March Rewind

Smoopy MarchThe thermometer hit 50 degrees yesterday and I can finally see a good chunk of my backyard. The frozen tundra is receding and I can feel that spring is finally just around the corner! So before I wave goodbye to March, let’s see how things shaped up?

Good things for March:

  • March Movement – I consider my goal to move for 31 days a success. I did take a couple of rest days when I was fending off the beginnings of a cold.)
  • Discovered the Arc Trainer and it was love at first workout!
  • Return to Yoga — a big part of reaching my movement goal was getting back to yoga.
  • Reclaiming my morning routine!

Things I could do without:

  • Yeah…I’ve whined enough about the weather….let’s just move on, shall we?

What’s up for April:

  • BAA 5K — this has become a favorite event to kick off Marathon Weekend!
  • #StripatNight – RnR Vegas registration opens today
  • Just looking forward to things finally feeling like spring…and planning to enjoy every minute of it!

How about you – was March a good month? Any big plans for April?


Weekend Update v3

It was another weekend of scrambling between a hockey rink and lacrosse fields – but mercifully hockey season is finally coming to an end, and my son’s team came in 3rd in the tournament!

There was more spring cleaning/clutter clean out – I’m determined to get this project done because I know if … when it finally warms up enough to get back into my gardens I’m going to have zero motivation to be indoors!

I also did a little race shopping/prepping for the fall. First this happened:


My husband J & I ran a virtual 5K as part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Kickoff Virtual Run! I’ve been toying with the idea of running the #StripAtNight for a few weeks now, and then last Monday RnR announcemed that registration is opening on April 1. On Friday night, we decided we’re both going to run, so on Saturday morning we headed out to do our “kickoff run.”

To get runners excited for Vegas, RnR is hosting a virtual 5K – you just run or walk a 5K between now and April 1, complete the form with a photo of your watch/treadmill screen/etc. as proof and RnR will send you a free Kickoff Shirt! So Vegas is now on the fall race schedule (or will officially be when I register on Wednesday)!

And, while I had fall racing on the brain, this also happened:

RnR Philly

I registered for the RnR Philly half which will be in October – very excited for this one!

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging with family and watching some great NCAA basketball!

How was your weekend? Did you watch any of the elite eight games?

***Don’t forget, if you want to run a Rock ‘n’ Roll race this year, use the code RUNATTITUDE015 to save $15 on either half marathon or marathon registration in the US & Canada – unfortunately Las Vegas is excluded.***

I’m linking up with Tara’s Weekend Update – be sure to stop by and say hi!

Running 'N' Reading

Taking on Your First Half Marathon

This post was inspired by my friend Steve, who after debating for a while….ok a long while, recently announced that this will be the year he runs his first half marathon! Since his decision, he’s been sending me text messages with all kinds of running questions…and I’ve been enjoying sharing in his excitement of the newness of all of this. It also got me thinking back to my first half marathon and wondering in hindsight what I wish I had known when I started training.


Start with a proper base —  Before taking on half marathon training, have a good base  (running 3 days a week, at least 10 miles/week). If you don’t have this, get there before you dive into a training plan.

Find a plan — First timers are best served by following a training plan. A plan will help guide you to build your mileage slowly. It is important to recognize that not all half marathon training plans are created equal, so take the time to review a few to find one that fits where you are in your running and seems manageable with your other commitments (family, work, etc). For example, don’t pick a plan that has you running 5 days a week if you know that’s not going to fit into your life.

Recognize that life happens — Do your best to follow the training plan, but all is not lost if you miss a run or two.

Cross-training is worth it — Doing some low-impact cardio on your non-running days will help your overall fitness and keep boredom at bay.

Rest is not a four-letter word! — Those rest days in your plan are there for a reason; don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re only training when you’re physically active.  Rest and recovery is a critical part of your training.

Remember why you started — When you’re in the thick of training, getting out for you next run or pushing through a tough run can sometimes feel like a chore. Don’t lose sight of why you decided to take on this new challenge in the first place and celebrate milestones along the way!

What do you wish someone had told you before your took on your first half marathon?


Believe it or not it’s Spring!

bird in hat

I saw this pic on Pinterest and it just cracked me up! Yes folks believe it or not today is the first day of Spring! And “spring” is the theme behind this week’s #FridayFive link-up with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia.

I know Spring will get here…eventually and when it does, here are just a few things I’m looking forward to:

Five Things for Spring!

Outdoor runs — Of course this goes without saying! The thought of running without worrying about snow mounds or icy roads sounds like heaven!

Less Layers — Oh to step outside without looking like I’m a participant in the Iditarod 🙂

Gardening — I cannot wait to get back into my gardens. Spring always means multiple trips to my favorite nursery with my mom – seriously, we can spend hours there! And, something tells me I may have many plants to replace after this winter.

Lacrosse games — You all know how big lax is in the RWA household. Some of us cannot wait as you can see.

lax in snow

Grilling – As much as I have enjoyed making the most of my crockpot for the past few months, I cannot wait to fire up the grill.

OK your turn…what are you looking forward to?


12-week reality check

A quick glance at the calendar the other day revealed that I have just 12 weeks (ok a little less than 12) until the Newport 10 miler….hmmm hello reality check!

Calvin & Hobbs reality

Yes there’s enough time to get my act together, but I need to get my butt in gear. My willy-nilly approach to running is not going to cut it. I’ve pretty much been winging it when I hit the gym – if I feel like dealing with the mill then I run but sometimes the lure of the Arc Trainer or TRX or other strength work is stronger.

So I’ve mapped out a 12-week plan – a mix of 2 days of strength work, 2 days of yoga and 3 days of running – time to get going!

Do you usually train with a plan or do you wing it?


Weekend Update v2

Monday already? Really?

My goodness the weekend went by fast….anyone else feel this way?

It started out just I had mentioned in my last post….

Friday afternoon was spent shopping with a friend, then a lazy evening of pizza, a glass of wine and hanging with my family.


Saturday was full of shuttling the boys to and from hockey and lacrosse practices; another run on the ‘mill (thanks to a cold, downpour) and trying to make some serious progress on my decluttering/spring cleaning.




Blogger fail I should have taken a “before” pic so you can truly appreciate how much better this closet looks! I’m taking on the kids’ rooms next!


a family addiction


There were tacos for dinner and catching up on…


On Sunday, I stayed on the “spring cleaning” bandwagon,” before heading out to my youngest son’s playoff hockey game…where on the drive down this happened…

March snowyes that’s more snow, Boston officially broke the record for the snowiest winter ever and ….I have no more words!

All-in-all a good weekend, even if it did feel like it went by in a blink of an eye!

I’m linking up with Tara’s Weekend Update – be sure to stop by and say hi!

Running 'N' Reading
How was your weekend?

I Heart Fridays!

Happy Friday!

I’m linking up Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for their #FridayFive link-up. The topic this week is “Day in the Life,” which is always fun – I love a peak into how other people spend their days.

Since I just dished on morning routines, I thought I’d take a different spin and give you five things I love about my Fridays.


Five Things I love about Friday

No work I don’t work on Fridays – I may check in on email quickly but Fridays are a no work day. Instant long weekend!

Trainer workouts —  Since I started working with Trainer Stacy, I try to get workouts with her in a couple of Fridays a month.

Lunch with Friends — No work on Fridays also means I try to book lunch plans with friends as often as possible.

Family downtime — Friday nights are great for just family hangout time. We’re free from homework and my husband and I kind of have an unwritten rule to make no plans for the evening. After running here and there all week, this is one night we can count on to grab dinner and just hang together.

Pizza! — And speaking of dinner, more often than not pizza is the family favorite on Fridays. Sometimes we’ll order take out, but if the energy level is high enough we’ll make our own. Thrown in a glass of wine and it’s the perfect end to a busy week!

 Do you love Fridays as much as I do? Any great plans for the weekend?



Refreshing the morning routine


With all of the crazy snow days we had from the end of January and throughout February, my morning routine has essentially gone right out the window. No great surprise, when my morning kickoffs in the right way it makes all of the difference in my attitude and how my day unfolds for me.

So, with spring on the way (really I promise it is!), it seems like a good time to refresh the morning routine. Honestly “routine” is probably not even the right word to use, because I know no two mornings will unfold for me in precisely the same way…but there are some “rituals” that help me to make sure that I run my day, instead of the other way around.

What do I need in my morning?

Meditation — This is my chance to connect and get centered.

Hydration — While my first instinct many mornings is to reach for coffee, I like to get a glass of water with lemon down first.

Working out — I have been working out and running post-work in the afternoon, but I know it definitely works for me best to get moving in the morning, so it’s time to get back to that.

Daily planning —  I am a planner geek from way back, so my morning is not complete without a little time sitting quietly with my planner and a mug of coffee to review both mine and my family’s schedules, identify the “must do’s” vs. “like to do’s” and set my plan/intentions for the day.

And yes, Coffee — I do love a mug of coffee…I’m trying hard now to reel it in and keep it to just one cup!

Now the trick to either refreshing or creating a morning routine is to build slowly. Conventional wisdom says it takes at least 21 days to form a habit. And, taking baby steps is more likely to be effective than making one giant leap – especially if the routine you’re trying to adopt is a radical departure from where you are now. Finally, if part of your routine feels more like a chore than a source of inspiration, it may be time to re-access and consider making some changes until you find what feels right for you.

So tell me, what’s your morning routine like?


Ultimate Coffee Date – March

The Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month which means its time for the Ultimate Coffee Date! I’m linking up again with Coco, Lynda and Deborah so grab a cup of your fave beverage and join us!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that while I still feel like a lot my race schedule is still in flux, I did do a little race shopping this week and locked in my registration for both the Newport 10 miler and Boston’s Run to Remember 5 miler. My husband J has decided to run RtR with me.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m secretly grateful to see my son’s hockey season coming to an end. The crack o’dawn games are starting to wear thin, and juggling between both hockey and indoor lacrosse practices is definitely stressing out our weekend schedule!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m itching to do some spring cleaning! Also it’s been a while since I’ve gone on a de-cluttering tear through my house. After such a long winter, it feels like the perfect way to welcome in spring. Now if I can just figure out how to get my family on board 😉

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my newest TV addiction is Fixer Upper on HGTV.  Maybe it’s because I live in a 120+ year old house, but I love remodel shows. On Tuesday nights, I’m glued to the TV for this one hoping to steal and idea or two.


Sorry I have to cut our coffee time short today, but it’s time for me to start the lacrosse to hockey shuffle.

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? Do you like design/remodel shows?


Lovin/Not Lovin’ March Edition

Linking up once again with Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for their #FridayFive link up. Today’s them is “favorites.” Sounds like the perfect time for another edition of Lovin/Not Lovin.’


tortilla soupChicken Tortilla Soup — This soup has become a huge favorite this winter (in fact I just made it again earlier this week). It’s super easy  – dump everything in the crockpot and go — and you can dial the spice up or down.



Winter Boots —  These Timberlands have been my saving grace this winter. I truly love these boots! <Affiliate link alert!>


Arc Trainer

Source: Cybex International


Arc Trainer
I recently discovered the Arc Trainer at my gym and it is quickly becoming my new fave cardio machine when I’m not on the mill!

Uptown Funk — With so much indoor training, the tunes are critical! I’m lovin’ this Bruno Mars song.

 Not Lovin’

The scary side of so much snow! — Roof collapses are starting to be a regular feature on the local news around here. Last Saturday morning, our town ice rink roof came down – thankfully no one was hurt! Definitely too close for comfort!
