The Power of a Single Word

Can a single word make a difference?

Can it set the tone?….provide focus? ….serve as a reminder?

I believe it can…or at least I’m prepared to find out.

Around this time last year, I started reading a good deal about the practice of selecting one word for the year…while I didn’t end up choosing a word, there was something about the idea that resonated with me. As 2014 came to an end and I started thinking about what I wanted the new year to look like, lots of goals for different areas of my life came to mind – I recently shared my my running/fitness goals here.

And, as I sat with all of these different goals, I kept returning to desire to have one idea/theme to tie them all together. I started thinking about the one word practice again – a couple of words popped up fairly quickly but one seemed to sit best with me…


My word for 2015 is Thrive – to flourish, to progress, to evolve… I think this word will be a great inspiration for all I hope to do and be this year in so many aspects of my life.

Have you ever selected one word for the year? Do you have a word for 2015?


2015 Running Goals

goal 2015

I’ve been sitting with this post for a bit…perhaps a little gun-shy to put it down in print after coming up short last year … or just needed a little more time to marinate. But as I said in my Year of Running post, having had a challenging 2014 won’t stop me from setting big goals for this year. So I’m linking up with Erika, Patty and April for Tuesdays on the Run and putting them out there!

 My 2015 Running/Fitness goals:

  • Run a 2:15 – 2:20 half marathon — This was a 2014 goal, but then I didn’t end of racing any halfs.
  • Set a new 10-mile PR  — target time TBD.
  • 1,000 Miles — I’m participating in Run This Year with a target of 1,000 miles.
  • Continue my strength program — I started a great program with the trainer last month and for the first time in a long time I’m enjoying being in the gym. I need to schedule this, just like I do my runs so I stick with it.
  • Actively manage recovery – I need to accept that fact that I cannot just run and then rush off to the next thing. I need to give time to rolling, Epsom salt baths, etc.
  • Have fun! — I lost some of the joy in my running last year so I’m all about recapturing the fun! I’m looking forward to some blogger meet-ups, joining Black Girls Run for some group runs, volunteering at a race (or two), racing with my son and husband, and some destination races thanks to being on the Rock’nBlog team!
  • Be kinder to myself — when training/racing doesn’t go as planned, I need to remember that the greater goal is to have a long-term relationship with running.

What are you going after in 2015?

Tuesdays on the Run

First Coffee Date of 2015!

The Ultimate Coffee Date

Happy New Year! It’s the first Saturday of the month/year so grab a cup of your favorite tea, cocoa or coffee and join in for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that it’s been a great Christmas break around the RWA house! It’s been a great stretch filled with lots laughs, food, family and good times.  Going to the Nutcracker and watching my youngest son & his hockey team skate at the Bruins game on New Year’s eve were definite highlights!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my family listened to my not so subtle hints and loaded me up with some great gear from Athleta and a new Garmin 10 for Christmas!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I managed to strain my left medial meniscus just over a week ago (and on the bike no less!). Since then I’ve been diligently doing my PT exercises, leg strength workouts from the trainer, and icing and rolling like it’s my job.  The good news is I can get back to running next week!

believejournal_v3_front_largeIf we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve decided I want to return to keeping a training journal. After looking at many different ones I settled on the Believe Training Journal by Lauren Fleshman and Roisin McGettigan-Dumas. I love that it’s more than a straightforward training log – it offers goal setting and race day worksheets, motivational quotes, tips on nutrition and training (both physical and mental), and lots of space for reflection. I think the holistic approach will work well for me.

I’m linking up with CocoLynda and Deborah so be sure to stop by and check out all the great posts.

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? 


Top 5 Posts for 2014

Hope you all had a great Christmas! Ours was wonderful and I’m still enjoying some great family time this week.

Of course it’s the natural thing to spend some time reflecting as the year winds to a close. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my plans and goals for 2015….more to come in the next few days. But today’s post is inspired by a year-end blog report I just received so I’m sharing my top five posts from 2014.

I heart 10-mile races — I declared my love of the 10-mile distance and many of you agreed!

Cold-weather Running Tips — Hopefully some of these tips will help you get through the cold winter months ahead.

Running Unplugged — Shared a few tips on running tech-free – something I’ve been enjoying a lot for the past few weeks.

Working with a Running Coach — I believe there is so much to be gained from working with a running coach!

Race Day Prep — While I didn’t get to do a lot of racing myself this year, these 5 tips will be top of mind as I get ready for my first race of 2015.

A huge thanks to all of you who have shared in the fun around here this year!


Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2014

The cookies are made… Gifts are wrapped (almost)… Food prep has begun…and now it’s time to kick back and enjoy.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


Ready to #RocknBlog 2015!

Well it looks like my dance card just got a little fuller…
I’m super psyched to announce that I’ve been selected to be part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series 2015 Rock ‘n’ Blog Team!RocknBlog Twitter pic

There are so many great RnR locations to pick from – Savannah has been on my list for a while so it looks like 2015 will be the year. Now to figure out where else I’m headed…

Have you run an RnR race? Which destination would suggest?


December Runfessions

Given that the last Friday of the month falls on the day after Christmas, Marcia decided to do her monthly “runfessions” today – and once again, I’m in.


Runfession #1 — I’m very excited that the lottery gods smiled on me and I’m in for the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! After playing around with lots of race possibilities for 2015, there’s something about having this one firmly on the calendar that makes me finally ready to pull the trigger on some others.

Runfession #2 —  I have so been enjoying running without a watch that I’m actually starting to wonder how I’m going to get use to it again once training starts.

Runfession #3 — I really miss my running buddy E, and it looks like her prognosis to return to running is not looking good. While weekend runs with my husband have been fun, there’s nothing like catching up with a girlfriend while logging the miles.

Runfession #4 — Working with the trainer has shown me in no uncertain terms just how little attention I’ve been paying to strengthening my hamstrings and glutes. It was no secret to me that I’m quad dominant, but these workouts have been a leg-shaking eye-opening experience!

Runfession #5 — I’ve been invited to another event at Athleta tonight – oh be still my heart! Is it wrong to offer to my husband to buy my own Christmas presents 😉

There….I feel better now! Do you have any runfessions to share?  


Year of Running – 2014

year_of_running_2014buttonRecently Amanda posted for her annual look back on the year of running and invited others to join in and answer a few questions about their year:


Best Race Experience?

Ah well, if you’ve been around here for a bit, then you know there wasn’t a lot of racing for me this year. But I was lucky enough to race two races through the streets of Boston – always a good thing! So yep I’m picking two experiences 🙂 Up first in April was the BAA 5K – the kickoff to an amazing, emotional Marathon weekend in Boston. Made better by being a family affair as both J and our oldest son also ran it.

RTR medal

Then in May I returned to one of my all time favorite races, Boston’s Run to Remember, running the 5-miler for the first time. This is a big race with a local feel, and it’s always a good time.

Best Run?

My running this year was really all over the place – at times feeling like such a battle with my body. So, honestly, I’d say any run that was pain- and frustration-free was a good run!

Best new piece of gear?

Wave RIder 2This is a tough one but I think I have to give the nod to my Mizuno Wave Rider 18s.  Any shoes I can run 9 miles in straight out of the box are going to end up high on the list. They’ve quickly become my go to shoe since arriving on my doorstep.

Best piece of running advice?

Came from Coach Bennett – to let go of the watch and run by feel.

Most inspirational runner?

I’m going to go with two here also — Meb and Kara Goucher.

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be?

Frustrating. I had had such high hopes for this year, but unfortunately the running gods had other plans. This was definitely my most challenging year since I’ve started running. But, that won’t stop me from setting big goals for 2015.

So how would you answer any of these questions?



Thursday Thoughts – Things that make me smile

christmas lights Christmas lights — I love how my boys still oh and ah at Christmas lights as we drive through town. Makes the early sunsets worth it 🙂

Runs with my hubby — For the past month, my husband J has been joining me for my weekend runs. We’ve never run together before so this has been a lot of fun and a great way to kick on the weekend! Run with Jack


Hockey Fever — My youngest son has been completely bitten by the hockey bug, which means we’ve been spending lots of in hockey rinks all over New England. While I’m not loving the cold toes and fingers that come with sitting in the stands, seeing how much fun my little guy is having just warms my heart!

hockey fever


What’s been making you smile lately?


Ultimate Coffee Date: December Edition

The Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month so it’s time once again for the Ultimate Coffee Date! This morning I’m happy to be linking up with CocoLynda and Deborah. This is always one of my favorite link-ups – it’s a great time to catch up, so grab a mug and pull up a chair!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve started working out with a trainer. I had my first session yesterday and it was a killer…but in a good way! She’s created a great plan for me to help strengthen my trouble zones and correct the imbalance between my left and right sides. Hopefully working with Stacey, combined with the work I’m doing on my own, will put me in good shape come spring.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve been thinking a lot about which races I want to do next year. I’ve made no secret of my love of the 10-miler, so I’m going try to run more of them in 2015.  There are three races in the area and I’ve decided to throw my hat into the Cherry Blossom lottery. I will definitely take on a half marathon or two, but I’m leaning towards holding off until the fall.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you we’re starting Christmas cookie baking in our house this weekend. Pecan balls, peanutbutter blossoms, rum balls, coffee-cashew biscotti and the classic sugar cookie are some of our faves. But, I’m itching to try something new – do you have a favorite?

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I just got tickets for J, the boys and I to see the Nutcracker over the school break. I took my oldest son a couple of years ago and we had so much fun. I’m really looking forward to all of us going!



If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? Any good cookie recipes to share?
