Lessons from My Worst Race

Erika, Patty and April posed an interesting question for today’s Tuesday on the Run topic: What was your worst race? Worst kind be defined a lot of different ways – missed goals? horrible weather?  injury? DNF?

For me the race came to mind immediately – the Wicked Half Marathon.  countdown_wickedHalfYou can read about the full debacle here. This was an ugly race for me because I was sick. In hindsight, I knew I didn’t feel well when I left that morning for the drive up to Salem, but I ignored the early warning signs and went anyway. I knew something was off as I waited for the race to begin…again I didn’t heed the warning. You see where this is going, right? Long story short, the wheels came off the wagon a mere 5 miles into the race. I made my first ever in-the-middle-of-a-race porta potty stop, briefly considered the nearby med tent but instead chose to keep going. I went from a run, to a shuffle, to a walk. And yes I did finish, but I was so sick afterwards that I had to wait around almost an hour post-race before I could drive myself home. (Turned out I was at the front-end of a virus that stuck around for several days!)

Lessons learned?

Listen to your body! — Yes there are times to push your limits, but it’s most important to heed the warning signals your body is giving you. There will always be another race.

My kids are a great source of motivation — They eagerly ran, walked and cheered me through the course. As always, they were a great source of inspiration!

Runners are wonderfully supportive — I met some great runners along the course who stopped to check on me and encourage me. And I bonded with many other “walking wounded” all determined to finish the route.

Mental toughness will carry you a long way — While physically my body had given up on this race early on, I still found a way to will myself on. It’s an experience I’m sure I’ll reflect on, the next time a race gets tough.

What was your worst race? What did you learn from it?





Friday Five – Lovin’/Not Lovin’

Happy Friday everyone!!

Linking up once again with Mar, Courtney & Cynthia — the theme this week is “Things about me.” Since I just shared a day in my life a couple of days ago, I thought I’d take a little liberty with this theme and share a few things I’m lovin’/not lovin’ right now.



This quick post-gym pic doesn’t do it justice

Athleta Strength Hoodie — One of my favorite Christmas gifts is this hoodie from Athleta. It is my go-to cover-up to go to and from the gym. So warm without the bulk!

TRX Workouts — Trainer Stacy added some TRX to the mix last week and I couldn’t be happier.

Anatomy for Runners —

(Affiliate link alert!) I ordered this book ages ago after learning about it from Amanda, but have only recently pulled it off the shelf to read. One more tool in my injury-prevention box!

Not Lovin’

Plague/virus/cold invasion — My husband and oldest son went down earlier this week (actually J’s been sick since last Friday). And this morning I woke up not feeling so hot myself…to which my youngest looked at me over breakfast this morning and declare “So I’m the only one left!” (So much for sympathy, right?)

Late Practices & Early Games — Recently the aforementioned sympathetic son’s hockey schedule has shifted into an ugly pattern of late evening practices (not coming off the ice until 8:30PM) and crack of dawn weekend games. This Sunday he’ll be on the ice at 6:20AM…6:20 on a Sunday people…in a cold rink…ugh!

What are you lovin’ or not lovin’ right now?




A Day in the Life

I always enjoy sneaking a peak into how others manage their day…maybe because it helps me to feel less crazy 😉 So when Katie suggested doing a Day in the Life link-up I couldn’t resist playing along.

I must admit that since the holidays, I have been s-l-o-w to settle into a consistent morning routine. I have been easing my way back to my early morning workouts so my day alarm goes off around 5:30AM. I stumbled around in dark tiptoe around my house getting ready and head to the gym.

My view as I pull into the gym parking lot

My view as I pull into the gym parking lot

With the workout done, I hurry home to make sure I get back in time so my husband and my oldest son can head out the door to school/work. A quick check of the day’s schedule, including making sure my son has everything he needs for the day (all books, saxophone and basketball uniform…check, check and check) and they’re off. Now it’s time to get my youngest ready for school – I pack lunch, snack and double-check his backpack. He has breakfast and I my first cup of coffee while we chat about the day ahead – this morning we practice spelling words for his test.

After chatting at the bus stop with my neighbors, there’s time for some meditation, a shower, and a quick clean-up of the kitchen before settling in in front of my computer.

laptop shot

There’s a little time for checking email, blogs and Facebook before I start working. I’m so lucky to work from my home as it offers me great flexibility in managing my schedule. I can also swing getting laundry and other odds and ends done in between conference calls and replying to emails. Today’s a day of grant-writing and I am grateful for a quiet house so I can focus.

By early afternoon, I’m itching for a break and take my “office mate” our for some fresh air. Taz Soon it’s time for some combination of bus, carpool and a flurry of books, papers and catching up on all the details of the kids’ days…or what I’m able to drag out of them besides “It was good.” (Does anyone else have that problem?)

Some nights there’s hockey practice for my youngest or a late meeting for my husband, so of late family dinners have been hard to come by during the week – not something I’m thrilled with! My goal is to have dinner together at least 3 times a week, which we were able to do for the most part last fall. Before bed my youngest will come and cuddle on the couch and we’ll read together. Cuddling

Depending on  the homework load, it may be close to 9:30 before my middle schooler is asleep and things quiet down. If I have the energy I may return to my computer for a little blogging and catch up on FB, etc., but of late, I’m toast and just happy to sack out on the couch and watch a little TV with my husband before calling it a night.

And that’s pretty much a typical day in my world.

How ’bout you – are your days pretty routine or always changing?


Friday Five – What’s in my gym bag

Happy Friday!

This has been a loooong week and I’m so happy to see Friday come!

I’m linking up once again with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for the Friday Five. Today’s topic “What’s in your gym bag?” couldn’t be more appropriate since I’ve been living at the gym lately working on getting stronger – in fact I had a great session with Trainer Stacey this morning that I’m sure I’ll be feeling the rest of the day 😉

Gym bag

Koss FitClips — I’ve made no secret of my love for music when I’m working out and since I’m not always a fan of the music playing in the gym, my  Koss FitClip earbuds are a must have.  I got to review these a year ago and they’ve been a fave ever since!

Koss Headphones

Strength training plan – I find I’m doing much better being consistent with my strength work now that I’mgym bag2 following a training plan just as I would do for running.  Seems so obvious right?!

Towel — My old gym didn’t offer a towel service, and even though my new gym does I find I never leave home without a towel in my bag.

Water bottle — Gotta stay hydrated right? And yes, there’s usually Nuun Energy in that Nuun water bottle – again it was a another product I got to review and have just kept right on using.

Multiple Shoes — One of the things I love about my gym bag is that it is roomy enough for multiple pairs of shoes. So if I hit the treadmill or elliptical I throw on my Wave Riders, but if I’m doing strength work I’d rather have the extra stability of my Asics Gel Pursue. The Gel Pursue definitely proved to be more shoe than I wanted for running, but I’m finding they offer the great stability I want for strength work – win! I also keep a pair of Nike Studio Wraps in the bag for when I head to my Pilates Barre classes. Yes I know…I have shoe issues 🙂

And speaking of my gym bag…I would be remiss if I did not mention just how much I love my Apera tote (you can check out my review here). It’s got a ton of pockets and holds everything I could possibly need with room to spare!

So what are you hauling around in your gym bag?  DC_linkup


#NoExcuses Challenge

To help get the year off to the right start, I joined my fellow Sweat Pink Ambassadors for the #NoExcuses Challenge. The challenge is simple – to commit to moving every day in the month of January and share what you do via social media. There are weekly emails with prompts to help keep you motivated and the potential to win some great prizes!

Today it’s time for a little Mad Lib fun! Thanks to Amy for tagging me 🙂


  • Hey 2015, it’s me Michelle (nickname, spirit animal, real name, blog name)

  • This year I would like to learn more about nutrition, truly commit to strength training, and stay off the injured reserve.

  • It would also be super duper awesome if I also did snag a PR or two this year. It’s not a resolution, though, just a reminder to myself to try and have the best year yet because I want to Thrive!

  • The thing I am looking forward to most this year is having fun!

  • I’ll use the one thing that truly gets me out of bed in the morning which is that voice in my head saying “make it happen” to help me get up, get moving (verb) and get after my #NoExcuses 2015.

  • Speaking of excuses (ahem), my very favorite excuse is not enough time and I have used it to get out of doing rolling and proper recovery on more than one (number) occasion.

  • I vow to move my body and be more healthy this year even if it means I have to give up my night-owl ways.

  • Even if my alarm clock gets eaten by the dog in the middle of the night, I’ll still be woken up by my snoring husband (seriously you should hear him!)

  • I will stop blaming the kids [ex: kids, dog, husband] for eating the rest of the chocolate covered almonds from Trader Joe’s when everyone knows it was really me.

  • My crazy family schedule [job, hair, car, husband, kids] is not the reason I make excuses. I will show my crazy family schedule [same as before] who’s boss this year and get my run [type of sweaty activity] on.

  • I know that any workout [type of workout] is better than working long hours at my desk [noun].

  • I will reward myself by booking some spa time.

  • No Excuses 2015 has just begun and already I am imagining myself a winner. I can’t wait to rock a hoodie (article of clothing) from Augusta Active. I can’t wait till my sweaty friends are jealous of how fresh, clean and not stinky (adj) I am between workouts with help from ShowerPill body wipes. I can see myself rocking sumo deadlifts [yoga pose / workout move] in new Tie One On Legging [article of clothing from Actio926] from Actio926 and looking fit and fly while doing it. And of course, I’ll be taking my workouts to the next level and improving my core [noun] with my new ActivMotion Bar to help me train for my next half marathon [distance] race with Sasquatch Racing.

  • Oh, and let’s not forget how amazing my favorite tank [article of clothing] will smell in my / during my Pilates Barre class  [favorite type of workout] after washing with some WIN Detergent. And lastly, I’ll keep rocking my 2015 with clean eats and nutrition from Beaming with Health!

  • Tag, Tweet, shout-out, call, text, fax or email 3 friends to take this survey and share how they will have a #NoExcuses 2015. Remind your friends to simply fill in the underlined parts!

  • Use the #NoExcuses hashtag and post to win prizes from Augusta Active, ShowerPill, ActivMotion Bar, WIN Detergent, Actio926, Beaming with Health, and Sasquatch Racing.

I’m tagging Coco, Sue, and anyone else who wants to play 🙂


The Power of a Single Word

Can a single word make a difference?

Can it set the tone?….provide focus? ….serve as a reminder?

I believe it can…or at least I’m prepared to find out.

Around this time last year, I started reading a good deal about the practice of selecting one word for the year…while I didn’t end up choosing a word, there was something about the idea that resonated with me. As 2014 came to an end and I started thinking about what I wanted the new year to look like, lots of goals for different areas of my life came to mind – I recently shared my my running/fitness goals here.

And, as I sat with all of these different goals, I kept returning to desire to have one idea/theme to tie them all together. I started thinking about the one word practice again – a couple of words popped up fairly quickly but one seemed to sit best with me…


My word for 2015 is Thrive – to flourish, to progress, to evolve… I think this word will be a great inspiration for all I hope to do and be this year in so many aspects of my life.

Have you ever selected one word for the year? Do you have a word for 2015?


2015 Running Goals

goal 2015

I’ve been sitting with this post for a bit…perhaps a little gun-shy to put it down in print after coming up short last year … or just needed a little more time to marinate. But as I said in my Year of Running post, having had a challenging 2014 won’t stop me from setting big goals for this year. So I’m linking up with Erika, Patty and April for Tuesdays on the Run and putting them out there!

 My 2015 Running/Fitness goals:

  • Run a 2:15 – 2:20 half marathon — This was a 2014 goal, but then I didn’t end of racing any halfs.
  • Set a new 10-mile PR  — target time TBD.
  • 1,000 Miles — I’m participating in Run This Year with a target of 1,000 miles.
  • Continue my strength program — I started a great program with the trainer last month and for the first time in a long time I’m enjoying being in the gym. I need to schedule this, just like I do my runs so I stick with it.
  • Actively manage recovery – I need to accept that fact that I cannot just run and then rush off to the next thing. I need to give time to rolling, Epsom salt baths, etc.
  • Have fun! — I lost some of the joy in my running last year so I’m all about recapturing the fun! I’m looking forward to some blogger meet-ups, joining Black Girls Run for some group runs, volunteering at a race (or two), racing with my son and husband, and some destination races thanks to being on the Rock’nBlog team!
  • Be kinder to myself — when training/racing doesn’t go as planned, I need to remember that the greater goal is to have a long-term relationship with running.

What are you going after in 2015?

Tuesdays on the Run

First Coffee Date of 2015!

The Ultimate Coffee Date

Happy New Year! It’s the first Saturday of the month/year so grab a cup of your favorite tea, cocoa or coffee and join in for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that it’s been a great Christmas break around the RWA house! It’s been a great stretch filled with lots laughs, food, family and good times.  Going to the Nutcracker and watching my youngest son & his hockey team skate at the Bruins game on New Year’s eve were definite highlights!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my family listened to my not so subtle hints and loaded me up with some great gear from Athleta and a new Garmin 10 for Christmas!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I managed to strain my left medial meniscus just over a week ago (and on the bike no less!). Since then I’ve been diligently doing my PT exercises, leg strength workouts from the trainer, and icing and rolling like it’s my job.  The good news is I can get back to running next week!

believejournal_v3_front_largeIf we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve decided I want to return to keeping a training journal. After looking at many different ones I settled on the Believe Training Journal by Lauren Fleshman and Roisin McGettigan-Dumas. I love that it’s more than a straightforward training log – it offers goal setting and race day worksheets, motivational quotes, tips on nutrition and training (both physical and mental), and lots of space for reflection. I think the holistic approach will work well for me.

I’m linking up with CocoLynda and Deborah so be sure to stop by and check out all the great posts.

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? 


Top 5 Posts for 2014

Hope you all had a great Christmas! Ours was wonderful and I’m still enjoying some great family time this week.

Of course it’s the natural thing to spend some time reflecting as the year winds to a close. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my plans and goals for 2015….more to come in the next few days. But today’s post is inspired by a year-end blog report I just received so I’m sharing my top five posts from 2014.

I heart 10-mile races — I declared my love of the 10-mile distance and many of you agreed!

Cold-weather Running Tips — Hopefully some of these tips will help you get through the cold winter months ahead.

Running Unplugged — Shared a few tips on running tech-free – something I’ve been enjoying a lot for the past few weeks.

Working with a Running Coach — I believe there is so much to be gained from working with a running coach!

Race Day Prep — While I didn’t get to do a lot of racing myself this year, these 5 tips will be top of mind as I get ready for my first race of 2015.

A huge thanks to all of you who have shared in the fun around here this year!


Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2014

The cookies are made… Gifts are wrapped (almost)… Food prep has begun…and now it’s time to kick back and enjoy.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
