Mizuno Wave Rider 18 Review


WaveRider 1

This post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Mizuno. As always, the opinions expressed here are completely my own.

Since this pair of Mizuno Wave Rider 18s arrived at my door a couple of weeks ago, I have been running in them exclusively. On the road, on the track and on the treadmill, they have quickly become my go-to running shoes. Quite simply,  I love these shoes!

I knew I was on to something good, when I logged over 9 miles in them straight out of the box on a rainy, wind-swept morning. The fit was snug, comfortable, and supported, as the shoe easily formed to my foot.

Wave RIder 2My next run took me to the track for 400-meter intervals  – I felt light and quick, something I haven’t been able to say for a while.  I was sold!

Wave Rider 3

You’ve got to love a shoe with a design that takes inspiration from the Japanese concept of “Hado” – the vibrational life force energy that promotes powerful transformations. Um yes I’ll take some of that please! Sounds good doesn’t it?

For me this translated into a shoe that is an ideal balance between fit and performance, providing a smooth ride that allows you to let go and get lost in your run. A welcome change for me during what has been a tough training cycle.

Wave Rider 4

At just 7.8 oz, the Wave Rider 18 is light and sleek, while Mizuno’s patented Wave technology delivers maximum responsiveness and just enough support for a stable, but unencumbered run. A combination that I think would appeal to a wide range of runners.

Mizuno Wave Rider 18s are available in three color combos (I’m eyeing the white-Fuchsia Purple next!), and retails for $119.99.

I am so looking forward to logging many more miles in these lovelies!

What are you currently running in?

Have you ever tried Mizuno?


Thursday Thoughts – Gratitude



Too often it is too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, the doing, the to do lists that we forget to stop, breathe and be grateful.

Too often it is too easy to get frustrated by what is not happening, than to relish in all that currently is.

Too often it is the large-scale happenings that cause us to pause and give thanks, instead of celebrating the many small daily occurrences that make life truly special.

Every evening before I go to sleep, I take time to reflect on at least 3 things that I’m grateful for from that day – I can always come up with more than three…and more often than not, it’s the little things that make the list. For me it’s a nice way to end each day…to put things into perspective.

Do you have a gratitude practice? What are you grateful for today?


Beware of the Leaves


They look innocent enough don’t they…those pretty colorful leaves on the sidewalks and roads.

Well…consider this my public service announcement for the week…tread carefully across those leaves cause you never know what may be lurking beneath! I discovered this the hard way during Saturday’s run – stepped on a twig and awkwardly twisted my knee.

Still doesn’t feel so great today so I’ll be cross-training instead of running. Maybe I’ll exact some revenge with my leaf-blower in the backyard 😉


Friday Five: Fave Running Tunes

It’s finally Friday!! Why do short work weeks always feel so much longer?!

As I mentioned last week, I needed a good power tune to get me through my intervals and this week’s 400-meter repeats were no different. While I find of late I’m using music less for some of my shorter runs, when it comes to speedwork, hill repeats or late in a long run, I like to have my music! So when I heard that Courtney, Mar and Cynthia were inviting everyone to share their “Favorite Fitness Tunes,”  I  couldn’t resist chiming in with my 5 current favorites. Note I say current because my tastes and playlists change often!

music notes

(Links to YouTube videos below in case you’re interested)

Love Runs Out by OneRepublic — The very first time I heard this one on the radio I knew I had to add it to my playlist. I love the driving beat!

Applause by Lady Gaga —  While I’m not a huge Gaga fan, this song never fails to get me moving!

Now that We Found Love by Heavy D & the Boyz — Old school!

Dream On by Aerosmith — Told you my taste is eclectic!  While a slower beat for sure, there is something about this song that always gets me going – maybe it’s the Boston connection 😉

25 Miles by Edwin Starr — OK so Old School there isn’t even a video, just an audio link! Despite its age, it’s a relatively new addition to my playlist and a favorite to hear late in a long run.

Be sure to check out everyone else’s list – maybe you’ll find a new tune for your playlist!



Training Check-in – Week 11

check in Happy Monday!

With today being Columbus Day (or Thanksgiving in Canada) – hopefully you’re enjoying the long weekend!

After a much needed cutback week the week before, I resumed my Philly training plan last week.

So how was Week 11?

Monday  —  T25 Cardio

Tuesday  —  5 Miles

Wednesday  —  Yoga

Thursday  —  5 x 1000 meter intervals plus warm-up and cool down – 6 miles

Friday — Rest day

Saturday — 9.5 miles

Sunday  —  More rest – hanging with the family 🙂

I had planned for 12 miles on Saturday but the rain went from steady at the start of the run  to a torrential downpour! So for the sake of my cold wet legs and my iPhone I decided to cut it short. Overall, it wasn’t too bad of a week. As much as I want to increase my mileage and bump it up to 4 running days per week, my energy levels are just not there yet. Hopefully, as I get this anemia under control that can happen.

How was your week?

Do you usually run 3x’s a week or 4 or more?


Thursday Thoughts: From the track

Track shot


Observations from today’s attempt at speedwork:

Running intervals while anemic is a b#tch!

There may have been a little cursing…ok maybe a lot of cursing!

Sometimes a power song and mantra can help — today it was “Black Suits Comin'” by Will Smith and “you’re stronger than you think!”

Thank goodness tomorrow’s a rest day!

What’s your current power song or mantra?



Another Aha Moment

And the Aha Moments just keep coming….

lightbulb moment

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have had my ups and downs this training cycle.

While I have tried hard to accept whatever my body will give me on any given day, the truth is I’ve been struggling. Paces that were once manageable have felt like work…and when I have managed to have really good runs, I’m toast afterwards. I have talked about the fact that a shift in attitude and how I approach my runs has helped…running is a mental game after all! But, something was still missing….something has just felt off. My body was trying to tell me something. So I finally made the rare trip to my doctor’s office…and after some tests, turns out I’m anemic.

Ah – well that goes a long way to explaining my energy levels. I was starting to think it was all in my head … or perhaps my advanced running age catching up with me 😉 So for now the prescribed course of action is a daily multi-vitamin (I’ve been wildly inconsistent with my supplements) and changes to my diet to include more iron-rich foods. This will force me to get back to meal planning and weekend meal prep which has been lagging a little. I’m glad to have an answer for what’s going on…just wish I hadn’t dragged my feet on heading to my doc.

Are you quick to head to the doctor’s office?

What’s your favorite iron-rich snack?


October’s Ultimate Coffee Date

Hello October!

Did September fly by as fast for you as it did for me?! Well it’s time to kick off a new month and one of my favorite ways to do that is by joining the Ultimate Coffee Date!  So grab a mug of coffee, tea or another favorite beverage and let’s catch up for a bit!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you October is probably one of my favorite months! The weather is perfect for running and the foliage in New England is beautiful – it’s a great time to be outdoors! And, all things pumpkin are plentiful – win!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you we heading out to western Mass to go apple picking tomorrow. It’s a family tradition – we go to a great family run farm that has a wide variety of apples, peaches and pumpkins plus hayrides, an amazing farm stand and a great barbecue. It’s such a fun way to spend the day and I tell you those apple cider doughnuts are killer!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I am on a decluttering kick! After just one month of school, homework, volunteer projects, etc. I’ve lost sight of most of my dining room table and a counter in the kitchen. But, truthfully, I don’t plan to stop there – I’m going after closets, the mini-man cave (aka our playroom) and…our home office. DeclutteringYourHomes

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my husband J and I will celebrate our 22nd anniversary later this month (another reason I love October!). We’ve actually been together 26 years! As cliched as it may sound he truly is my best friend. I don’t know what we’ll do to celebrate but given the way the calendar looks this month, it will probably be at one of the boys’ sport events!


If we were having coffee together what would you tell me?


I heart 10-mile races

This is my public plea to race directors everywhere (but especially here in New England) to please host more 10-mile races!


The 10-miler is hands down my favorite race distance – yet sadly I’m finding fewer and fewer options available.  So what’s to love about the 10 mile distance? To me it’s the perfect “middle distance.”

Just long enough — The 10-miler is just long enough (vs. say a 10K) that you can ease into your pace for the first few miles before really diving into the race. Personally I struggle with 10K pacing!

Just short enough — That last 5K of a half marathon can get ugly for me sometimes…perhaps because I push too hard in the middle miles? I can still hold my form together for 10 miles, run strong and not feel like I’m dying!

Still a challenge — Racing double digits is a challenge! The beauty of 10-mile races is that they offer enough of a challenge without requiring too long of a training build-up to reach the distance – depending on your weekly mileage, you can be ready to race in just a few weeks.

What’s your favorite race distance? Do you think 10-milers are getting harder to find?

Erika, Patty and April are all talking about their fave race distances today – Be sure to stop by and check out them out!



Friday Five: Runfessions

Every month Marcia, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice, shares her “runfessions” – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul. I love these posts. Marcia always invites her readers to join her and so this time round, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — While I’m feeling better about my training than I have in weeks, I confess that I am no where close to where I wanted to be at this point. But there’s still 8 weeks until Philly…

Runfession #2 — I’m seriously struggling with my motivation…there are definitely days where I want to chuck the training plan, let go of my race goals and just go back to running purely for the fun of it.

Runfession #3 — I’ve decided to take the Smuttynose Half off the table.  While this was never a goal race, I will admit that I was secretly hoping to take advantage of the “flat, fast course” and kick some serious asphalt. Given #1, Coach Bennett and I agreed that if I can’t go and run it really easy that I shouldn’t do it….and I know myself and I just don’t think I can…so no Smuttynose this year.

Runfession #4 — I really miss my running buddy E. She’s been dealing with an injury and it’s been ages since we’ve run together. I’m sure that’s not helping my motivation on some days. But I do so appreciate that she’s one of my biggest cheerleaders!

Runfession #5 — I’m loving my hill workouts…I know right? But I have to admit that Thursday’s hill repeats have become my favorite workout of the week! And I’ve been crushing them!

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?

