The thermometer hit 50 degrees yesterday and I can finally see a good chunk of my backyard. The frozen tundra is receding and I can feel that spring is finally just around the corner! So before I wave goodbye to March, let’s see how things shaped up?
Good things for March:
- March Movement – I consider my goal to move for 31 days a success. I did take a couple of rest days when I was fending off the beginnings of a cold.)
- Discovered the Arc Trainer and it was love at first workout!
- Return to Yoga — a big part of reaching my movement goal was getting back to yoga.
- Reclaiming my morning routine!
Things I could do without:
- Yeah…I’ve whined enough about the weather….let’s just move on, shall we?
What’s up for April:
- BAA 5K — this has become a favorite event to kick off Marathon Weekend!
- #StripatNight – RnR Vegas registration opens today
- Just looking forward to things finally feeling like spring…and planning to enjoy every minute of it!
How about you – was March a good month? Any big plans for April?