Friday Five: Run to Remember Race Recap

Over Memorial Day Weekend I ran what has really become one of my favorite races – Boston’s Run to Remember!

RTR shirt

I’ve been trying all week to get around to writing a race recap but it kept slipping further and further down my to do list. So instead of my typical recap, it’s coming at you Friday Five style….

Oh the HumanityRTR crowd 1! – I think the first time I ran this race in 2011 there may have been 7,000 runners total running both the half marathon and the 5-miler. This year there were 12,000 of us hitting the streets! The race announcer said if you totaled all the human mileage we’d reach half way to the moon!


Public Garden

Sights and Sounds — Police cadet chants as they ran, “Boston Strong” cheers and cow bells, high-fiving police officers lining the route and super enthusiastic volunteers! Passing Faneuil Hall, Beacon Hill, the Public Garden and Boston’s waterfront.

Keep it Simple — My runs have been so schizophrentic lately that I really had no idea what to expect from this race. My goals were simply to have a solid run and enjoy the race. Coach Bennett suggested that I just run by effort and not worry about a specific pace. For half a second I considered not even wearing my Garmin, but I knew I’m just too Type A for that! I did manage to not really look at it until I hit the final mile.

New Distance — While it was my third time running RTR, this was my first time running the 5-miler. I like this distance – it’s not quite the all-out gut-wrencher that a 5K can be.  And I think it (or a 10K) makes a better pairing with a half marathon than a lot of the 5Ks I typically see (oh race directors are you listening?!)

Camaraderie and Community — From the expo the day before to volunteers throughout the course and at the finish line, I saw many friends and familiar faces — and I know there were so many more out there that day that I didn’t get to see! Despite the large crowd there’s something about this race that makes it feel very “local” if you know what I mean. I loved how encouraging runners were to each other and especially appreciated the older gentlemen who ran next to me in the final stretch. He must have sensed I was tiring – we chatted for a brief minute and then he urged me to get going and finish this thing…and I thanked him and I did!

RTR medal


This is race is really well done. If you ever plan to be in Boston on Memorial Day weekend, I highly encourage you to register for this one!


Do you have a favorite race you’ve run again and again?



Almost Wordless Wednesday – Cruise Edition


The countdown to vacation has begun in the RWA household! We’re a mere 10 days away from making this crazy large ship our home! Seriously can believe how big this thing is?!

We’ll be first time cruisers so any advice you want to share?

Do you stick to your workout routine while on vacation or do you take a more laid-back approach?


Stop Apologizing for Your Running

“I just a beginner”

“I only run 5Ks”

“No it was just a half (marathon)”

“Um I run but I’m really slow.”

Any of those phrases – or some version of them – sound familiar?

Why do so many of us feel

the need to apologize for our running?

Of late, when talking with other runners I feel like more and more people feel the need to explain/justify their runs. I caught myself doing it yesterday when someone asked me if I was running a half marathon this weekend and I answered “No just a five-miler.” –  Why the need for the “just?”

Bingham quote

If you have made a commitment to yourself to run – then you are a runner. Period. Celebrate your efforts and stop feeling the need to apologize!



Training Check-in Week 11

It’s Monday again and time for my final training check-in before Boston’s Run to Remember 5-miler this Sunday.

check in


So here’s how last week went (Actual in blue)

Monday: Cross training — Took an extra rest day

Tuesday: 6 miles with negative split on 2nd 3 — Done

Wednesday: Rest day —  Pilates Barre class

Thursday: 6 miles with 10 x 300m repeats — 4.6 miles with 10 x 300m repeats

Friday: Rest day — Done (and so needed after those repeats!)

Saturday: 6 mile LSD — 6 miles

Daily: rolling — Done!

A week ago I got a little ambitious in my Pilates class doing “Swan” and tweaked my back, so I decided to put T25 on the shelf last week and was diligent about my yamuna rolling.  It paid off as I had no linger affects and could get my runs done. With the race on Sunday, I’ll be logging less miles this week so T25 will be back on the plan. Still haven’t figured out my goals for Sunday – I’ve got some RP miles on the plan for tomorrow so I’ll see how that goes.

How was last week for you?


Five Reasons to do Pilates

How is it Friday again already!? I feel like we’re just streaking through this month!

Well today I am once again linking up with the Courtney, Mar and Cynthia, the DC Trifecta for their Friday Five link-up. This week’s the ladies are asking everyone to share their “Five Reasons to….”

Now that I’ve returned to my weekly Pilates classes I cannot believe I ever stepped away from it! In my opinion there are many reasons to do Pilates – especially if you’re a runner…but here are a few:




1) Builds Core Strength — Pilates focuses on strengthening your core muscles which is critical not only for runners, but really to perform any function.

2) Aids Muscular Balance —  The repetitive motion of running (or many other sports, like golf for example) can create muscle imbalances. Pilates’ whole-body approach works to correct any imbalances and helps you to re-align your body.

3) Can be Adapted for Almost Everyone — With a wide range of exercises and modifications, Pilates offers something for everyone.  I can attest to the fact that I did Pilates all through my pregnancy with my youngest son – right up to a week before delivery! I’ve had both seniors and 20-somethings in the same class with me. I’ve also had friends who were injured who used Pilates as part of their PT.

4) Improves Posture — Pilates both strengthens and lengthens your spine, and with its focus on core strength and proper alignment, you will see an improvement in your posture.

5) Offers Mind-Body Awareness — My Pilates instructor is always emphasizing the importance of the total attention necessary to activate various muscle groups as you move through the various exercises. Pilates founder Joseph Pilates spoke of  “the complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit.” Through Pilates key principles of centering, concentration, control, breath, and flow, Pilates believed that the mind and body work together to help the practitioner get the most out of each exercise.

Honestly, I could go on and on about the benefits of doing Pilates! I really love that it truly offers a full-body workout – building core strength while helping to develop long lean muscles, strength, balance, flexibility and an increased range of motion – what’s not to love?!



As always, please be sure to stop by and check-out the great ladies of the DC Trifecta and the others joining the link-up this week!



Monday Motivation

Petrie quote

Happy Monday all!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It was a great Mother’s Day weekend here – I got to play in my garden, have lots of family time and enjoy the best (so far) weather weekend of the spring!  All good stuff!

Yes there was also some running that can only be described as u-g-l-y! My long run was suppose to include 4 miles at race pace, but my legs just couldn’t get there despite how much I tried to will them (or when they did get there I couldn’t hold on). Disappointing for sure. While I have had some great speed work sessions on the track these last couple of weeks, I have yet to have that speed translate into longer runs. Clearly I still have more work to do here. But it’s a new week and so I’ll go after it again.


How was your weekend?

Are you facing any big challenges in your running right now?


Training Check-in Week 9

check inIt’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve done one of my weekly training updates – and with my next race just 4 weeks away seems like a good time to check in! Since I was trying to get back up to speed after being sick for almost a week with a nasty chest cold/crud/thing, Coach Bennett suggested I just ease back in this week and see what I can do.

So here’s how last week went (Actual in blue)

Monday: 30 mins cross training — T25 Day 1

Tuesday: 9 miles — 4 miles, plus T25 Day 2

Wednesday: Rest day —  Pilates Barre class, plus T25 Day 3

Thursday: 8 miles with 7 x 1000m repeats — 7.35 miles with 5 x 1000m repeats, plus T25 Day 4

Friday: Rest day — T25 Day 5 – Was suppose to be a double workout, but I opted for just one

Saturday: 7 mile LSD — 4 miles

Daily: rolling — Done!

All-in-all a pretty good week back. My legs were definitely felt heavy and sluggish –  I had to really push through these workouts but I’m pretty happy with the results. I’m looking forward to seeing what this week brings with more miles and week 2 of T25!

How was your week?


Coffee Date – May edition

It’s the first Saturday of the month so it’s time once again for the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up!


I’m back from this morning’s run, so pull up a mug and join me….

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you how excited I am for the month of May! While the schedule will definitely get a little crazy at times, there’s a lot of fun stuff planned – and the weather’s finally starting to feel like spring!

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you I started Shaun T’s Focus T25 this week and it is challenging for sure as I adjust to adding it in with my running and Pilates classes — but I’m loving it and think I’ll be stronger for doing it.

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you I spent a fun morning with my mom yesterday at my favorite nursery and I cannot wait to get to work in my garden.

A sample of the plants I picked up!

A sample of the plants I picked up!

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that a lacrosse obsession has firmly taken hold in my house! My oldest is playing on two teams and my youngest son is playing for the first time. My husband is coaching plus playing in his own league. And every weekend, I feel like my television is permanently tuned to ESPNU which always has the best college match-ups. The MML season has just gotten underway and my boys have been begging for us to get some Boston Cannons’ tickets — Yes it’s a full-on obsession around here!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you I’d tell you I’ve got 34 days until our family vacation 🙂


If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me?


Somebody’s been race shopping

I’ve been eyeing these races for a while and now I’ve finally pulled the trigger: loco_smuttyrock PM14_Banner BAA10K banner Two half marathons and a 10K! 

I think my credit card needs a rest!  burningcard

Have you ever gone on race buying binge?

Will you be at any of these races?


Coming out of my haze and turning 4

Happy Monday All!

Thank you again for the good wishes last week! As I suspected there was no miracle recovery and I did end up missing Sunday’s race. In a rare move on my part, I just gave in to what my body needed, rested a ton and as of this morning I’m finally feeling like I’m coming out of my crud/virus-induced haze. It helped that the weather was rainy and damp — made it easier to give in and stay in bed or on the couch.

Since I was sick for the better part of last week there’s not much to recap but I did just realize that this little ole blog turned 4 yesterday! One of these blog-anniversaries I’ll be organized enough to celebrate with a giveaway or something. But not this year….Instead I offer my heartfelt gratitude for all you who stop by my little corner of the blogisphere and offer support and encouragement!!

T25So now it’s a new week and I’m ready to get moving again! My next race is in 4 weeks so the plan is to get back on the road and get some miles in and get to my weekly Pilates Barre class.  I’ll also be starting Shaun T’s Focus T25! I’ve wanted to try it for a while, but had been debating how to fit it in with my runs. After getting to preview the workouts a couple of weeks ago at my brother’s house, I finally decided to just bite the bullet and dive in. Wish me luck 😉

What have you got planned for this week?
