effects.  Equally nice was the fact that I didn’t feel like the energy boost provided was short-term – no quick spike followed by a crash. On the days I used X2Performance, I felt solid throughout my workouts.  I did have one u-g-l-y long run last Saturday – but that was much more about me not being able to get out of my own way mentally…no amount of x2Performance was going to turn that run around – let’s be honest it’s not a miracle worker!

X2Performance also promises to improve recovery — and, for me, this was one of the biggest benefits. For a variety of reasons, I have needed to shuffle my workouts over the past couple of weeks, which left me sometimes needing to do double workouts in one day or running back to back to back days. Usually my 40+ year old legs (ahem!) don’t love multiple days of running (especially when hill repeats are involved!), but with X2Performance I found I was feeling good post-run and was ready to go again the next day.

So will I continue to use it? Yes – with one caveat. Depending on which order option you choose, X2Performance can cost $3.99 – 4.99 per serving and honestly that’s just a little too steep for me on a regular basis. However, I could see making that investment if I had a big “A” race I was training for, which is why I plan to use it consistently when I start training for my goal half marathons in the fall. I’m really curious to see how it might help with my long run recovery during the summer months.

Don’t forget you can still get a free trial 4-pack to try for yourself! Click HERE for details (There is a $5.95 shipping charge).

 Have you ever tried a pre-workout supplement?

 (As a brand ambassador, I was provided product and am being compensated for participating in this program. As always all opinions expressed here are my own, and I am not obligated to share a positive review. The statements on the product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.)


Training Check-in Week 6

check inSo for a brief moment I thought about skipping this week’s check-in – Why? Because I didn’t want this to turn into a whine-fest about what a disaster my 10-mile attempt was on Saturday. I’ll not bother to re-hash the details accept to say that I really need to get out of my own way sometimes!

But, for as down as I was about it on Saturday morning, I went on to have a great weekend and I’m over it and moving on. I think I would have been less upset about the way things went if it weren’t for the fact that I really wanted to get one double-digit run under my belt before Newport. No point dwelling on it right? Besides if I let one run define me I’d really be in a world of trouble!

Apart from Saturday, last week shaped up to be a pretty good week.  I had blocked out forgotten how hard 1000 meter repeats can be! But there’s no better motivator than knowing a massage awaits! And now two classes in, I’m completely in love with my Pilates barre class!

So up for this week?

After Saturday’s meltdown, Coach Bennett advised two days off – and for once I didn’t fight him on it. So no workout today, but I am going to take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some more time on garden clean-up.  Then along with daily core work and rolling, the rest of the week should look like this:

Tuesday — 8 mile progression run

Wednesday — Pilates Barre class

Thursday — Track work (a ridiculous number of 400 m repeats!)

Friday — Cross-training

Saturday — B.A.A. 5K

Sunday — 6 miles

How was your weekend? What have you got planned for the week?


Friday Five (OK it’s actually 4 today)

It is Friday once again and it’s finally starting to feel like spring around here! Whoot whoot! Before I rush out the door for what looks like a pretty nutty day ahead, a little of this and that to share  😉

Nominated! So my little ole blog’s been nominated for the Top 50 Health & Fitness Blogs of 2014! It’s a great group of blogs and I’m happy to be listed among them. If you’re so inclined to cast a vote (no crazy commitments required), please click HERE – blogs are listed alphabetically.  Thanks for the support!!

Webcast with Dave Scott.  On Saturday, April 12th X2PERFORMANCE® is hosting a live webcast with 6- time IRONMAN® World Champion Dave Scott! The webcast will take place at 5PM EST and Dave will be answering questions as well as providing advice on strength-training and nutrition. All attendees will receive an exclusive offer from X2PERFOMANCE at the end of the webcast, plus be eligible for randomly selected prizes. You can register through this link. I’ve got a couple of scheduling glitches I’m trying to work out so I can catch this.

Vacation planning. Now that the family vacation is booked, I’m trying to get organized early to avoid the usual last minute scramble. So out comes the “to do” list – we know I love a list! And towards the top of that list, I realized I need a new swimsuit. Now I’ve promised myself this is not going to send me over the deep-end. I’m going to try to embrace Carla’s wonderful 2-step approach and move on!

Weekend!! The forecast is looking good so I’m planning to spend as much time in my garden and yard as possible! Also on tap are the boys’ lacrosse games, baseball practice begins and a ten mile run (haven’t seen double digits in a while).


Does swimsuit shopping cause you to panic?



Changing race plans


At the beginning of March, I mentioned that I was working with Coach Bennett to revise my training to set me up for a stronger fall race season. After a fairly craptastic winter, I really needed to take a step back, re-access some goals and decide what I really want to achieve before 2014’s in the history books. Coach Bennett and I have agreed to shift the focus to shorter distances and work on building some speed, before going after some goal half marathons in the fall.

So, of course, this means some changes to my race plans:

  • While I’ll be running the Newport 10 Miler at the end of the month, this will just be a fun run – my goal of 10-mile PR will have to wait. I’m no where near ready to “race” this distance, but I do love the course and look forward to a fun blogger meet-up that’s in the works. Given how few 10-mile races there are in the area, it looks like I may have to let go of the goal of a new PR for this distance until next year.
  • This will also be the first spring in three years where I won’t be running a half marathon. Originally, I had planned to run the Runner’s World Heartbreak Half in June, but when the planets aligned for our family to book a much needed vacation during the same time, vacation & family-time won out over racing.
  • I’m now hunting for a couple of 10K races – like the 10-milers around here, they’ve become harder and harder to find.
  • And, as for the goal of 14 races in 2014 – for now I’m backing off. It could happen, but I’m not going to push it. Staying injury-free, getting stronger and going after the much-desired half marathon PR will be the priorities.

 Anyone else re-thinking goals for this year?


Training Check-in Week 5

check in

Good Monday Morning!

Today is a rare Monday rest day – and after 3 straight days of running, including hill work, my legs are happy to have a break!

And as it turns out, my youngest who’s been down sick all weekend is home today from school 🙁 So it’s a good day for cuddling, quiet games and laying low.

I’m really looking forward to going back to my Pilates barre class on Wednesday. Last week’s class was a killer in a good way – especially tapping into those stabilizing muscles that will hopefully help my runs.  I’m also really looking forward to returning to Track work Thursdays! I know some people loathe the track, but  I always feel at home there – plus I find running the repeats really helps with my pacing. I’ve also got a sports massage scheduled this week – a nice little reward to look forward too!

What are you looking forward to this week?



Let’s grab coffee together!

This morning I’m happy to be linking up with Jill, Nikki and Lynda for the first monthly Ultimate Coffee Date!


I have always enjoyed reading virtual coffee date posts – they’re a fun way to connect and share with others.  Who doesn’t enjoy catching up with friends over coffee or tea? (Okay, wine works too but it’s a little early in the day for that!) So pull up a mug and join me….

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that this morning’s recovery run did not go well. I feel like my running continues to be up and down and all over the place – the inconsistency is frustrating!

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that while I’m thrilled that spring is finally here, I feel a little panicked every time I look at our family’s calendar. There’s very little white space happening!

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that I just booked our family vacation for June, which makes looking at our crazy calendar a little easier 🙂

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that parenting a middle schooler is really hard some days.

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that I haven’t read a good book in ages and ask you for some suggestions.

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that I’ve fallen off the meditation bandwagon and can tell I need to climb back on. I feel so much more centered and present when I practice meditation – helps to keep my Type A personality a bit more mellowed.

If we were having coffee together I would tell you how much I’m looking forward to getting together with friends for dinner tonight. We always have such a good time  – there will be a lot of laughter…and probably a lot of wine 😉

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me?


Stepping up training – X2Performance

I’m always looking for a way to work smarter and maximize my workouts, so when I was contacted about being a brand ambassador for X2Performance® as part of a limited time program, I was very intrigued. I had first heard of X2Performance when Beth from Shut Up & Run made it a key part of her Ironman Florida training last year. Back then I was curious and wondered if this would be a product for me – I mean I wasn’t training for an Ironman – was it something I could benefit from? But, I never got around to learning more about it.

So I was really psyched when I was contacted about being part of the X2Performance spring program! Before signing on, I wanted to check out the ingredients. From their site I learned that the X2Performance’s patent-pending BIOIDS® Advanced Cellular Formula is comprised of glucose, bioenergy RIBOSE®, PEAK ATP® Disodium, Coenzyme Q10, natural caffeine, D-Pinitol, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The goal of X2Performance is

to support ATP production – the body’s essential unit of energy – to naturally increase energy, enhance endurance and improve recovery. X2PERFORMANCE® works so athletes get the most out of every workout and maximize performance.”

Sounded good – I was ready to try it for myself and I joined #TeamX2!

(As a brand ambassador, I was provided product and am being compensated for participating in this program. As always all opinions expressed here are my own, and I am not obligated to share a positive review. The statements on the product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.)

X2My first try was before my long run on Saturday – it would be my first time attempting 9 miles since last fall. Seemed like a good place to start. I was a little nervous about how my stomach would react, but I had no issues and the slightly citrus taste was better than I expected. I definitely felt a boost at the start – not at all jittery. It was a good solid run, and best of all was how I felt later in the day and the following morning.

The next test was my first pilates barre class followed by a 6-mile progression run. While that class kicked my butt (a post for another day!), I still felt strong throughout my run. Once again I was happy with the way my legs felt the rest of the day. And this morning, as I get ready to head out for hill work, my legs are feeling fairly fresh – I’ll be taking another X2Performance before this workout as well.

I’m happy with how things are going so far. I still have a few more bottles left so I will update you again next week.  As a brand ambassador, I’m happy to be able to offer you a chance to try it for yourself!


You can get a free trial! For a limited time you can a 4-pack to try for yourself. When you click HERE you will need to select a subscription plan but you can cancel the subscription at any time and still get the free trial — even before your first shipment! (There is a $5.95 shipping charge) Everyone’s body chemistry is different, so I encourage you to click over to the site and check it out for yourself – I’m looking forward to seeing how the next few workouts go! I’ll keep you posted 🙂



March Rewind

Ah another month coming to a close. And while I got off to a slow start, things definitely improved as the month went on.

Good things for March:
  • While I missed my goal of the #FFMarchMiles 100 mile challenge, my mileage is the highest it’s been since last fall!
  • Returning to hill work – yes I’m putting that in the “good” column 😉
  • Enjoyed some runs with my son!
Things I could do without: 
  • The weather…but we won’t dwell on that! (I’m ignoring the sleet that’s currently beating on my windows!)
What’s up for April:
  • A couple of fun races this month: First the BAA 5K with my son & J, and then returning to the Newport 10 Miler at the end of the month
  • Joining a weekly Pilates Barre class
  • Working with X2 Performance as a brand ambassador – More on this to come!

How about you – was March a good month? Any big plans for April?
