March Movement

I mentioned in my Runfessions the other day that I was toying with the idea of a March run streak – something to help shake things up and maybe help me find my running mojo. While an intriguing idea, in the end I’m not convinced that 31 straight days of running is really for me. I’ve come to embrace my rest days and know how important they are for keeping my legs happy. Plus, with more snow last night and more to come later in the week, the thought of trying to do the streak on a treadmill might just push me over the edge.

What I do like about the idea of the streak is committing to doing something every day – so that’s become my goal for March…. 31 days of movement in the form of strength work, yoga and running. I was psyched to see that Black Girls Run! Boston is doing another 50 mile challenge – these are always fun as we cheer each other on, so I’ve joined in and am hoping to get in on some group runs if the weather cooperates.

yoga-pose-rodney-yeeI’ve also dusted off my yoga DVDs and kicked off March Movement yesterday with a little Rodney Yee! If I can swing a studio class in with my schedule than that will be a bonus, but at least the DVDs will guarantee I’ll get two days of yoga a week — along with 3 days of running, 2 days of Trainer Stacy’s strength work should make for a good week.

So that’s my plan for March! What are your goals?



Runfessions – February Edition

I know February is a short month but can you believe it’s the end of the month already! I’m linking up with Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions. Join us!



Runfession #1 — We’ve reached 100 inches of snow and my running mojo is buried somewhere under it.

Runfession #2 — I am actually toying with the idea of a run streak challenge in March just to keep my interest and focus. The thought of a run streak usually goes against my belief that my 48-year-old legs need a day off … but I’m also feeling the need to seriously shake things up.

Runfession #3 — On the flip side, my new found love of strength training continues to grow. The beauty of belonging to a new gym is that both the weights and TRX areas are often empty.


Runfession #4 — I’m also lovin’ working with Trainer Stacy. Having a plan to follow, much like with running, really makes all the difference for me — really no surprise there. I had another great workout with her this morning that I’m sure my legs will let me hear about the rest of the day!

Runfession #5 — The downside of the new gym? No “gym crazies!”  From time to time, I’ve shared my encounters with the more interesting characters at my gym. But, with this new gym, I’m not sure if it’s the times of day I’ve been going or that the crazies haven’t joined yet, but so far it’s all been very “normal” and I must admit I kind of miss the occasional crazy just to keep the people watching interesting. And, yes I realize I’ve probably just jinxed myself!

I’m also linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia for their Friday link-up. It’s a “Free Friday” this week so be sure to stop and check out what everyone’s talking about!

So tell me, what’s your Runfession? Have you ever tried a run streak?


Race Shopping Dilemna

So the juggling of my race calendar continues….

I have been anxiously waiting for Rock ‘n’ Roll to announce the date of #RnRPhilly, and this happened…..


And I was all “Yay sign me up!”….then I realized that this puts #RnRPhilly one week before #RnRSavannah….gah!

I was so looking forward to running both of these races, but running them on back-to-back weekends is not an option. So now what?

I’ve gone back to staring at the R’n’R website to figure out where I’m going to get my #RocknBlog groove on – and the list of potential races is long:

In September — Virginia Beach and Montreal

In October — Denver (how bad is the altitude?) and Philly

In November — Savannah and Las Vegas (racing at night?)

In December — San Antonio

TBD — Brooklyn

Decisions… decisions – Run Philly or Savannah? Consider running the Strip at Night?And, am I crazy to even consider putting Chicago in July on the list?!?

Any words of advice? Have you run any of these races?


Back on the bucket list

If you been around here for a while then you know that to say lacrosse season is big in my house is a bit of an understatement! Both of my boys play (my oldest actually plays for two teams), my husband runs the boys’ program in our town…. and did I mention that this year I got dragged into volunteered to manage  the town program’s website and all communications?! Well the league our town is in recently announced the big season kickoff date – April 12. Because of Easter, we’re starting later than usual this year…so the season kickoff is the same day as the Cherry Blossom 10-miler.

Bucket ListI did briefly mull over whether I could manage all of the lacrosse logistics I’ll need to keep track of from a DC hotel room – it makes my eyes cross just thinking about it. But, the more important thing to consider is just how disappointed my boys will be if I’m not there for the season opener and all the hoopla and excitement that goes with it. No doubt in my mind about where I need to be.

So it looks like Cherry Blossom stays on my bucket list for another year and I’ll be on the lookout for another 10 miler to take its place. In the meantime, if you know someone who’s looking for a bib, send them my way!


Long Weekend Update

Happy Monday!

Mondays are always so much sweeter when they are part of a long weekend 🙂

Did you do anything special for Valentine’s Day? I may be the rare woman, but I’m not much for Valentine’s Day and all of the hoopla over hearts, flowers and candy. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for my husband buying me flowers…or chocolate for that matter – I’m just not much for the one designated day that these things are “suppose” to happen, know what I mean?

So my Saturday kicked off with a run and workout at the gym with my hubby J, followed by running errands, trying to clear the roof and pathways around our house before the storm and hanging out with the kids playing games.


Mario Kart

Once the kids were in bed we opted for our favorite way to toast V-Day – sushi dinner at home and a movie! Sushi dinner


We woke up to this…

More snow Yep, more than another foot of snow. So there was more cross-training in the form of shoveling and neighbors trying to help dig each other out. After 4 straight weekends of getting snowed in we’re getting really good at it! When we could finally see the driveway, pathway and deck again it was time to collapse into a heap on the couch. Another afternoon of games, cooking and hanging out.  All good stuff!

We finished the day watching the SNL 40th Anniversary Show  SNL 40 – I rarely watch the show any more (I can’t stay awake!) but seeing some of the old skits was a great stroll down memory lane.

So the weekend continues today, but with the windchill around -20 it looks like I’ll be needing to find more indoor activities with the kids!

So how was your weekend? Did you watch SNL?

Linking up with Tara’s Weekend Update

Running 'N' Reading


68.6 inches of snow in 17 days….

68.6 inches people…and more is on the way.

I’d wave a white flag but with all this damn snow you’d never see it.

I am officially snow crazed…

…. the condition when you can no longer cheerfully announce that shoveling is a form of cross-training

…. the condition when you jump when the phone rings for fear it’s the announcement of yet another snow day from school

….. the condition when you’ve played all the games and watched enough movies that even your kids are starting to look weary

….. the condition when you actually start to have homicidal feelings towards the plow drivers who keep pushing the snow back into the end of your driveway

Snow rage

Gratefully, the kids are headed back to school today and I’m headed to the gym to regain a little of my sanity, even if I have to do it on the ‘mill.

Is any one else cursing Mother Nature lately?


Ultimate Coffee – February

The Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month which means its time for the Ultimate Coffee Date! I’m linking up again with Coco, Lynda and Deborah so grab a cup of your fave beverage and join us!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that almost a week later I’m still giddy over my beloved Patriots winning the Super Bowl. It was an unbelievable game and I must say the final two minutes almost took me out!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m really happy that both my husband J and my oldest son have decided to join me again in running the B.A.A. 5K! This race has become crazy-popular in the past couple of years so we wasted no time registering when it opened on Wednesday. We had so much fun last year – it’s a fun way to kick off Boston Marathon weekend. And, speaking of the marathon, I also submitted my application to volunteer again  – it will be a couple more weeks before I get my assignment.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I was so psyched to finally receive my discount code for the Rock ‘n’ Roll races that I can share with everyone! You can use the code RUNATTITUDE015 to save $15 on both half and full marathons in the US & Canada or £3 (GBP) off international races.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my new favorite addiction is BarkThins! Bark I especially like the dark chocolate pretzel…seriously, I made need an intervention.


If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? 

What’s your current snack addiction?


Balancing the Urge to Run

The road back from an injury can be a long winding one, full of ups and downs and twists and turns.  I find as you travel along this road your greatest companions are determination, belief and patience.

You must have the determination to do the work needed to heal and get stronger.

You must believe you that the work you put into your recovery will pay off.

Ah but patience….there’s the tough one. As the injury starts to heals….as you start to feel “better” the urge to run or to push your runs grows stronger. It’s easy to want to leave patience behind and get back into the game. But go too fast or too hard and you’ll find that road to recovery extending a lot further out in front of you than you want.


I remind myself of this every time I step on to the treadmill. My knee is definitely healing and I’m definitely feeling anxious as I eye the calendar….but I need to balance the urge to run and train with patience.

The ultimate goal this year is to Thrive not just survive….A slow and steady return will payoff in the end!



Runfessions – January edition

It’s that time again…last Friday of the month so I’m joining Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions – a chance to cleanse your sweaty soul!



Runfession #1 — Cherry Blossom training was suppose to begin this week… but didn’t. I’m still in the run/walk, knee-watch phase…and right now 10 miles seems so far!

Runfession #2 — Thanks to Juno and more snow on the way today, I probably won’t be seeing too many outdoor runs in the near future. With no place to put the snow, the roads are very narrow and on some of my favorite routes, sidewalks are non-existent. The thought of treadmill-only running does not bode well for my training plans.

Runfession #3 — I have to admit I’m much happier on my strength training days vs. my run days – maybe because I feel like I’m seeing more progress.

Runfession #4 — Or maybe this should be labeled food-fession…Let’s just say I stepped on the scale recently and there are 6 pounds or so that need not be there. Time to lay off the comfort food! ‘Nuff said there.

Runfession #5 — Due to my work schedule I didn’t sign-up for the current 12-week session of my favorite Pilates barre class and I miss it terribly! I may have to break down and try the Pilates classes at my new gym just so I don’t go through complete withdrawal.

There…I feel better now! What’s your runfession?


My 2015 Race Calendar

After reflecting back on lessons learned from a not so great race, it seems like the perfect time to look ahead to this year’s race calendar. Ah the race calendar…so many races to consider. If only there were infinite time and funds!

So here’s what I’m thinking (hoping) so far:

March 29th:  Cambridge City Run 5-miler City Run

April 12th:  Cherry Blossom 10 Miler cucblogo

April 18th:  BAA 5K  baa_logo

May 24th:  Boston Run to Remember 5 miler  66423_351740471611351_1208731592_n

June 7th:  Newport 10 miler  Newport 10 Miler

June 23rd:  BAA 10K ** This one is a big question mark because I’ll be working a big event for my job the day before and sometimes late June in Boston is just too hot!

The second half of the year will be all about the half marathon and some #RocknBlog fun!

RocknBlog Badge

I’ve narrowed down the #RnR options to Virginia Beach, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Savannah and San Antonio. The dates for Philly and Brooklyn have not been finalized yet…believe it or not the Pope is playing a role in holding up the Philly date! So for now I stalk watch the website and Facebook for an announcement. There may be another race or two of shorter distances in the fall, but I want to get these figured out first.

So I’ve got a pretty good mix of favorite repeats and some new destinations
