I’m soaking up the final day of a 9-day break from all things work-related! My office has an org-wide shutdown for the week of July 4th so I’ve been blissfully logged off my computer since end-of-day June 30th! I runfess that leading up to the time off my fuse was getting a little short – so this mid-year break couldn’t have come at a better time! I’ve used this staycation to catch up with friends and family, do some remodel-related shopping, read, lounge on the deck (when the humidity would allow), and generally just recharge.
And yes, of course, there were workouts – here’s a quick peek into how this week in fitness played out.
Enjoying a Mid-Year Break
Monday — 3 miles. My youngest decided to join me – so fun!
Tuesday — 1.5-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Core
Wednesday — Rest day – I was feeling super lazy so I embraced it and spent the day reading and lounging. No regrets!
Thursday — 3 miles & Core
Friday — 2.5-mile walk, Lower Body Strength & Core
Saturday — 6 miles. The humidity was absolutely soul-sucking – this was definitely a character-building run
Sunday — Yoga and Hip mobility work
This weekend marks 12 weeks until the TC 10M. It feels good to be starting this training cycle already at 6 miles for my long run – I can ramp up gradually taking the weather and my upcoming vacation time into account. I plan to stick to running 3 days a week so I’ll also start to add a bit more to my weekday runs. I also just picked up a pretty new yoga mat which I hope will inspire me to get in at least 1 yoga session a week to complement my daily stretching and hip mobility work.
How was your week? Are you training for a race?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.