August Runfessions

I’ve missed the past couple of Runfession Fridays, but I’m happy to be linking up with Marcia today! Time to cleanse my sweaty soul. Who’s in?


Runfession #1 – My running is stressing me out! While I am thrilled to be running again, both my progress and my pace are slow and I’m feeling like the calendar is my enemy – 63 days til RnR Philly.

Runfession #2 —  The recent killer humidity (like 97%) has pushed me off the early morning run bandwagon and back into the gym. Everyone has their breaking point and 97% by 6 a.m. is mine!

Runfession #3 — The gym has been uber-quite lately and I must admit I miss the gym crazies.

Runfession #4 — I mentioned the other day how much I’m enjoying my new FitBit, but I have to say I’m a little horrified at my low step count on non-running days. With my hectic work schedule of late, I am clearly sitting in front of my computer far too much.  Nothing like those little glowing numbers staring you in the face for some extra motivation – must.move.more.

OK – now it’s your turn. What are your runfessions?


Lovin’/Not Lovin’ – Summer Edition

I realized the other day that I haven’t done one of these types of posts since the spring so now seemed like a good time to share some of my fave…and not fave…things at the moment.


Brooks hatBrooks Running Hat — I received this hat as part of an awesome #TrainingRockBox that Rock ‘n’ Roll and their sponsors sent out to all of the Rock’n’Blog team – and it’s become an instant fave. I don’t think this picture does the hat justice – it’s a cute mix of purples and blues and has great mesh venting on the sides and even a zipper pocket!

LarabarLarabar Apple Pie — Apples, nuts, spiced with a little cinnamon – what’s not to love? Especially in these little bites.



FitBit Charge HR — I got a FitBit for my birthday and have been having a lot of fun playing with it these past couple of weeks. (I may do a full review after I’ve had a chance to wear it for a while.)

ZealotsSaucony Zealot ISOsBack in June I mentioned that I was going to give these shoes a try – and so far I’ve been really happy with them. As promised, the Zealot ISOs are light weight and have a similar ride to the Kinvara, but with much more cushioning – which my legs seem to appreciate lately.

Not Lovin’

Forerunner 10 — My Forerunner woes continue – It still seems to take forever to find a signal, and now it’s new glitch is the auto pause – it stays paused well after I’ve made it pass a traffic light…and the other day, it paused on its own. Needless to say, I’ve turned the function off. Back to customer support…

So tell me – what are you lovin’ lately?


Thursday Thoughts – Summer Mode

Summer mode continues in full effect around these parts. I’m clearly not adhering to any set posting schedule, and right now, I’m ok with that. So as I sit here kicking back on my deck, I’m sharing a few more Thursday Thoughts.

I’m happy to say that our family unit is now back in tact – my oldest is home from camp and so far peace reigns among the brothers 😉

Source: Trip Advisor

Photo Courtesy of Trip Advisor

Time away is good for the soul…especially when there’s some beach time involved. Wish we could have stayed longer!

We came home just in time for another bout of heat and humidity. I’m trying hard not to whine about it… so I’ll just say, I’m done!

I love to read, but am surprised to say that this is the first summer that I’ve not been plowing through books. Time to get back to my books. I’ve been debating Harper Lee’s new book, Go Set A Watchmen…but I loved To Kill A Mockingbird and don’t know if I’m ready to have my memory of those characters changed.

So, any good book suggestions? Have you been able to get away this summer?

Linking up again with Amanda for #ThinkingOutLoud Thursdays Thinking-Out-Loud2


Thursday Thoughts v6

Nope, I have not dropped off the face of the earth…I have been knee-deep in prepping for two major events for my job this weekend. My schedule lately has left me with many thoughts circulating in my head but nothing cohesive. So much randomness, so little time….so here come some Thursday Thoughts…

….I am giddy that my oldest son is coming home from camp tomorrow! What’s been so sweet is watching my youngest count down these final days. Let’s home this brotherly love holds on after they’re both back under one roof!

….I’ve recently discovered that Real Housewives of NY really helps to pass the time on the treadmill. Honestly, it’s a bit addictive (file this one under guilty pleasure)

Danielle Chips…. And speaking of addictive, my new fave snack addiction are Danielle pineapple chips. I love, love, love pineapple and these chips are way too tasty. I may need an intervention!

…. I’m Cape Cod bound this weekend, and while there will be some work involved, I am really looking forward to finally getting some beach time with the family 🙂

I’m linking up again with Amanda from Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud Thursdays. Thinking-Out-Loud2

By the way, Amanda recently posted a recipe for flourless white chocolate blueberry muffins that looks amazing – can’t wait to make them!

What’s your latest snack addiction? Guilty TV pleasure?


86 days….



86 days until the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly half…

Yes I counted.

86 days to see if I can get back to running double digits….

It’s been a while since I’ve seen 10 or higher staring back at me from my Garmin.

86 days to see if PT, strength work, bargaining, praying…oh yeah and running can get me to the starting line.

But I am making a promise…no a commitment… to myself to do everything that I can to get there.

I’m linking up with Deb for Wednesday Word – Be sure to stop by and see what others have to say about Commitment.rp_WednesdayWordScrabbleButton.jpg



August Ultimate Coffee Date


The Ultimate Coffee Date

Hello August!

We are flying through the summer! And, while I’m over the heat & humidity combo – especially after this morning’s run/slog, I am looking forward to soaking up all I can of these last couple of weeks!

I’m starting the month off by joining The Ultimate Coffee Date, hosted by Coco, Lynda and Deborah. It’s always a fun link-up! So grab a mug – I’m sticking with an iced coffee from Dunkin’ – and join us 🙂

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that while it’s been a good summer so far, I still have a lot left on my “summer bucket list.” I haven’t even made it to the beach yet, though we’re hoping to fix that with a little family time on the Cape once my son comes home from camp.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that we’re in the middle of a whirlwind of family birthday celebrations – my youngest just turned 10 this past week and my oldest and I both have birthdays coming up this week. My hubs J’s birthday is a couple weeks later.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that running is leaving me feeling a little meh lately – climbing out of the valley of injury is both a slow and tedious trek…and yes I know that the recent wave of humidity is not helping at all. But, I do have to say that I’m loving my PT and his team and am grateful for the pain-free runs!

EnduroPacks2If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that this month I’ll be trying out EnduroPacks, which is a 4-step vitamin & mineral replacement system for endurance athletes. The very nice folks over at EnduroPacks offered me a trial a couple of months ago, but I was in the middle of my MRI/What’s wrong with my knee? madness so I decided to hold off until now.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve got to run to get ready for a family party this afternoon to celebrate my mother’s retirement!

So tell me, what’s left on your summer bucket list?


Journal Menu Review & Giveaway

Journal Menu provided me with a Running Journal in exchange for a product review.  As always, all opinions are my own. 

I’ve shared here many times that I am a bit a planner obsessed – using my planner is a key part of my morning routine, helping me to stay on top of a busy family schedule, work, to do’s and long-term goals. When I first started running I use to track my workouts and progress in my planner, but it quickly became too much and I switched to using a separate training log. I like having one place dedicated to my running, and I’ve kept a training journal for each of the last 4 years. So when Erica from Journal Menu reached out to me and offered me a customized journal, there was no way I could turn her down!


Well, let me just come right out and say that there’s so much to love about this running journal! There are sections for:

  • goal planning
  • sample training plans and space for your training plans
  • race planning and reviews
  • pace charts
  • interval training
  • personal records
  • inspirational quotes throughout, and
  • the daily entry covers everything from food journal, weather, pace, mileage and notes

Best of all is the level of customization Journal Menu provides – you pick the cover art, the pages to be included and the tracking template. Journal Menu also offers journals for yoga, triathlons, general fitness and a running/crossfit hybrid. Each journal is unique – you build it the way you want it. Seriously, what’s not to love!?

After spending these past couple of months working my way back from injury, this journal’s already got me dreaming big for next year!

So how’s you like the chance to create your own customized journal? Thanks to Journal Menu one lucky RWA reader will win their very own customized running journal!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!


Alternative treatments help keep me running

I’m linking up once again with Erika, April & Patty for Tuesdays on the Run. This week’s topic is one that I have always found really interesting – alternative treatments for running injury/injury prevention.

AcupunctureOver the past couple of years, I have turned to both acupuncture and chiropractic treatment at various times to deal with different nagging issues. Long before I started running, I’d been a big fan of acupuncture ever since it helped me deal with what were once debilitating migraines. So when I first encountered some knee/ITB issues I quickly turned to acupuncture and had great success with it. Which, of course, begs the question, why stop? Sadly, my talented acupuncturist moved his practice out of state and I just haven’t found a replacement.

I’m also a huge fan of massage, especially when I’m actively training for a race and my mileage is high (for me). I find sport massage helps to both keep my legs feeling good and aids my recovery. I would love to go on a regular basis….hmmm maybe I need to buy some lottery tickets 😉

Obviously, I’m not a doctor nor do I have a medical background – I can only say what works for me.

Have you tried any alternative treatments? What works for you?




My Mom the Runner

I recently saw this fun questionnaire on both Angela‘s and Sue’s  blogs giving a kid’s perspective on life with a mother runner. I thought it would be fun to play along and luckily my youngest son was game (Son #1 continues to enjoy life at sleep-away camp!)

level of crazy

1. What does mom eat before a run?

“I don’t know cause I don’t see you before your runs…maybe a protein bar?” No, but a good guess.

2. How far does mom run everyday?

“20 – 26 miles.” — Seriously who does he think I am?!

3. What was mom’s favorite race?

“The B.A.A. Half.” — He clearly doesn’t remember that I was injured going into this race and limped my way through it.

4. Why do you think your mom runs?

“Just to run!” — That made me laugh!

5. What injuries has mom had from running?

“Not sure…a knee injury or something.” — I like the “or something.”

6. Do you like going to mom’s races?

“Yes cause it’s fun to cheer you on!” — Aww, best answer!

7. Have you learned anything from having a mom who runs?

“Not that much…well maybe something about running.”– hmmm…

8. Does having a mom who runs make you want to run?

“Yep makes me want to run with you, but I don’t want to race.” — Interesting since he’s been talking about running a 5K?!

9. What’s your least favorite thing about having a mom who runs?

“That you run too much!” — Well sure he thinks I run too much, he also thinks I run 20 miles a day!

10. Do you think you’ll run when you are your mom’s age? And how old do you think your mom is?

“I don’t think I’ll be running at 48, but I think I’ll be playing in a men’s lacrosse league like dad.” — I knew he’d get the age right…I also could have guessed the rest of his answer. I live in a lax-obsessed household!


Physical Therapy Update – Slow and Steady

I had another challenging session at Marathon Physical Therapy today. I don’t really know what I was expecting when I started, but these sessions are tough – full of shaky-leg-inducing exercises. Turns out my left leg is just full of surprises! Not only are we working on my hip strength and limited ankle dorsiflexion, but we’re also trying to correct a stuck fibula head! As my PT explained it, the fibula head tracking is directly related to the the limited ankle range of motion, the hip instability, and tight ITB – yep I’m developing a much better understanding of the whole kinetic chain.

What’s interesting to me is that I have no discomfort when walking or doing any other cardio activity – just running. But the good news is that I’m making steady progress and I have been able to continue to run.

I do want to get a better handle on figuring out what’s happening when I run. So next up – a gait analysis. One of the reasons I wanted to work with Marathon was because of the great range of sports medicine services they offer. I’ll get to work with one of their running coaches, along with my PT to analyze my gait and figure out what in my mechanics and approach to training I can improve upon so I don’t end up heading down this road again.
