Meditation Tips & Benefits

I had dinner with a friend the other night and over the course of catching up, she smiled and said, “You’ll be happy to know that I’ve started mediating and I’m really loving it!” And, she was right, it did make me happy to hear it. Meditation has become an important ritual to me – a chance to get centered before the bluster of the day threatens to take over. Often when I share with others that I meditate, I often get a reaction along the lines of “Oh that’s great, but I could never do that” or “I tried meditating once and just couldn’t sit still for THAT long!”

Now before you dismiss meditation as a little too new-agey for you, consider some of these benefits, so well summoned up in this infographic:


OK – so now that I’ve got your attention, here are my tips for getting started:

Start small — Start with 5 minutes and build up to 10 minutes, but don’t push it.

Location matters – Pick a spot in your house, garden/yard, wherever you feel a sense of peace. Find a quiet spot, a place that will help you to feel calmer and not distracted.

Breathe —  While some people like mantras, I found that when I first started meditating that trying to remember the mantra was distracting and stressful. I think it’s easier to just focus on your breath – just breathe naturally, focusing on the natural in and out rhythm.

Thoughts happen — If you try to “clear your mind,” you will make yourself crazy! Thoughts are going to come – notice them but then bring your attention back to your breath.  I will admit this one will take a bit to get the hang of, but it will get easier with practice.

Be consistent — Do your best to carve out some time every day. Consider this time a little gift to yourself and enjoy it.

Do you meditate? What tips would you add?

Infographic courtesy of Emma Seppala, PhD.


Return of the Gym Crazies

It was not too long ago that I had commented on how much I liked my new gym…and that so far there had been no gym crazy sightings. Well, I should have known it wouldn’t last…so I happily share with you another edition of Gym Crazies!

This week’s cast of characters:

First, there was Running Man – this guy was clipping along at a good pace on the treadmill behind me when all the sudden he hops off and does a slow lap around the gym floor all while leaving the treadmill running…and then he’d jump back on again! This went on for a good 30 minutes the other day…and did I mention my gym does not have an indoor track so he was literally running in and around the equipment, all while his treadmill kept going.

Then there was Dress Shoes – I kid you not, a guy got on the elliptical next to me the other day wearing khaki pants and dress shoes! There’s no explaining this one…

And, finally I give you the Grunter – this woman grunted through her treadmill run and then upped the ante on the stairmaster. And, I’m not talking the occasionally grunt…it sounded like she was literally grunting with each step! She had headphones on so I can only imagine she couldn’t hear herself, right?

I’ll be heading over to the gym in a bit to get my strength workout in – can’t wait to see who will show up today!

Source: Cartoonstock

Source: Cartoonstock

Do you ever feel like you’re the only sane person at your gym?


Wednesday Word – Challenging

I’ve really been enjoying Deb’s #WednesdayWord posts, so I thought this week I’d join in.

Deb Runs


This week’s word – “Challenging”

Right now challenging to me means…

… not being able to run as far as I’d like

…. letting go of “should haves” and accepting what is

…. getting creative to keep both body and mind fit

…. finding the lesson in each moment

…. pushing beyond my limits

…. always looking for new ways to test my abilities


What does “challenging” mean to you?


Friday Five: Sharing the Love of Running

Hello Friday!

It’s been another whirlwind week and I am looking forward to getting this weekend started! But first, I’m linking up again with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia. Today’s topic is “5 ways to share running/fitness love.” Since catching the running bug five years ago, I have enjoyed sharing my new passion with anyone willing to listen 😉 But nothing has made me happier than to be able to share my love of running with my family!

Let it be their idea! — I’ve shared before my tips for running with kids before, and by far, I think the most important one is to let it be their idea. If you do, they’re more likely to stick with it!

Make it fun — Getting my family on the running bandwagon means keeping it fun. No thoughts of pace or crazy goals – especially in the beginning!

3 runners

Mix it up — This is an extension on the idea of keeping it fun. We mix up where we run – sometimes it’s a trail, sometimes it’s the track, and other times it’s around the neighborhood. Helping them to try running in different environments, keeps it interesting.

Cheer their efforts — When my husband J ran his first trail race, the kids and I hiked up to a clearing along the course and cheered he and his fellow runners on. The boys got a lot of high fives and had a ball!

Lead by example — Best way to share your love of running with your family is to invite them to be a part of your journey.  Share both the good and bad runs, and your big race goals – your enthusiasm and passion can be infectious.

Does your family share your love of running?


Stepping Back to Move Forward

Back in January, I thought I had strained my left medial meniscus. Rest, icing, foam rolling and PT exercises seem to get me back on track. That is until about a month or so ago, then the knee started to not feel so good again, but I could manage it, with some days being better than others. After a miserable 4-mile run a week ago I had to face reality that something else might be going on.

So I went to see an orthopedist and she confirmed that it’s that pesky meniscus again. She’s pretty certain there’s a tear, but only an MRI will confirm it for sure. Then we can figure out the next steps – “We’ll get you running right again” she assured me. I liked that she’s a runner too – we chatted about running and racing – she gets it.

But for now I have to take a step back – she confirmed my suspicion that running the Newport 10-miler is not a good choice. We’re going to play wait and see on the RTR 5-miler.

Am I frustrated? Absolutely – I love that Newport course. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say part of me just wants to have a big ole pity party. But, I’m taking a long-term view…my goal race for this year is Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly…and my overall goal is to have a long-term relationship with running.

Moving forward1

The good news is  while I wait for my MRI, I can continue to do my strength workouts, cardio (hello Arc Trainer!), and short easy runs, (as long as there’s no pain).

So I do what I need to do now, so I can do what I want to do later.


May’s Ultimate Coffee Date

The Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s May! And I’m getting this month started by joining one of my favorite link-ups, The Ultimate Coffee Date. Thanks to Coco, Lynda and Deborah for hosting!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that the forecast is finally showing real signs of consistent spring weather, and I cannot wait to get into my garden this weekend and start planting. Despite the harsh winter, many of my plants look to be in better shape than I thought they would be, but I’ve still got a fair amount of work to do!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that while this week started off a bit hectic, that seeing my son start to feel better, a massage and spending the afternoon doing a little retail therapy with a friend helped to turn things around!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m actually looking forward to my appointment this week with the orthopedist, cause I need someone to help me get to the bottom of what’s going on with my left knee. Running continues to be a real challenge and I’m not feeling good about my two spring races.

fiveIf we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that believe it or not my blog turned 5 this past week! It’s really hard to believe that I have been running, and writing about it, for five years! I so appreciate all of you who have been hanging out with me during this ride 🙂

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? What have you got planned for this weekend?


Thursday Thoughts – Just a little randomness

Can you see FridayThis has been one crazy week…(and it’s not over yet!)

…the kind where you try to juggle work and a sick kiddo. My oldest son was hit with a virus on Saturday and was down and out until making it back to school on Wednesday.

…the kind where it’s 3:00 and you realize you forgot to eat lunch – happened more than once this week…not good!

…the kind where you finally get an appointment with a sports med doc, only to get caught in a crazy traffic jam and you have to reschedule (Found out later that the traffic was caused by a car fire…luckily no one was hurt!)

…the kind where you tear the house apart trying to find your sunglasses, only to then realize they’re on top of your head (Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s done this?!)

Yep it’s been an interesting week so far…but I have a massage scheduled for later today, so it’s all good 🙂

How’s your week going? Have you ever forgotten to eat?


I’m linking up today with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud.



April Runfessions

I feel like I say this at the end of every month, but seriously, where did April go!? Well, it’s the last Friday of the month so I’m linking up with Marcia again for another edition of Runfessions. Join us!


Runfession #1 – While I appreciate having the flexibility of running midday (thanks to working from home), I am clearly an early morning runner. As I returned to early morning runs this month, I really find I’m just much more settled during the rest of my day.

Runfession #2 — I cut both of my runs short this week thanks to some discomfort in my left knee. Truthfully, something didn’t feel good about half way through the BAA 5K and the knee hasn’t felt great ever since.

Runfession #3 — There are 44 days until the Newport 10 miler and I am not where I want to be…sigh.

Runfession #4 — On the good side, I’m still rocking the plank challenge and my strength days at the gym are my favorite days of the week!

So tell me, what’s your Runfession? What’s your preferred time of day to run?


BAA 5K – A Family Tradition


BAA 5K BibsOn Saturday, my husband J, our oldest son and I were up and out early to run the BAA 5K. This was our 2nd year all running together (my 3rd time overall) – it’s quickly becoming a fun family tradition!

Just like last year, it was perfect running weather, as we gathered with 10,000 of our closest friends. Yes 10,000 runners for a 5K. So to say it was crazy crowded would be an understatement.

Courtesy of the Boston Herald

Courtesy of the Boston Herald

With so many runners, the BAA is still trying to find the best way to get everyone to the start line – especially a challenge when the winners are crossing the start/finish line within 15 minutes of starting! Last year volunteers had to quickly move corral barriers to get runners moving as the elites closed in on the finish. So this time around, they had us line up along Beacon Street and split the start/finish line so the elites had a clear path. There was also a pulse start. Once again, we were still shuffling to the start when the elites came in, but at least we got to see them this time!

Group shot

What I love about this race is the vibe – there’s just a great feel about it. People just seem to be having a really good time, high-fiving and encouraging each other on the turn-around; there were lots of kids running with parents, and overall the crowd support along the course was awesome. Since my son had done absolutely no running beyond sprints for basketball and lacrosse, and one trip to the track with me, we decided to try a run/walk approach. We talked about doing set intervals, but in the end we just kind of did whatever we needed to when we needed to – which worked just fine. With our names on our bibs, I loved all the shout-outs my son got and it was really fun to see him enjoying the whole experience. I’m really proud of the effort he put in!

Running down Boylston St definitely brought a range of emotions that I still find hard to put into words two years later. It’s always something to watch people’s reactions to crossing over the Marathon famous finish line. Soon came the final turn back onto Charles Street and the finish line. Getting our medals, post race food and race shirts was easy-breezy,  and we took some time to hang out on the Commons and enjoy the atmosphere before heading off to grab breakfast.

Despite the crowd, this is becoming a family favorite and I think my youngest son finally wants to give it a try next year. Let the family tradition continue!


Friday Five: Favorite Running Brands

Happy Friday All!

My goodness these weeks are flying by! I’m looking forward to a busy weekend with the family, with lots of gardening/yard work, lacrosse games and running the BAA 5k! But first, I’m joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for this week’s #FridayFive link-up as we dish about some of our favorite brands.

Fave graphic

Athleta — I have shared my love of Athleta clothes on many occasions in the past, so it should come as no surprise that they make this list! From great running clothes to figure flattering bathing suits, they have it all. I just got their latest catalog and let’s just say I need to hide my wallet!

Zensah — Long run recovery always includes some time in my Zensah sleeves – their calf sleeves are a must have for me!

Mizuno — Now I do have to say that I have much love and a long history with Saucony/Kinvaras. That being said, I do find that ever since I received a pair of #WaveRider18 to review back in October, they have become a my go-to shoes of late.

Koss Fit Series — Music is a big part of my workouts and my Koss FitClips are great ear buds – their lightweight, sweat-resistant and don’t fall out – win!

Vitamix — Yes perhaps an unusual choice as a “running brand” but the smoothies I can make with it makes my Vitamix a key part of my recovery.

So tell me what are some brands you’re loving right now?

Be sure to check out the link-up, you may find a new brand to try!
