Friday Five: Running and Fitness Resources

Happy Friday! This week the ladies of the DC Trifecta (Courtney, Mar and Cynthia) are asking everyone to share 5 blogs you love. Well I do read a fair number of blogs and there was no way I could just whittle it down to five. So instead, I thought I’d share five running and fitness resources that I turn to again and again.


International Association of Women Runners — This is my coach’s site so you may say I’m bias. But, if you’re a women of a certain age (ahem…over 40) this is great resource to check out!

Runners Connect — A team of running coaches weighing in on all aspects of running and training.

Natural Running Center — A wealth of info on all things “natural running” related, including shoe reviews.

Fuel Your Future with Tina — Tina is an elite athlete with some great training tips to share.

FitFluential — Again, I may be biased here, as I am a FitFluential Ambassador, but I think the FF blog offers a great range of fitness/healthy living posts.

Now, I’m very excited to say I’m off for a date with an Alter G treadmill – a full report coming soon!

So tell what are your favorite running and fitness resources? 


Thursday Thoughts – Remembering



It’s hard to believe that it’s been 13 years since that day. I was living in New York City then…sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago and other times it feels so fresh and recent.

I still remember getting the first call from my husband J who worked so close to the Towers that he saw the second plane hit.

I still remember staring at the TV in disbelief watching the Towers fall.

I still remember frantically trying to track down friends, while trying hard not to think about where J was. I knew he and his office mates had left the building…cell phones were out…there was nothing to do be wait and watch the news. Somehow a call from a friend of mine got through – so we sat on the phone watching the news trying to make sense of what was happening.

I still remember my heart jumping when J finally walked though the door – like so many he had walked all the way home from lower Manhattan (we were on the upper west side). Only then did I start to cry.

I think of all of those lost and I think of their families….and I still have no words.



Training Check-in – Week 7


check in

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like these weeks are just flying by? As of today, there are 76 days until the Philadelphia Half – on the one hand, still a lot of time, but given the way these days are flying by, it will be here before I know it!

So week 7 is in the books and I’m very happy to report it was a much better week! Here’s how things shook out:

Monday:  Leg and core work.

Tuesday:  6 miles on a hilly loop followed by a massage!

Wednesday:  After a 2 week break, my Pilates Barre class is back!

Thursday:  Returned to hill repeats – 6 miles total.

Friday:   I was definitely feeling the effects of those hill repeats, so I decided to skip my scheduled cross-training.

Saturday: 9 miles. The heat and humidity was just crazy – it was like running in a furnace! Knowing that this was going to be a tough run, I decided to go Galloway and switched to run/walk intervals after the first couple of miles. I’d never tried doing intervals like that so I just kind of played with the length of the run intervals –  it was a nice distraction from the heat, helped me to keep a consistent pace and to finish fairly strong.

Sunday:  Much needed rest day.

All-in-all a pretty solid week. My challenge since I started this training cycle has been to put two solid weeks together. So my goal for this week is simple – keep up the forward momentum!

How did week go for you?  Have you ever tried the Galloway Method?



September’s Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month which means it’s time again for the Ultimate Coffee Date!  So grab your favorite morning beverage and let’s catch up for a bit!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I just finished a nine mile run and good grief was it hard. The humidity was just soul-sucking…but on the good side my ITB gave me no trouble!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my boys went back to school this week so we’re s-l-o-w-l-y adjusting to the new schedule. I must admit I’m enjoying how quiet the house is in the morning!

If we were having coffee together, I’d also tell you that it only took a couple of days to fill our kitchen calendar with a sea of school events, sports practices and games!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that we’re in middle of home renovations – when you live in a 100+ year old house something always needs renovation 😉 I’m happy to be getting the mudroom we so desperately need!reno

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I find home renovations addictive. I’m a DIY Network junkie and I’m already eyeing our next project – the upstairs bath!

Speaking of which I should get ready to go and see if I can help out!

If we were having coffee together what would you tell me?


Friday Five – Race Day Prep

It’s Friday again already and I’m linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia (aka the DC Trifecta) for this week’s Friday Five! This week’s theme is “Race Day Rituals.” I really have any special rituals for race morning –  but I do have some key things I always do during training to get me prepped for race day.

race day prep

Long Runs as Dress Rehearsal — Every long run is a chance to practice your fueling and hydration strategies.

Train for the Course — As often as possible, I try to pick routes that will mimic the race course. (If you’re facing a hilly course but live in the flatlands, make hill work on the treadmill part of your training!) Best of all, if you live near the course, try to run at least parts whenever you can.

No New Gear — It always amazes me when someone picks up new running clothes at the race expo and then wears them on race day. There are a lot of things you can’t control on race day, so where you can eliminate any surprises – like discovering that cute new shirt you picked up at the expo chafes in all the wrong places!

Go Easy on the Expo — If you’re running a larger race, then packet pick-up can also means a trip to the race expo. While it can be fun to check out the latest gear or a new vendor, be careful to not overdo it and spend too much time on your feet.

Catch Some ZZZs — If you’re like me then the night before the race is usually a rough night of sleep. While you should do what you can to get enough sleep throughout training, life happens right? So I make it my mission to get to bed early during race week so I’m as well-rested as possible come race morning.

Do you have any race day rituals? Be sure to stop by the link-up and check out how others manage their race day. DC_linkup


Training Week 6: Remembering Why

Happy September! Hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend!

I’m getting ready to head out for this morning’s run and week 7 of my Philly Half training. I’m looking forward to a fresh start and to put last week’s runs far behind me.

Week 6 was rough people! I’m not going to lie – I thought about skipping the recap altogether. But with running, you’ve got to take the good with the bad, right?

So here’s how the week shook out:

Monday:   Strength training – legs and core.

Tuesday:   Heat & humidity returned just in time for my 6 miles.

Wednesday:  Played with my kiddos and took a rest day.

Thursday:  7 miles – I could not get out of my head on this run. There was a lot of bargaining with myself during this one.

Friday:   Core work.

Saturday: 3.5 miles – this was suppose to be 9. Despite doing all the things I was suppose to do to prep for this long run (sleep, fuel, hydrating), my body just wouldn’t cooperate. I was so frustrated with myself and finally just stopped, called J and asked him to come get me. A low point for sure….

Sunday: I briefly toyed with the idea of going out to try the nine again, but ended up sleeping through my alarm and opted to avoid the increasing humidity and have a lazy breakfast with my family.

Like I said, happy to put this one in my rearview mirror and move on. Time to get my head back in the game …to remember the reasons I’m out there…My Why.

How do you get out of your head when you’re running?


Friday Five: Fall Preview

I cannot believe this is the last Friday of the month – and with school starting for my boys next week, it’s really the last Friday of the summer! While it has been a wonderful summer – I am a Fall girl and love that my favorite time of the year is just around the corner!

Fall preview

So much to look forward to this fall, including….

Cooler Temps — While it wasn’t as brutally hot as some past summers, I’m just much more partial to the crisp cool days of fall. I’m happiest in jeans, boots, sweater…you get the idea.

Apple Picking — One of my favorite family fall traditions!

Cooking — We pretty much live off the grill during the summer – which I must admit is largely my husband J’s domain. But once fall kicks in, I love to get back into the kitchen and dive into some of my favorite recipes and to try out some new ones!

Football —  If you’ve been around here for a while then you know I’m a huge football fan and cannot wait to watch my beloved Patriots take the field.

Fall Races — Hello Philly Half! Having not done much racing this year, I’m looking forward to running 3 (maybe 4) races this fall.

I could go on and on about the good things of fall! I’m linking up with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia again this week so be sure to stop by and check them out.

What are you looking forward to this fall?



Week 5 – Hills and a Headache

Week 5 on the road to Philly is in the books and it was a challenging week for sure – thanks in large part to a migraine that hung out for a few days. Migraines

Monday: Hello migraine! Hip strengthening and core work.

Tuesday: A hilly 5 miler.

Wednesday: Migraine continued. T25 Total Body Circuit.

Thursday: 5.5 miles.

Friday: T25 Ab Intervals.

Saturday: 9.2 miles with rolling hills. First time running 9 miles since the spring!

Sunday: Much needed rest day.

So the base-building continues. On deck for week 6, 23 running miles, some cross training and more core work, including the 8 minute core workout posted last week on Fuel Your Future with Tina (if you’re not reading her blog, you really should check it out!) I love to mix up the core work and Tina’s workout looks challenging.

How’s your training going?



Friday Five: Running Unplugged

DC_linkupI’m joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia again for the Friday Five, and this week’s theme is “5 Things I Love about….”

So I want to highlight some benefits of running tech-free – aka running “naked.”  During  the past coupe of weeks I have been really struggling with my pacing. I’ve been getting most of my mileage in, but every time I look down at my Garmin during a run I’ve been feeling very defeated as the number staring back at me has not been close to what I was aiming for – cue the negative self-talk!

So at Coach Bennett’s suggestion, I’ve put the watch away for a bit and am running by effort. I’ve actually taken it a step further this week and left the headphones behind as well – no devices of any kind (except my phone in my belt in case my kids needed me!).


Travel Light — There’s definitely something to be said for feeling lighter without all the tech stuff. No cords to manage, no satellites to find.

Less Anxiety — Knowing that I wasn’t going to have my pace reflected back at me, immediately took the pressure out of the run. I don’t think I realized how much having a number (pace) hanging over my head was upping my anxiety level.

Letting My Body Lead — There are lots of variables that can affect a run on any given day (sleep, nutrition, the previous day’s workout, etc.). Running by feel vs. my watch gives my body a better chance to adjust to those variables.

Listening to My Feet — No music means I can tune into my footfall. Is it soft and light? Am I scuffing my feet? When I hear scuffing, I know my form’s starting to fall apart.

Enjoy My Surroundings — Running tech-free not only gives me the chance to tune into my body, but to tune into my surroundings as well.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not ready to give up my running gadgets – they do provide a lot of useful feedback and motivation. But more and more I’m seeing the importance of taking a tech-break.

Do you ever run naked?



Training Update & Nuun Winner

Week 4 of my Philadelphia Half training is done! Here’s a quick recap:

Monday:   3 miles with negative split

Tuesday:   Spent a fun day with my mom – lots of walking

Wednesday:  Pilates Barre

Thursday:   5.75 miles – tough run! My legs felt so heavy, I seriously wanted to stop a mere mile in, but stuck it out.

Friday:   Rest and a massage

Saturday: 6.5 miles on a very hilly loop. My legs felt so much better!

Sunday: Hip strengthening exercises and core work

After Saturday’s run, I’m feeling much more upbeat going into this week. I’ll be adding more hip strengthening work this week, as well as some T25.


Nuun EnergyAfter a great response to my Nuun Giveaway, the winner is  Samantha S! Congrats!

A big thanks to Nuun for sponsoring!
