Well I’ve been sitting with this news for a few days …now it’s time to share. My fall racing season is not going to happen as I’m headed for surgery next Tuesday.
Remember how I thought it would be a simple fix to treat my iron deficiency brought on by crazy irregular and heavy periods with some supplements and rest and be on my way? Well after still feeling crappy, still no running and more tests, it seems the source of my problem are fibroids. I’ve had them since my early thirties (or at least that was the first time they were detected) and, like many women who have them, I wouldn’t have known they were there if someone didn’t tell me. But now those little buggers have turned into trouble-makers and really must vacate the premises.
So I sat in my doctor’s office the other day and tried to hold it together as I listened to my doctor walk me through everything…and I’ve got to be honest one of my first thoughts was “But what about my race in Philly? I was suppose to go to Vegas! What do you mean surgery…recovery…which means no running?!” Perhaps not rational, but it is where I went first.
So the simple fix just got a little more complicated. But there is a light at the end of this tunnel – the tunnel’s just a little longer than I had hoped. How quickly I recover is really up to me – the key is to get moving quickly, build on it every day, and be smart enough to know when to rest. I had lunch with a good friend who’s already been through this and she was really encouraging about how much better I’ll feel once I’m on the other side of this. Light at the end of the tunnel, right?